September 13
Would anyone believe that the price of wheat at this date (Monday) would be $7.56 a bushel?
Shirley Higgins met her cousin Tom Lovitt of Seattle Saturday afternoon in Hutchinson.  His wife, Polly, was in Emporia with her college friends.
Thanks to Mrs. Ethel Lock, Ulysses, for sending us some obituaries.  We appreciate her time in doing this for us.
Katelyn Morgan, Nicole Ryan and Kayla Irvin are members of the LaCrosse High School volleyball team.  Angela Morgan is a junior varsity member.
The Walnut Creek Extension District is holding a meeting Tuesday, September 25, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Building in McCracken about planting spring flowering bulbs.  You need to pre-register by Monday, September 24, (800-460-9079).  There must be 8 registrations for the meeting to be held.  On the agenda is bulb types, fertilization, planting, maintenance, insects & diseases etc. etc.  Please bring your questions.  For more information please call David Coltrain at 1-800-560-9079,
Hooves of Heaven Saline River Trail Ride:  September 22nd and 23rd 2007.  Saturday’s ride starts at l:00 p.m., Sunday’s ride starts at 10:00 a.m.  It begins 6 miles north of Wakeeney on Highway 283, then 3 ? miles west on Country Road 422 to the provided campground area.  (Signs will be posted)  NO STALLIONS are allowed on Trail Ride!  For information contact Jim Weigel -- 743-6496 – Gary Hollandworth – 743-5597 – John Weigel – 769-6001 – Chuck Mattke – 769-3413.  Donations Welcome!!  Please NO LITTERING!  Saline River Trail ride and the landowners are not responsible for accidents, pursuant to KSA 60-4001-60-4004
Ray, Laura and Cindy Wierman were weekend guest of Francis and Roberta Wierman.  Sunday afternoon they visited Alverna Humburg at LaCrosse.  On Monday, Francis, Roberta and James Wierman attended the parade and Veterans Ceremony at Brownell.  Francis and James received World War 11 memorial pins and rode in the parade with the veterans.
Our thanks to Father David Kraus who said Mass at St. Mary’s on the Feast of the Birth of Mary on Saturday September 8.  In 1886 this date was the founding of St. Mary’s Catholic Church then located 5 miles southwest of McCracken. Those helping with the mass were Laura Linsey and Francis Casey, Rosary; Jim Schafer and Roy Conrad, servers; Bet McCormick and Francis Wierman, collection; Francis and Roberta Wierman gifts; Michele Moran, music; DeAnna Berquist, lector and Eucharistic minister and Carolyn Thompson,  Eucharistic minister.
Our best wishes to Basilia Vieyra, Hutchinson, who celebrated her 99th birthday September 9.  She is the mother of Benny Viegra of LaCrosse.  The family had a dinner at the Anchor Inn to celebrate.
Donna Engel, Hill City and Wilma and Allen Ross came Sunday to celebrate Jim Schafer’s birthday.
Ruth Yawger, granddaughter, Deb Luft, Wichita, spent the weekend with her and Deb’s aunt, Judy and Uncle Al Hugh at Hays. 
McCracken History Notes
September 1887
Henry Embre of Hampton brought two hundred bushels of fine soft wheat to LaCrosse Friday and sold it to Mr. Quade.
Married September 1, 1887, Mr. Horace L. Williams and Miss Carrie Darr.
September 1907
John VanSeyoc, Osborne, arrived here and will take a position in Farwell’s, Cliff Anderson resigning to go to school.
William Grumbein and Miss Mable Thompson were married last Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson of Ness County.  The attendants were Miss Grace Ryan and Mr. Guy Ryan.
