Aug 23
A memorial has been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Ben McCaskey from Virginia McCaskey Barnes.
Shirley Higgins attended graveside services for Mildred Green at the Brownell Cemetery Wednesday morning.
Maurcie Klee is a patient at Neumann Hospital in Emporia. He is much improved at this time and expects to return home next week.
Marty and Tina Mills took 1stplace last Sunday evening in the United Rebel Sprint races in Oberlin. Ken Luetters of Ransom is the driver.
Can you believe wheat was $6.15 a bushel one day this past week?
LeeRoy Schuckman, Lisa and Penny and Esther Schuckman attended the wedding of Michelle Kirby, granddaughter of Norma Schuckman Kirby last Saturday in Texas.
Kayla Tacha, Nicole and Lindsey, Sophie Mills, and Kaylen Rossi joined Kyra Horesky, Brooke Zoller, Paige Cooper, Jamie and Jessica in Stockton Friday evening for the Taylor Swift and Jack Ingram concert.
Phillip Ochs, Salina, was here this weekend visiting his mother, Charlotte Ochs and sister, Arky and Diana McNair.
On Sunday, Aug. 12 Mary and Martin Higgins celebrated their 42nd wedding
anniversary by treating John and Melanie Zeller, McCracken, Rachel and Lance
Legleighter, Olathe, and Cyndi Yawger, Kansas City, to a lovely supper at
Trolley's in Overland Park. John and Melanie were in Olathe to see the
Legleighter's new home and to help out with a little "carpentry work." The
house is very cute and the kids will be very comfy there."
A happy 50th birthday to Sally Lou Buster on August 24.
John and Sherry Crotinger, Grangeville, Idaho, and Gerald Crotinger stopped by on Friday to pick up two copies of the McCracken History Books. They have been in the area visiting family and friends. Their aunt and uncle, Lucille and Harvey Moore live in Ness City. Harvey and Lucille have been married 74 years. They also visited Lucille Crotinger and Dorothy and Sam Graham in Kingman. John is the VFW State Commander of Idaho. He and Sherry were enroute to Kansas City, Missouri for the National Convention from August 18-23. Johns parents were Orville and Marge Crotinger. Marge later married Duane Burdett of Ness City. The family moved to Idaho in 1957 from LaCrosse. John was a Sophomore in high school when he moved. He served in Viet Nam in 1968.
We are not supposed to tell but Dorothy Crotinger Graham celebrated her 70th Birthday!!!
They had a special 70s era party for her.
Congratulations to Lance Irvin and Jessie Maseberg on their marriage on August 17, 2007, at the Fox Pavilion in Hays.
Bataan Death March survivor Dr. William Rush Brenner, Larned, related his experiences during WWII to a crowd of approximately 50 people in Otis on Monday night sponsored by the Otis Lions Club. Brenner arrived in the Philippines in November 1941 as a 28 year old flight surgeon. Pearl Harbor was bombed two weeks later and Brenner became a prisoner of war when Bataan surrendered to the Japanese in April 1942. He was a POW in the Philippines for one-and-a-half years before being shipped to Japan. He was a captive for two more years until the second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.
Dream Workshop was held Friday at the home of Shirley Higgins. Attending were Sister Joel Christoph, Great Bend; Carol Heinman and Kathleen Kuchar, Hays; Christine Wagner of Yocemento; Carolyn Thompson. They enjoyed a lovely lunch prepared by Shirley.
Marlene Akers has provided the Jail/Museum with genealogical information about her parents and brother, Richard and Helen Rein Akers and William Akers. Richard and Helen are buried in the McCracken City Cemetery.
Thayne and Machree Jones and Chris and Tess Jones were in Loveland for the Sculpture Show over the weekend. They also visited Thaynes sister.
