RC News Aug 31

Phyllis Higgins attended the 5th birthday party for her grandson, Sam Hurt, in Kansas City this past weekend.  Others attending were his parents, Ron and Sabrina Hurt, Sarena Higgins, Max and Judy Hurt, Pat and Kathy Hurt.
Congratulations to Bill Zeller on his new job as rural water district #1 meter reader.
Congratulations to Kyle and Michelle Smith on the birth of a daughter, Hannah Kylee, born July 6, 2006 in Wichita.  Hannah was born two months early weighing just 3lb 3 ozs.  She and her mother are both now at home and doing well.  Darrell and Lenora Higgins Keil are grandparents; great-grandmother is June Higgins.
Kevin Anderson is our new EMT.  He has been ‘chosen’ to raise money for a new stretcher/cot for the McCracken Ambulance.  The cost is $4,500.  The McCracken Alumni has given a donation of $500. We are asking all our residents and former residents to please donate to this worthy cause.  Kevin will be sending out letters and contacting you personally for your donations.  Please be generous. You may send your donation to him at Box 233, McCracken, KS 67556
Members of the Sweden National Gymnastic team traveled to Sacramento in June and were hosted by Pozsar’s Gymnastics.  The girls worked out with the team, stayed with families and were taken on numerous sight seeing excursions including a trip to San Francisco and were treated to an all American pool and b-b-q party.  Before they went back to Sweden they traveled to southern California to see Hollywood and Disneyland. The first part of August, 7 gymnasts, 2 coaches and 2 parents traveled to Gothenburg, Sweden to train for two weeks with the Sweden team.  They were hosted by the gymnast’s families who Lauren said were so gracious.  They lived with the Sweden families for 2 weeks and sampled Swedish life.  Lauren’s review was “this place is great!!”  She said the food was wonderful, her host family was so much fun, the gym was nice and the country was beautiful.  They did a lot of sight seeing and one day took a ferry to Denmark.  The trip home was just as memorable as the team was scheduled on one of the flights from London that was to be the “test run” for the terrorist plot. Security was very intense (5 layers of it) and she made history by being one of the passengers that had to travel with only a ticket coupon, passport and wallet (thoroughly searched) in a clear plastic bag as this was all they could carry on the flight with them.  It was a long 10 and a half hour flight into San Francisco. Needless to say all of their families waiting on them finally could breathe again when the plane touched down. Lauren is the daughter of Martin and Cathie Ryan Shapiro, granddaughter of Lorraine Ryan.
Shaili Showalter, daughter of Jason Showalter and Jessica Berg celebrated her 1st birthday on Saturday, August 26 at the LaCrosse City Park.  Guests attending were her sister Havyn Showalter; Maddyson & Melissa Berg; Chuck, Shelly, Josh & Charlie Nelson; Diane McFarren; Amanda Showalter, Rianne, Kyson and Terren; Grandma and Grandpa Batman, Brian & Cindy Batman.
Jamie Dewitt, Mason and Hunter, were guests of her mother this past week, Roger and Norma McNair.
McCracken would like to thank Golden Belt Telephone Association and Aaron McGaughey for the use of the back hoe at the swimming pool. 
Hoisington High School girl’s volleyball team participated in the Smoky Valley MCAA Pre-Season volleyball tournament at Lindsborg on Saturday the 26th.  Schools entered were Smoky Valley, Ellinwood, Hoisington, Lyons, Marion, Nickerson, Sterling, Wichita Collegiate, Hesston, Hillsboro, Haven & Halstead.  Hoisington placed 2nd. In the championship pool Hoisington defeated Hesston 25-14, 25-17; Hoisington defeated Sterling 25-22, 25-23; Hillsboro defeated Hoisington 26-28, 25-12, 25-15.  Kyra Horesky is a member of the Hoisington team. Chuck and Jerry Higgins were two of the four referees.
Lisa Legleiter is a new face behind the cash register at the Food Pride grocery store in LaCrosse.   
Les and Rose Diehl stayed in McCracken this week end, they were on their way ‘home’ from Garden of the Gods in Colorado where Les attended meetings.
Lynnette Doornbos’s eyes are green with envy . . . Cheryl Werth has a brand new 2006 Pearl White Wide Glide cycle.  
