RCNews Sept 16
Birthdays:  September 16, Lavona Peters Suppes, Qui Quach, Elizabeth Ohmes, Pam Baldwin David; September 17, Ashley Taylor, Anthony Taylor, Jennifer Betz; September 18, Linda Bittel, Pat Keener, Cindy Wierman Dwight Eisenhour, Carolyn Schadel, Rhett Dodd; September 19, Bill Lovitt, Barbara Baus, Jeff Butler, Mikaela Brackney; September 20, Trina Casey, Carol Barnes, Kamryn Anderson; September 21, Phil Wiesner, Jamie Sewell; September 22, Lisa Irvin Collings.
Anniversaries:  September 16, Kirby and Joy Petz; Allen and Donna Hill; September 17, Bryan and Michelle Yohe; September 18, Wendell and Gladys Hinman; September 19, Ron and Ruth Crawshaw; September 21, Ron and Kathy Casey, Grayson and Vickie Hampton; September 22, James and Billie Slemp.
Please remember to bring your donated baked items, miscellaneous items, jams, jellies etc. to the Community Garage sale in the Community Building September 18 beginning at 8 a.m. All items are appreciated.  The Beautification committee said the trees will be planted September 25. 
The Garage sales will be Saturday, September 18 beginning at 8:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The sales will be held by Dave Libberton at the former grade school; Lorraine Ryan, City Building; Joann Micheli at 512 Jefferson; Carol Weber at 212 Ash; Pat Derr at 212 W Locust; Rose Diehl at Smoky Hill Antique Store on Main Street; Debbie Gaunt/Charmaine Wolfe at 111 E Locust; Marlene Funk /Arlene Gilbert at 510 W Ash. Vendors at the City Building are Tupperware; Amway; Pampered Chef; Mark Kay Cosmetics; Mc Beautification Committee; Entertaining at Home and Scentsy Candles. Lunch will be available at the City Building. Everyone is welcome.
The Norton Middle School volleyball teams played in Ellis on Thursday afternoon. Those attending were Betty Greenway, Allen and Donna Hill, Ruth Crawshaw, Bill Greenway, Michael Greenway, William Greenway, Jessica Casey, Jeff and Billie Crawshaw. Stephanie Greenway is a member of the 8th grade Ellis team. Paula Greenway is coach for the Ellis Railroaders. Kayla Tacha, Marcia Tacha and Shirley Higgins were also in attendance. Nicole Tacha is a member of the 8th grade Norton team. Norton won.
Johnny Mac Showalter and Diane McFarren attended grandparent’s day in ElDorado where they ate breakfast with Riann Showalter. They hurried back to LaCrosse where they attended grandparent’s day with Havyn and Shalia Showalter. Some other grandparents in attendance were Lee Allen Showalter, Barbara Baus, Tony Harp, Velma Legleiter, Janet Herdman, Cheryl Werth, Bob House, Virginia Evans, Babe and Arlene Gilbert, Don and Dena Irvin.
Congratulations Kelly McNair (Arky’s daughter-in-law) who got her first Cow-Elk bow hunting last weekend. This is the first time in her five years of hunting that she was successful.
A baby girl was born to Skyler Jones and Miriam Hecker, July 27, 2010. Her name is Jessica Lynn.
Chancler Petz, girlfriend Kaylynn, Delores Petz and Maddie Petz were seen eating at Boondocks Sunday noon.
Choir singers are wanted for the Christmas Cantata to be presented December 5 at the Hope Lutheran Church in Rush Center at 2:00 p.m.; Peace Lutheran Church at Albert at 4:30. Practices are every Tuesday beginning October 7 at 7:00 p.m. at the Hope Lutheran Church in Rush Center.  Contact Carolyn Daubert at 785.387.2593 or Peggy Highfill at 785.222.3475.
Roger & Norma McNair spent several days with her sister and husband, Ruth Ann & Howard Sissel in Ponca City, Oklahoma.  During their visit, they toured the Marland Estate Mansion, known as “The Palace on the Prairie”, in Ponca City.  In 1928, after 3 years of building by over 100 construction workers, most of them from European Countries, Mr. Marland moved into the “Palace”.  He founded the Marland Oil Company which later merged with the Continential Oil and Transportation Company (CONOCO), today known as Conoco Phillips.  The McNair’s would highly recommend that everyone take a trip to visit this fantastic place.
Also during this time with the Sissel’s, Norma & Ruth Ann’s mother, Marjorie Sloan, also of Ponca City, had several wonderful days of visiting with Marjorie’s sister, Carol Brown of McPherson, Kansas, who was staying in Marjorie’s home.  The entire family shared many meals together and had a great time of visitation.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 10 from 2-6 for a fun-filled Octoberfest to be held at the McCracken City Park in McCracken.  Details later. There will be Mass at St. Mary’s Catholic Church on Saturday, September 18, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. with Father Kraus presiding.
Please attend all the garage sales on Saturday, September 18 in McCracken.  Besides individual garage sales there will be venders at the City Building.
When we were at the Brownell picnic we met young Adam Weeks who is an artist who features Kansas symbols – meadowlark, buffalo, sunflowers and other Kansas scenes.  Check out his work at adamweeks96@aol.com   Adam is home schooled.  
McCracken Main Street Literary Society met Tuesday, September 7 at McCracken City Library for their organizational meeting.  This will be our seventh year.  Our esteemed leader, Tomi Rues, has turned over the reins to Susan Rebel.  Those attending were Thayne Jones, Roger McNair, Ruth Crawshaw, Shirley Higgins, Carolyn Thompson, Suzanne Randa, Susan Rebel and Tomi Rues.  The meetings will be held each Tuesday until mid-December.  Everyone is welcome to attend. 
McCracken History Notes
September 1910
R. E. Skinner of Towner, Colorado, came here Monday and will remain for some time.  He is the son of Prof. Skinner, principal of our public schools.  He will be employed at Wilson and Ward’s.
A watermelon social will be held at the Methodist parsonage Saturday evening.
September 1940
There are 71 enrolled in the high school and 94 in the grade school for this term.
Alberta Ree is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Davenport and attending high school.
September 1960
Jane Gaschler won a Ford Falcon station wagon recently in a drawing held by the American legion at Duncan, Oklahoma.  Jane will attend State Teachers College in Emporia this fall.
Schoenchen High School dropped football for the 1960 school season.
September 1980
The Mustangs will open their season against Quivira Heights on Friday.  Team members are Shawn McKinney, Wade Hinman, Jeff McCormick, Kevin Rourke, Chris Jones, Chad Herdman, Doug Elias, Jeff Scheuerman, Neal Jacobs, Mike Stull, Gary Barnes, Randy Conrad, Richard Wittman, Hung Pham and Kenny Hughes.  Coaches are Bill McKinney and Mark Miller.

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