RCNews Aug 28
 Sherrina and her family (husband Mario, sons Lorenzo 8 and Christian 6) visited her dad, Dennis Peters in Plano, Texas from June 19th until August 17th.  Mario had to go back on July 6th for work.  They all ‘motored’ to Kansas where they visited with family and friends. Some of the things they did:  They went to the Mesquite Rodeo where they all enjoyed watching the little 5 and 6 year olds on the lamb ride; to Lake Texoma with friend and did wave runners and tubing; the boys went to YMCA camp for 2 weeks (really helps with their English) and did lots of eating out and playing in the park.
My little buddy, Mason Dewitt tells me I need to give a more detailed explanation on what his cousins; Taylor, Tyler and Michael did while they visited with his nana, Norma McNair.  I don’t know for sure but I think they went bowling, rode horses, went swimming, roller skating, golfing, mowed yards, rode bicycles and that’s about all.  They were only here for a week-end. 
A benefit fried chicken dinner will be held September 14th for the family of Pat and Jackie Casey.  Please mark this on your calendars.
Neil Lipton received a stainless leg brace in Hays this past week.
Kellye and Sandy Irvin were guests of Jeff and Julie McCormick in Hutchinson this past weekend.
Robert Tilford wrote a letter to Vickie Schroeder about the McCracken Post Office.  He received a letter back from Mark A. Kerschen.  The letter was in regards about considering a Community Post Office (CPO) in McCracken.  Mr. Kerschen said this would be an option that he can explore if repairs are not made to the current facility; however, he must first give the lessor an opportunity to correct the deficiencies before other alternatives can be considered.  In order to establish a CPO the postal people would do a requirements package and send to those interested in bidding a CPO.  (A copy of this letter is at the McCracken Library if anyone wishes to read it in its entirety)
Zoie, Cooper and Conner Barriger, Pratt, niece and nephews of Bailey Morgan were guests this weekend of Bailey, Allen and Caden. 
Congratulations to Mitchell Conner and Nikki Staab on their engagement.  A September 20, 2008 outdoor wedding is planned at the Glenn Conner farm in McCracken.
I sent a letter to State Farm Insurance in LaCrosse, August 15th; it took a week and two days to arrive.
Our hearts are saddened by the death of Danielle Poland.
Rob McGaughey had heart surgery this past week at Hays Medical Center.
Marge Moran had surgery at Hutchinson on Thursday. 
Please keep all the sick in the area in your thoughts.  They would enjoy a card.
Gerald Crotinger ran across an article and picture in a scrapbook this week. The picture was taken 62 years ago and published on the front cover of the Kansas Farmer Magazine.  It featured his sister Dorothy (Graham), Gerald and their dog Twinkle.  K-State Experiment Station people were at their place doing fly control with DDT for range cattle management.  A photographer was there and took the picture.  This is the article from the Rush County News:  Dorothy and Gerald Crotinger, children of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Crotinger are pictured on the cover of the August 3 issue of Kansas Farmer.  The children were playing in a hayrack of feed with their dog.  “You have to drive a long way to find two more charming children than Dorothy and Gerald Crotinger of Rush county.  They are typical of the wholesome youth found on the farm”.  Dorothy is 8 years old and Gerald 7.  The family lives near McCracken.  The picture and article will be placed at the Jail/Museum.
 Received by the museum is the minute book of the McCracken Library Board from January 31, 1936 to August 26, 1952.  In 1936 the members were Mrs. J. E. Scheideman, Mrs. L. A. Prowant, Mrs. Percy Grumbein, Mrs. A. S. Metz, J. P. Moran, Mrs. E. W. Shiney, Mrs. D. D. Hunt and Mrs. B. H. Yawger.  Officers in 1952 were Mrs. Esther Spomer, Mrs. Grace Metz, Mrs. Helen Van Winkle, Mrs. Pearl Yawger, Mrs. Anna Klema, 
 A folder was given to the museum regarding the Pride Steering Committee. Organizing members present were Donita Parsons, Pat Petz, Francis Wierman, Don Davis, Ellen Davis and Drewie McGaughey on February 2, 1977.  The meeting was held at the Davis Café.
Walter and Jeanette Rogers are renewing members of the Jail/Museum.  We now have more members than ever in our seven year history.  Our sincere thanks to everyone who supports us.  We welcome all new members.  The dues are $5.00 each.
Almost everyone we talk to says they were glued to the TV set the past two weeks because of the Olympics.  Now it is on to the conventions.
The fall crops look so good.  It is unusual to see lawns and pastures green this time of year.  The Rose of Sharon bushes are especially beautiful.  Red Fear reported 3.4 inches of rain on Monday morning.
Per your request in the RCN - a baby turkey is called a poult or chick.   This is from Reba Davenport Baker. 
McCracken History Notes
August 1908
Mrs. Names and Arthur will move to Lyons in about two weeks.  Miss Violet Names has a position in a drug store.
William Ryan died August 26, 1908.  He was born in Whitely County, Kentucky in 1832.  He married Sarah Stephens in 1885.  Burial was in the McCracken Cemetery.
August 1938
Ralph Thompson was severely burned when he poured gasoline on some weeds and trash he was burning thinking it was kerosene.
Katherine Higgins, Richard Ryan, Evelyn Plotner and Bob Higgins left Monday for a vacation trip to Colorado.
August 1948
Ben Jacobs has sold his interest in the K. T. Oil station here to Norval Brown of Brownell, who took charge of the business Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Scheideman and daughters, LuAnne and Karen left Sunday night on a vacation trip to Colorado Springs.
August 1958
Franz Stangl, 9 year old grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson, who had spent the summer here, left by plane for his home in Anchorage, Alaska.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Keener, Hays, on the birth of a son, Michael Allen, born August 31, 1958 in Hays.
August 1968
McCracken schools will have six new teachers this fall. Audrey McMullen, 7th grade; Meredith Rose, 6th grade; Louise Wendler, 2nd grade, Dudley Fryman, science and football; Judy Bales, English and Arline Rues, instrumental and vocal music.  Twila Higgins and Betty Casey will operate the lunch room, assisted by Lucille Reinhart.  Connie Schuckman will be half-time secretary of MHS and Lorraine Norlin will be secretary at the grade school.  Leonard Yost will maintain the McCracken School and Leo Yost at Alexander.
Church services will now be available to those attending every major state and federal reservoir including Cedar Bluff Dam.
August 1978
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Brackney and family have moved from Ness City to their home east of town.
Jerry Higgins has enrolled at Ft. Hays for the fall term.
August 1988
Wheat production in Kansas was down 13 percent from 1987.  This was the lowest production since 1981.
August 1998
Jeannie Smith was killed in a car accident August 18, 1998 near Lenora.  She was the daughter of Bob and Debra Rogers Smith, Lenora.  Chet and Joyce Rogers are her grandparents.
A breakfast will be held after Mass in the rectory basement for Father Kenny’s retirement.

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