A picture has been sent to the Jail/Museum from Juanita Kellerman of Garnett. Her father, E. C. Tyler of Sulphur Springs, Ark., was in the picture on the straw stack of the harvest crew. He was 20 years old. The picture was taken in July 1920. They were harvesting an 800 acre wheat field and plowing with an oil pull tractor pulling plows on the F. E. Littler farm, Rush County, near McCracken. An item in our history book states, A picture of the Littler harvest appeared in the July 23rd issue. He is using a tractor to do the work. He harvest 800 acres and will plow up 500 acres and ready the land for seeding. Another picture in the history book show shows Frank Littlers harvest crew with five new binders. Mrs. Kellerman works at the Anderson County Historical Society Museum located in an eight room large brick former school. Out front is the Jail from Westphalia. The Jail is 6 x 8 all of iron bars, with an iron bench and a hole in the iron floor, with iron roof. It is said the jail was frequently moved to a spot over a new hole (the toilet facility!) (Our jail had a special hole in the door to take the chamber pot in and out. No need to move the iron jail). Mr. Tyler was related to the families of Bailey, Bennett and White as well as Tyler. If you know of descendants of these families let Juanita know. Her address is 745 W. lst Avenue, Garnett, Kansas 66032-2627. I also have her phone number if someone needs it.
Brenda Spencer of the Kansas Historical Societys Barn Preservation Project was in the McCracken area on Sunday. She also pictured barns near Schoenchen and Bazine.
McCracken History Notes
August 1887
The G. A. R. Post was organized. Post Commander is G. A. Hovey; Chaplain, J. D. Younkin; V. C., Andrew Robertson; Surg., James Start; J.V.C., John Rixon; O. D., N. H. Hammersley; Adjt, J. G. Schupp; O. G., P. H. Huddleston; Q. M., Sylvester Elliott; S. M., S. E. Hall; Q.M.S., A. C. Farrington.
S. W. Dutton is one of our hard working practitioners and is getting quite a reputation for removing tape worm, have taken several this year over 50 feet long.
The ladies can vote next Tuesday. Of course, they will vote as their husbands think best.
August 1907
The residence of John Carson near Hargrave was entirely destroyed by fire last Friday afternoon. Nearly all the household goods were saved.
J. W. Coughenour, 54, died at his home in Downs, Kansas. He was born near Pittsburg, PA August 18, 1853. He married Miss Anna Schrock and two sons, Allan and Albert were born to this union. Anna died in 1883. He married Miss Emma Snodgrass in 1892; Clay, Lloyd and Lucile were born to this union. He moved to Downs five years ago.
August 1937
Helen VanWinkle and Irma Irvin were co-hostesses at a shower given for Mrs. Ted Brening at the home of Raleigh Irvin.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rein are the proud parents of a five pound girl born August 19, 1937, at the St. Anthony Hospital in Hays. She has been named Carol Faye.
August 1947
Gerald Whitis and family, who came here recently from Ohio, have moved into the Foster house on the north part of town.
Mr. and Mrs. James Birdsong and family are moving from Marquette to Council Grove. Mr. Birdsong having been transferred to that place.
When seventy former residents of Rush county met at Anaheim City Park in Anaheim, Calif. on Sunday, August 17, for a picnic, they had such a good time that they decided to do it regularly. The group will hold two picnics each year. Lloyd Olson, Riverside, Calif. is president and Lucile Robertson Teter, Long Beach, is secretary-treasurer.
August 1957
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Don Buster on the birth of a daughter, Sally Lou, born August 24, 1957 in Hays.
The women of the Methodist Church entertained in the church basement Thursday afternoon for a farewell courtesy for Mrs. Eunice Oller and her daughters, Lola and Carolyn who will leave September 1 to make their home in Hutchinson.
August 1967
Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne McCormick and family have moved here from Great Bend.
Barbara Stewart is the new second grade teacher for MGS.
The Cadette Scouts, Alicia Rues, Donna Davis, Roxanne Rogers and Debbie Derr toured Hutchinson from Thursday to Friday. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thompson.
August 1977
Mrs. C. W. Lamer 11, and baby daughter, Melissa, returned home Monday from the Ransom Hospital. She was born August 12.
Lynne Hinman has moved to Las Vegas, Nevada, where she is employed.
August 1987
Dana Bergquist and Mamie Rogers were members of the Middle School volleyball team and Troy Petz is a member of the football team. Shiloh Tomlinson is the manager. Mamie Rogers is a member of the drill team.
Treva Wilson is a member of the LaCrosse Lady Leopards volleyball team. Lynnette Harp plays for the Utica Dragons and Melissa Morgan the Bazine Indians.
August 1997
Mary Ann Moran and Jean Moran, Overland Park, were in San Francisco visiting with their sister, Rita and Carl Pumilia.
Bob Foster had an art show at Moss-Thorne Gallery at Rarick Hall, Fort Hays State University from August 13-26.