RCNews September 7
A memorial has been given to the McCracken Public Library in memory of Anthony Hergenreder from Mary Hergenreder.
The LaCrosse volleyball girls opened their season Tuesday with a triangular meet at Hays. Kayla Irvin, Katlyn Morgan and Nicole Ryan are members of the team. Sheila Brown is the manager.
Gina and Paula Corte spent Labor Day weekend in McCracken. Saturday evening they joined Francis and Julia Zeller for supper at the McCracken Café.
A memorial has been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Dan Conner from Cathie Ryan Shapiro.
Sonny and Betty Dykes, Kinsley, spent Labor Day weekend in McCracken.
Shirley Higgins and Carolyn Thompson attended the Middle School volleyball triangular meet in Ellis Thursday afternoon. Ellis placed 1st, Norton 2nd and Hill City 3rd. Lindsey Tacha is an 8th grade member of the Norton Bluejays; Alesha Brenner is an 8th grade member of Ellis.
Lorraine Ryan returned home on Friday from visiting her Aunt Sarah in Missouri.
Joann Kranz Benteman visited with Pat Derr Saturday evening.
Cameron Horesky accompanied Jacob Deutsch and his parents to the K-State Illinois State football in Manhattan Saturday evening.
Our sympathy to Valerie Mills and her family on the death of her father, John Steinbrook, who died the last of August. No details are available at this time.
Lorraine Ryan has given a donation to the McCracken Alumni web site.
Arlene Rues, Les and Rose Diehl, Ron, Cathie, Alex, Catherine and John Casey spent Labor Day week end in McCracken.
A new author (to me) that Ive enjoyed reading is Jodi Picoult. Ive read My Sisters Keeper and Vanishing Acts, both very good.
Dont forget the Fall Fling Bridal Show that will be held at St. Michaels Parish Hall in
LaCrosse, Sunday, September 10 at 2:00 p.m.
Chuck and Shari Pollard of Monrovia, Calif. are renewing members of the Jail/Museum.
The recently sent a picture that features Neal relatives. They were the daughters of Martha Ryan Neal -- Truie Neal Jones, Florence Neal Metz and Hester Neal Yawger.
A 120th anniversary mass of St. Mary's Catholic Church will be held on Saturday September 30, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. at McCracken. Father David Kraus will officiate.
St. Mary's parish was begun on September 8, 1886. "The dedication of the new Catholic Church of Ness County (Templeton P. O.) will take place on Wednesday, September 8, 1886 at 9:30 a.m. All people of Ness City, Ness County and surrounding counties are cordially invited. Rev. W. Bitter "
Roy Jensen has donated a stone post rock he found on the Hicks ranch to the Jail/Museum. It says G. H, September 14, 1910. We think these are the initials of George Hicks.
McCracken History Notes
September 1906
William Ryan is now city marshal, Tom Neal having resigned. George Stock resigned as foreman of the coal chutes and Horace Anderson was appointed.
September 1936
Mae Meehan is teaching at the Arnold school.
Those attending the McCracken first grade are Beverly VanWinkle, Robert Woods, Beverly Moses, James Higgins, Joan Ryan, Bobby Wharton, Donald Tadlock, Uberta Warta, Phyllis Cheney, Johnnie Elmore, Bobby House, Donna Lee Leonhart and Roy Saunders.
September 1946
Rev. L. W. Robbins, who had been at McCracken for the past eight years, has been assigned to the U. B. church at Crandall. Taking his place at the McCracken church will be Rev. G. V. Regenos. His wife and daughter Janice will move here from Bourbon, Ind. He is a graduate of the United Brethren Indiana Central and a seminary graduate.
Mrs. Ione Jennings married Mr. Ivan Sundberg at Detroit, Mich., August 30. Mrs. Sundberg is remembered as Miss Ione Miller, a graduate of McCracken high school and a teacher in district no. 60.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy McLaughlin have moved into the H. S. Bryant residence property in west McCracken.
September 1956
There are 1,383 students enrolled in the county with 32 new teachers.
Bill Lovitt and Malcolm Washaliski will attend Hutchinson Junior College.
An open house was held Saturday honoring Mr. and Mrs. C. W. (Bud) Foster's 40th wedding anniversary at their home in Brownell. Sixty-five guests came to congratulate the couple.
September 1966
Vicky Irvin left for Pratt to assume her duties as county home economics agent for Pratt county.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moran have purchased the Huxol property in the east part of town and will move here from LaCrosse after completing repair work.
September 1976
Bill and Barbara Baus celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on September 5 with an open house at First Lutheran Church in LaCrosse.
Mr. and Mrs. James Seltman celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Sunday at Cedar Bluff.
Mrs. Fannie Davenport celebrated her 90th birthday September 11 with an open house at her home.
September 1986
Enrollment at USD 395 is 393.
Custodians and bus drivers for the McCracken - Bazine route are Oliver Herdman and Mary McCormick.
St. Mary's Catholic Church celebrated its 100th anniversary beginning with a Mass at the original site, 5 miles southwest of town on Saturday
September 1996
Father Eugene Kenny began semi-retirement at McCracken. He had company also, his cousin Mary Kenny and her husband Ernie Mitchell from Florida. Father had been pastor of St. Mary's from August 1, 1972 until October 1975.
Bryan Bergquist has been promoted to Manager of the mill for Land O'Lakes in Sheldon, Iowa.