Aug 30
Memorials have been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Don Buster from Sally L. Buster; to Carl Bible from Carol Bible Decurgez.
Congratulations to Michael Sam and Jen Harp on the birth of a son, Dylan John, born August 22, 2007 in Cedar Rapids, Ia. He weighed 7lb 3oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. Grandparents are Shirley Harp, Hays and Tony Harp, McCracken.
Phyllis Higgins returned home this week from attending the wedding of her granddaughter, Sarah Wills to Kynn Knight, Houston. The wedding took place August 18, 2007 at Lake Tahoe. Family present was Paul, Cindy and Paloa Cannatella, Kelly Walker, Houston, TX; Katie, Marvin and Rachel Wills, Gatesville, TX; Ron, Sabrina and Sam Hurt, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Sarena Higgins, New Strawn, Ks.; Maddie Petz, Hutchinson, Sheryl McCaskey, Great Bend, Gerald and Edna Walker, Corning, Ia; Maurice Wills, Marvins sister, Marla & Joy, Phyllis and Jason.
Vics black lab would like to ask the dogs in town if they would please stay out of his territory, (our yard). He is in a pen and when outside of the pen he is tied up. Shouldnt/couldnt the rest of the town dogs be made to stay home????????
Diana McNair has begun working at Happy Hollow Designs, Bison, on a part time basis. Norma McNair is working at Duckwalls in LaCrosse; HOWEVER her beauty salon is still open. Please call in advance for appointments.
Megan Townsend is attending Wellesley College in Mass. It is a women's liberal arts school and about 10 minutes from MIT and 20 from Harvard. She can take classes at all three schools. Megan will also be playing softball. They have a fall and a spring season, so she'll be very busy. She is the daughter of Dan and Kim McCormick Townsend.
Good news!! Rex the blue healer has been found. He moseyed over to Dave Derrs farm. Rex thanks Dave for the good board and room.
Bruce, Ellen, Clayton, Clinton and Addie Kershner spent last weekend in Topeka. Rose Rues Diehl was their part time tour guide. They went to the Capitol, Arrowhead Stadium, attended a Royals baseball game and visited KMAJ 107.9 Radio Station. Rose even announced their names on the air.
Stacey Prosser was honored with a bridal shower at the Rush Center Senior Center this weekend. Many lovely gifts were received and many friends and relatives attended. Stacey is the bride elect of Trevor Steinert. Their wedding will be held in October.
Congratulations to Rob and Helena McGaughey on their 25th wedding anniversary.
Renewing members of the Jail/Museum are Thayne, Machree and Chris Jones.
Margaret L. Hilliard Robinson, 92, died August 21, 2007 in Shawnee, Okla. She was born May 21, 1915 in Kansas, the daughter of Albert Andrew and Orpha M. Miller Hilliard. She married Clifford G. Robinson on June 25, 1948. He died in 1983. Survivors are two sons, John A. Robinson, M.D., Shawnee, Okla. And Tom H. Robinson, Dallas, two grandchildren. Burial was held in Attica Cemetery, Attica. She was a past board member of First National Bank of Attica. In the McCracken History it states that Margaret Hilliard has been hired as the new vocal and instrumental music teacher for the fall of 1939.
LaVona Smith, Lake Villa, Illinois, was a Sunday afternoon visitor to McCracken. Her family is related to the Snodgrass family of McCracken. Her maiden name is McCracken. Our thanks to Austin McGaughey who brought her to Carolyns so that she could see the museum. They then went to the cemetery to see the Snodgrass graves.
Our thanks to Ron Crawshaw for mowing and making the cemetery look so nice. It is especially important when visitors and families go to visit.
Mass will be held at St. Marys Catholic Church on Saturday, September 8, at 4:00 p.m.
McCracken History Notes
August 1887
The potato crop this year is one of great value. The tuber now bring $1.00 per bushel.
There were 15 rattlesnakes discovered in one drove on the farm of Peter Metz.
F. P. Starrett, our new hardware man, is building a barn back of his place of business.
August 1907
Martha Wood Miller, died at her home in the southwest part of town. She was a sister of Mrs. J. W. Edwards of Hampton, who came with her family from Tennessee in 1871. She married David Miller in 1884. Burial was in the McCracken City Cemetery.
August 1937
Harley Tanck, Leo Marak, Frank McGaughey and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Prior of Wichita left for Wenatchee, Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Conrad returned home from Chicago Monday afternoon.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Moses a fine baby boy on Sunday, August 22, 1937.
August 1947
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McGaughey, Wenatchee, Wash., are visiting his sisters, Mrs. Dan Casey, Mrs. Pat Casey, Mrs. Wm. Wierman and Mrs. Pat McCormick and other relatives and friends.
Mrs. Romena Rush came from the Mother Bickerdyke home at Ellsworth Tuesday and will spend two months at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Scheideman have purchased the Noble Campbell residence property in McCracken and will take possession about October 1. The Campbells have purchased a home in Los Angeles, Calif.
August 1957
Mr. and Mrs. Joe White and family moved into the Healy property. Mr. White is the new coach for MHS.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle G. Dugan on the birth of a son, Michael Lyle, born September 4, 1957, in Wichita.
August 1967
McCracken Cookie League team which finished second attended the Kansas City Athletics-New York Yankees game on August 6 and a Senators game on August 13. Players were Don Irvin, Bob Foster, Ed Swartz, Kenny Foster, John Showalter, Dave Davenport, Jim Rein, Myron Schuckman, John Brack, Lonnie Irvin, Doug Whitis and Dennis Elias. Drivers were Bob Peters, Harold Herdman and manager, Jim Schafer. The Cookie Leaguers are looking forward to the 1968 season because they will be suited in identical suits as the Kansas City As, kelly green and gold.
All banks must use a code number beginning September 1 ordered by the Federal Reserve System.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Grimsley have moved into the Frances Zeller property. She will teach the 5th grade and he will attend Fort Hays.
August 1977
The State Farm slo-pitch won the Rush County championship. Team members are David Rogers, John Elmore, Dan Conner, Mike Conner, Dave Davenport, Jim Rein, Glenn Ryan, Daryl Casey, Robbie McGaughey, Ronnie Randa, Jerry Higgins, Mark McCormick, Steve Foreman, Mike Armstrong, Doug Higgins and Chuck Higgins.
Mr. and Raymond Mills and Joy attended the 49th Fighters Squadron Reunion at Amana, Iowa last week.
August 1987
A cattle penning contest, sheep and steer riding contest for children will be held Saturday and Sunday at the new Mustang rodeo arena.
John Stull won a Brownell belt buckle and Joyce Hunter an oil painting of Brownell at their Centennial.
Brenda and Gary Barnes were awarded St. Mary of the Plains alumni academic scholarships. John Moran received the Sister Torline scholarship.
August 1997
Kirby and Joy Petz went to Topeka with John Zeller, Melanie Urban and girls last Saturday to attend the ZZ Top concert at Sandstone. They stayed with Les and Rosie Diehl. Rosie took Kirby backstage to meet the performers.
Sonnys Tavern softball team played in the Fun Valley Softball Tournament in Hutchinson. They placed eighth out of seventy-eight team. Players are Brett Gilbert, Brian Yohe, Donnie Dreher, Dave Wilson, Chris Irvin, Chad Irvin, Dave Augustine, Ryan Boomer Bornhold, Kevin Randa, Brandy Robers, B. Newberg, Ronnie Seltman and R. Sauer.