Mitchell Jacobs painted the gas and diesel storage tanks over the week end at Charlie’s Service Station. His mother, Pris Jacobs was in Wichita visiting with Neal & Amy Jacobs and family.
Congratulations to Evelyn Higgins on her 90th birthday and to John Elmore on his 50th.
Jessica Casey and Kelsee Rogers are members of the Lady Bobcats of the Western Plains volleyball team. 
Congratulations to Anna Irvin who is now working part time at Central Bank & Trust in Hutchinson.
A color picture of Trace Brackney, son of Mark and Leigh Ann Brackney, was on the front page of Thursday's Hays Daily News.  Trace and his sister Mikaela are now attending Lincoln School in Hays due to the closing of the Munjor grade school.  They chose Lincoln because Leigh Ann served with AmeriCorps last year at Lincoln and she liked that it was a smaller school.
Cecilia Higgins and Danny, Hays, spent a week with Howard and Ruth Higgins in Kansas City, Mo.
Michelle Mays worked the American Idol Show at Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim Sunday night.  She was just thrilled to pieces.
A couple’s shower was held for Aaron McGaughey and Leslie Heindreck in Beloit on Saturday.  Some of those attending were Rob and Helena McGaughey and Ashley, Terry & Helen Showalter, Max & Michelle Heindrick, Mitchell Conner & Vikki Staab, Ty Elias & Crystal Hecker, Justin Frick & Alyssa Harrell, Eric & Hillary Wilhelm & Kristen.
Marjorie Wierman Linenberger of Dodge City sent this letter to us:
"For the past two years, I have enjoyed reading The Rush County News.  Thanks to two of my nieces for the gift.
 It's nice to read a newspaper where you can start and finish an article on the same page. In April 2006 I read where Francis and Julia Zeller were in Williamsburg, Kentucky and saw the candidate signs with names of Moses and Lovitt.
A friend of mine from Todd County (in Western Kentucky) sent me a newspaper (April 5, 2006) showing pictures of the tornado that hit in North Todd County.  Names in the paper were Walker, Davenport, Taylor, Wilson, Cole, Sweeney, Higgins, McCormick, Hampton, Foster, Anderson, Thompson, Brown, Turner, Barber, Smith and others.
There is also a McCracken County in Western Kentucky.
Interesting, isn't it?
 Marjorie Linenberger."
McCracken History Notes
August 1906
The publisher of this paper visited Rush Center last week for the first time.  The place is not large but the town has a faculty of doing things on a pretty big scale.  It entertains some very big picnic crowds and has an editor who publishes a pretty fair paper.  A good editor is much to a town and Kirch seems to be the whole push in Rush Center!
August 1936
George Donecker graduated from K.S.C. and is going to work for caterpillar in Peoria.
Jane Marak and Connie Fox were married at St. Mary's Cathedral on September 2.
August 1946
Miss Alice Foster, daughter of Mrs. Frank Foster will enter nurses training at Bell Memorial hospital in Kansas City on September 3.
Miss Bernita Klee has been employed to teach English and Literature in the Junior high school at WaKeeney.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Irvin have moved to town from the farm and are now at home in the residence they purchased of Mrs. Ada Juvenal.
August 1956
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Elmore who are the parents of a son born September 5, 1956 at Manhattan.  He has been named John Ralph.
August 1966
Jerry and Larry McCormick, sons of Mr. and Mrs. John McCormick, are serving with the armed forces in Viet Nam.
Pupils enrolled in the first grade include Tommy Rues, Danny Halbleib, Rosie Casey, Hope Johnson, Larry Buster, Ellen Davis, Mary Harp, Michelle Kershner and Cecilia Augustine.
August 1976
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Herdman and children returned home last Sunday from a two weeks trip to Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico.
August 1986
Congratulations to Wade and Tony Hinman, on the birth of a daughter, Coty Dawn, born August 6, 1986
August 1996
Anya Foss Graber has purchased the Beulah Ramsey house from Red and Betty Fear.
Congratulations to Kayla and John Tacha on the birth of a daughter on Tuesday, August 20. She has been named Nicole Ann.

©2006, McCracken Alumni Association
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