RCNews Sept 10
The McCracken Alumni made donations to the American Legion, Golf Club, McCracken Library, McCracken Museum, Santa Claus & Alumni Web Site.
There will be a Pampered Chef Open House at the McCracken Golden Agers Senior Center, Sunday September 13 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. You can save on stoneware and metal bake ware. There is no limit on what you may purchase.
A Labor Day community pot luck supper was held at the building of Bruce & Sue Davis in downtown McCracken Sunday evening. Those attending were Bruce & Sue Davis, Brian & Lisa Davis and family, Les & Rose Diehl, Mary Dunn, Mary McCormick, Priscilla Jacobs, Babe & Arlene Gilbert, Addie Mills, Arky & Diana McNair, Charlotte Ochs, Roy & Phyllis Conrad, Joann Micheli, Shirley Higgins, Judy & Al Hugh, Carolyn Thompson, Galen Allen, Sean Peters, Sandra Jacobs, Tony Harp, Wilfrid & Twila Higgins, Tony & Tomi Rues & family, Ellen, Clayton & Addie Kershner, Caitland Gabel, Eric Servin, Deb Gaunt, Bob & Charmaine Wolfe, Ron & Cathy Casey & family, Mike Conner, Shelly Derr, Les & Sheryl Rogers, Chuck & Cheryl Lamer, Robbie McGaughey, Travis Watson and a buddy, Bob House, Norene Fletcher, Ray Smith, Roxene Kaltenbaugh, Roger & Norma McNair, Arline Rues, Thayne & Machree Jones, Amanda Showalter & family, Dustin & Lisa Day & family,Travis & Ava North, Cory Molloy, Ashley Honeyman & Tristan, Allen & Cheryl Werth, Johnny Mac Showalter, Bill & Susan Benkleman. Bill and Susan of drove by looking for the 50th anniversary party held for Babe & Arlene Gilbert and Bob & Marlene Funk. . .they were an day late, it was held Saturday evening.
Eli Morgan celebrated his 1st birthday twice this week; Saturday evening in LaCrosse with his grandmother Christy Dirks and Sunday evening in McCracken with grandparents Layne & Kerri Morgan. Family and friends attended both parties.
John Zeller and his grandson Haydn Legleiter celebrated their birthdays at the Community Center Saturday evening with family.
A memorial has been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Beverly Irvin from Golden Belt Telephone Association.
LaVern S. Fletcher, 87, died September 1, 2009 at Great Bend. He was born in Rush County on September 30, 1921 to Edward James and Lucy Gilmore Fletcher. He was a 1939 graduate of McCracken High School. He married Rachel May Schutte on October 1, 1943, in McCracken. She died January 29, 1995. He was a lifetime resident and a farmer and stockman. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge and the Eagles. Survivors include daughters, Norene Fletcher and Roxene Kaltenbaugh, son-in-law, Tony Kaltenbaugh and grandson, Kain Kaltenbaugh, a sister, June Bible Bell. Memorial services were held at the United Methodist Church in McCracken with Rev. David Bolz officiating.
Betty Fear left August 9 to go to Mariana, Arkansas. She picked up her sister, Bay Edgin and her friend Joyce Goodson. They went to Van Cleave, Mississippi to visit their sister-in-law, Jo McNair. Betty returned by way of Iola and visited Lynn and Gary Riley for two days before arriving home on August 25.
Patty Earl has renewed her membership in the Jail/Museum and given a donation. A donation has also been received from Helen Irvin Goering.
Graveside services were held for Gene Keady of Goddard on Tuesday afternoon conducted by his sons Doug and Rich. The West-Burch American Legion Post #59 gave a 21 gun salute and sounded taps at the services. Our sympathy to the family.
It was nice to see Sonja and Joe Conner. Joe mentioned that he teaches with Sally Caubles sister. Sally comes to our rodeo each year as she represents us on the State School Board.
Marty and Tina Mills visited with Bob and Della Miller, Brookville, on Sunday. They went shopping in Salina.
The St. Marys Heritage Association committee wishes to thank all those who came to the mass on Saturday. Frances Casey and Rosie Schadel led the Rosary before mass. Father Rene was here to say the mass. Kate Showalter was the organist and the choir included Bill Lovitt, Arline Rues, Michele Moran and Janice Showalter. Josh Moran and Emma Showalter were the servers. DeAnna Bergquist lectured. Bet and Jeanette McCormick took up the gifts and those who took up the collection were Bet McCormick, Bob Fear and Roy Conrad. Carolyn Thompson and Phyllis Conrad were Eucharist ministers. A special thanks to Twila Higgins for the fall flower arrangements and to Roy Conrad, Marge Moran and Twila Higgins for preparing for mass with the help of the Sacristan, Jim Schaffer.
Addie Mills had an eye appointment in Hays on Wednesday and also visited with Jack Klee.
Marty and Tina Mills celebrated their 30th anniversary with dinner at Montana Mikes on Wednesday. Addie brought them a 30th anniversary cake that evening.
McCracken History Notes
September 1909
The hot blast which prevailed here two or three days the fore part of last week put the fixins to the corn prospects.
Brother Dutton has enlarged his McCracken Enterprise to a seven column paper.
The little city of Alexander did itself proud in its celebration held Wednesday. The picnic was held in a shady grove north of town and a fine program was carried out.
September 1919
E. W. Shiney, Ralph Elmore and Harley Ryan went to Goodland to a ceremonial session of the Shriners.
Warren Kite gave airplane rides in his Curtis plane on Wednesday. Harry Tancks pasture was used for a landing field. One of those making the flight was W. B. Sultzer, a Civil War veteran of 76 years.
September 1939
There are forty-one enrolled in the Brownell High School this year. So far there has been perfect attendance with the exception of Francis Zeller, who stayed out last week to run the Standard truck for his brother, Joe, who received an arm injury when he fell from the truck.
The post office front is being painted and the old awning removed. Good for Uncle Sam!!
Young Mr. Lincoln will be here Friday, Saturday and Sunday of next week at the Garden Theatre. Milburn Stone will act as Stephen Douglas. He is well known here as he played with Art Names stock company.
September 1959
School enrollment for McCracken is 45 in High School, the highest since 1942 and 101 in Grade School. At Alexander there are 38 in High School, 70 in Grade School.
Beginners who enrolled in the first grade at the McCracken School this years included Kirby Donald Petz, Johnny Mac Showalter, Anita Jo Zeller, Peter Mark Derr, Kenneth Albert Foster, Calvin Victor Parsons, Joy Etta North, Jennifer Lee Gaschler, Stephen Randy McFarren, Kimberly Ann Elmore, Jacqueline Joan Peck, Cheryl Ann Casey, Louise Ann Rourke, Sharon Jane McRill and Lee Allen Showalter.
September 1979
The McCracken Grade football team opened with Otis-Bison and won 36-20. Team members are Gary Barnes, Shawn McKinney, Jeff Scheuerman, Chad Herdman, Mark Brackney, Jim Hopkins, Jay Brack, Terry Showalter, John Moran, Kenny Hughes, Richard Wittman, Sean Miller and Todd Walsh Davis. Waterboys are Kris Bromlow, Chris Casey and Kevin Rixon. Coach is Bob Bearley.
The McCracken womens golf tournament was held at the golf course. Championship flight was won by Twila Higgins. Sonja Conner won third in the first flight, Vivian Beeman was first and Cheryl Lamer third in the second flight. Twila Higgins also won closest to the pin and longest drive.