September 1937
Football makes a grand entrance at the high school.  These men, all members of last year’s squad are Orville Durand, Marion Foster, Patrick Higgins, Vincent Higgins, Beverly Irvin, Claude Irvin, Wesley Irvin, Willard Mills, Raymond Murphy, Leonard Sweeney, Fred Foster, David Hunt, Francis Klee and Raymond Mills.  George Myers is new on the squad this year coming from Hoisington.  Freshman are; Junior McCaskey, Edward Thompson, Adam Conrad, Oliver Herdman, Lester Higgins, Leslie Kueffer, Cecil Mills, Maynard Swisher, Kenneth Showalter, Junior Donecker, Duane Phillips, Leo Schaumburg, Melvin Metz, Warren Thompson and Clyde Hinman.  LaVerne Fletcher is the manager.  New outfits are expected.  Lucille Elmore was re-elected as cheer leader, Benny McCaskey, Edward Thompson and Leonore Ramsey were the new members chosen.
Mrs. Sylvester Carman, 69, died in LaCrosse on August 24, 1937.  Interment was at Nickel Cemetery.
Miss Alvina Zordel, Brownell, has purchased the Vanity Fair Beauty Shop from Miss Ada Pearl North.
September 1947
Norlin’s Grocery has installed a new 12 ft. meat case.  A new vegetable case has been purchased but not yet delivered.
Lester Juvenal recently was discharged from the navy.
Births:  Paul Moran to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Moran of  Nekoma; Stephen Anderson to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Anderson and Kenneth Lloyd to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mills.  Happy 60th.
September 1957
McCracken women who played golf at Ransom Saturday were Emma Mae Anderson, Katherine Ryan, Margaret Buxton and Ruby VanWinkle.  Lunch was served at the home of Mrs. Bertha Horchem.
The McCracken Mustangs will have six-ball football wars this season.  The twelve man squad faces Burdett there Friday evening.  Members are James Hanson, Norman Pfannenstiel, Perry Irvin, Gary Walker, Furlen Irvin, Allen Showalter, Harold Herdman, Bob Peters, Robert Rein, Franklin Littler, Leroy Herdman and Lennie Higgins.
James A. Sultzer, 77, son of the late Mrs. W. B. Sultzer died September 17, 1957, at his home in San Bernardino, California.
September 1967
Head football coach Gerald Barnes has 12 returning letterman for the football season.  They are Dennis Elias, Doug Whitis, Rich Higgins, Lance Morgan, Kirby Wendler, Bill Wetzel, Richard Showalter, Russell Peters, Bobby Foster, Floyd Norlin, Kent Bible and Jerry Schutte.  Other squad members are Tommy Tomlinson, David Halbleib, Donnie Schuckman, Tim Brown, Vic Parsons, Buddy Barker, Rodney Taylor, Ken Foster, Jerry Tomlinson, Gary Boese, Bryan Seltman and Dick Klaus.  Trainers are David Davenport and Howard Higgins.
Those attending Ft. Hays are Penny and Linda Irvin, Karen and Sarah Casey, Debbie Rogers, Elaine Wetzel, Terry Peters, Daryl North and Johnny Muller.
September 1977
Donald and Larry Buster returned home recently from a two weeks trip to the Northwest Territory of Canada.
First and second grade members are Malena Rogers, Jason Moran, Michael Hays, David Moran, Lisa Newman, Krista Dome, Brian Walker, Lynnette Harp, Kelly Petz, Bruce Barnes, Donnie Wittman and Melissa Morgan.
September 1987
The McCracken Athenian Club celebrated their 50th anniversary on September 13.  Charter members who rode their float in the Centennial parade were Margaret Buxton, Katharen Rodeman, Esther Spomer, Ruth VanWinkle, Wanda Sears and Ruth Yawger.
 Charlotte Fluharty, Joyce Hunter, Drewie McGaughey and Carolyn Thompson went to Dodge City Thursday to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Constitution of the United States of America with other members of the NSDAR.
 September 1997
The Dairy Bar, built by Francis Wierman and formerly operated by Mary Ann Moran was torn down by owner, Willard Justice, Sunday and burned by the McCracken Fire Department.
Kindergarten students from McCracken at LaCrosse Elementary are Brian Legleiter, Chelsey Oborny and Elizabeth Pfeifer.
Laura Casey is now employed at Kids Corner in LaCrosse.

©2007, McCracken Alumni Association
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