RCNews Sept 15
A McCracken Swimming Pool fund raiser will be Saturday, September 17, 2011 at the McCracken Community Building beginning at 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. The committee will serve a baked potato bar; pulled pork, desserts, tea and coffee.
A couples golf tournament will be held at the McCracken Golf Course Saturday, September 17 beginning at 8:30. It will be pot luck. Bring a dish and enjoy a great day of golf before winter begins.
Tim McGuigan, 61, was found dead at his home in east Wichita Wednesday morning. It was ruled a homicide. He was the son of John and Cecilia Lovitt McGuigan. Funeral services were held Monday at St. Aquinas Church in Wichita. Those attending services were Bill, Sharon and Teresa Lovitt, Shirley, Jerry, and Chuck Higgins.
Ellen Kershner is a substitute teacher at the Bazine Grade School.
A memorial has been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Phyllis Dooley from Lorraine Ryan.
McKaylee Day is another member of the LaCrosse kindergarten class with McCracken connections.
Neal, Amy and Tessa Jacobs, Jaden and Jenna Jacobs were Labor Day weekend guests of Priscella Jacobs.
Sue Knoebber Coffman is coaching her 21st year of volleyball this year. She coaches the Andover Trojans and their record is 385-268. Her overall record is 469-298.
Thursdays will be our new meeting day weekly at the McCracken Library for the Main Street Literary Society. Six attended on Sept 7th, Susan, Carolyn, Arline, Ruth, Shirley and Sandra; gossip, watermelon and books were discussed with lively abandon. Please join us On Sept 15th at 7:00 p.m. Susan 785-222-3766
Bryan and Lisa Davis and family were Labor Day weekend guests of his parents, Bruce and Sue Davis.
Keep watching for the ad in the county paper for the Octoberfest to be held in McCracken. There will be fun and games for all ages. A HUGE auction is planned for the event. Keep your eyes on the Rush County News for the ad and all the particulars.
Bruce and Sue Davis are sodding their front yard with fescue. It looks wonderful but what a lot of work!
Thanks to Fr. Kraus for saying mass at St. Marys Church Saturday evening for their 125th anniversary. Those helping make this event successful were Marge, Nicole and Jason Moran; Paul and Pam Pavlu; Jean Schutte; Wilfrid and Twila Higgins; Marge Elias, Bet and Jeanette McCormick and Deanna Bergquist.
Birthdays: September 15, Mark Reinhardt, Sheila Brown, Colby Stull; September 16, Lavona Suppes, Qui Quach, Pam David, Elizabeth Ohmes; September 17, Ashley Taylor, Anthony Taylor, Jennifer Betz; September 18, Linda Bittel, Pat Keener, Cindy Wierman, Dwight Eisenhour, Carolyn Schadel, Rhett Dodd; September 19, Bill Lovitt, Barbara Baus, Jeff Butler, Mikaela Brackney; September 20, Trina Casey, Carol Barnes, Kamryn Anderson; September 21, Phil Wiesner, Jamie Sewell.
Anniveraries: September 16, Kirby and Joy Petz, Allan and Donna Hill; September 17, Bryan and Michelle Yohe; September 18, Wendell and Gladys Hinman; September 19, Ron and Ruth Crawshaw; September 21, Ron and Cathy Casey, Grayson and Vickie Hampton.
Congratulations to Barbara Baus and her 80th birthday and to Bill and Barbara Baus on their 60th wedding anniversary.
Congratulations to St. Michael's Catholic Church, LaCrosse, on their 100th anniversary which will be celebrated on Sunday, September 18.
Roy Conrad is at Hays Med where he is recovering from a stroke. He is vital to our community. Get well soon, Roy, we depend on you.
Ellsworth Varsity Volleyball team won first place in their home tournament on Saturday. Susan Keith is assistant coach. After the tournament, Mike, Susan and Shannon Keith, Aubrey Hawke and Carolyn Thompson attended the Salina Community Theatre's production of The King and I. The actors/singers, orchestra and costumes were superb. It is on through September 25.
Last Tuesday, Ellis Volleyball teams won all their matches against Trego in WaKeeney. Paula Greenway is the head coach.
Glenn Conner is now in Swing Bed at Rush County Memorial Hospital in LaCrosse for therapy and recovery. He will then be released to return home. Friends are welcome to visit him or they can call the hospital to get up-dated on his status. He would enjoy your cards
The 150th anniversary of Kansas will feature a parade in Wichita on Saturday, October 8.
Lynn Kochenower and Bert Jacobs, Hays, were in Pittsburg, Kansas, for the weekend for the marriage of Lynn's nephew, Justin Hobbs and Kaleigh Gorentz at Memorial Auditorium in Pittsburg.
Kansas History Notes
In 1890 Professor Francis Huntington Snow was named Chancellor of Kansas State University. He began his work in the University in 1866.
The land agents of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad held a meeting in Topeka to mark the close of the great land selling enterprise, which was carried on for nearly twenty years. The system by which millions of acres passed from the hands of the Government, and of a corporation, into the possession and ownership of individuals, with scarcely a trace of friction, was a business miracle. The Kansas Division, Union Pacific, was the only railroad company having any portion of its original grant for sale.
McCracken History Notes
September 1911
Dr. Brownell, who has been a resident of McCracken for the last twelve years, coming here from Michigan where he had practiced his professsion, has decided to locate at Enterprise, Kansas.
September 1941
Mrs. Jobe Swisher is helping out at Henry Barber's during threshing.
There are 15 students in the first and second grades this year with 8 in the first grade. They are Wayne Higgins, Carol Rose Wheat, Petz Rixon, James Rixon, Phyllis Rein, Dight House, Keith Funk and Donald Curtis. Miss Mary Collins, teacher.
September 1961
The McCracken Mustangs eleven strong will open their football schedule Friday meeting Burdett on the Burdett field. The McCracken team, under Coach Glen Smith, boasts six lettermen: Seniors, Bill Green, Dwight Eisenhour, Dennis Walker; juniors, Terry Herdman, Martin Higgins and sophomore, Elmer Baus. Other squad members are Jerry Richolson, Reggie Irvin, Stephen Anderson, Jimmy Brown and Tony Harp. Mustang schedule: Burdett, Bazine, Bison, Odin and Zook.
September 1981
The Mustangs will kick off their football season on Friday against Wilson. Team members are Mike Stull, Sean Miller, Mark Brackney, John Moran, Richard Wittman, Neal Jacobs, Gary Barnes, Jeff Scheuerman, Doug Elias, Shawn McKinney, Chris Jones, Chad Herdman and Jim Hopkins.