August 21, 2014 News
Birthdays: August 21, Angela Morgan, Ursula Butler; August 22, Riley Buster, Sara Dome, Dylan Harp; August 23, Laura Martin; August 24, Glenda Pfannenstiel, Derek Derr, Audra Bergquist, Madeline Rues, Sally Buster, Bryson Enslow; August 25, Jamie Casey, Kelli Casey, Brandon Grumbein, Marvin Wills; August 26,Chris Petz, Martin Pfannenstiel, Rodney Taylor, Freddie Taylor, Christi Conner, Gary Walker, Ava North; August 27, Grace Beisner.
Anniversaries: August 23, Diz and Wilma Washaliski; August 24, Chuck and Cheryl Lamer; August 27, Jesse and Jolene Showalter.
Scott Wittman and his sons, Ryan and Noah, Wiley, Colorado, stopped by to visit on Saturday, August 16. They had been to see Estelle and Allen Miller in WaKeeney. While in McCracken they stopped to see Roy and Phyllis Conrad where the boys enjoyed playing in the bird bath.
Kaira Miller Hayes was pictured in the Hays Daily News on Friday being greeted by FHSU President Mirta Martin. Kaira is a professor in the Psychology Department
David Ryan of Bluffdale, Utah and Eugene Paul Ryan, Scott City, were in town on Wednesday. They visited the library and Ruth Crawshaw directed them to the museum where Carolyn met with them and showed the extensive collection of Ryan research by the late Mildred Stout. They contacted Diana Stout Yates to obtain a copy of More Ryan Roots. David e-mailed an article about Paul Lloyd West for whom the West-Burch American Legion Post 59 is named. His first battle was at St. Mihiel. They then moved to a woods east of Beauchamp where he was part of the Battle of the Argonne. 400,000 soldiers participated. Paul died on September 27,1918 as a result of wounds received in battle on the 26th. He was wounded in the leg and abdomen. He was taken to an aid station but died in transit to the hospital.
Suzanne Randa obtained a postcard from E-Bay from Prescott, Arizona. It is a picture of the home of Jobe and Blanche Swisher and was a birthday greeting to Mrs. James Hardwick, RFD 1, McCracken, Kans, written on October 29, 1915. It reads, Dear Friend as I have no birthday card am sending a picture of our house wishing you many more happy birthdays. Lovingly, Job and Blanche.
The McCracken Main Street Literary Society met Wednesday night for a movie night at the home of Gary and Susan Rebel. They watched Monument Man and enjoyed popcorn and drinks. Those attending were Tomi Rues, Carolyn Thompson, Shirley Higgins and the hosts Gary and Susan. The McCracken Main Street Literary Society began their Fall book club at McCracken Public Library on Monday, August 18 at 7:00 P.M. The club will meet each Monday evening at the library. Everyone is welcome.
Audra Dale and Flynn Holland celebrated their wedding on the land behind Joann Michelis house in McCracken, KS on the evening of August 9, 2014. A reception/dinner was then held in the backyard of Joanns house. Friends and family members of the couple came to celebrate from Kansas, Colorado, California, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Texas, New York, Germany and France. Our families appreciate the following people for their assistance in making this event beautiful. Tony Harp for providing the bales for the ceremony. Joann Micheli for her gardening expertise and for allowing the use of her land and backyard for this event. Mark McCormick for helping to clear the land, run countless errands to keep the party going all while emotionally supporting the mother of the bride, allowing us to use his antique pickup before, during and after the ceremony. Lance McCormick for helping to clear the land. Rose and Les Diehl for opening their home to the Holland family and for providing emotional support to the mother of the bride, also assisting to get the tables/chairs back to Hays. Ron and Cathy Casey for opening their home to the Dale family. Layne and Kerri Morgan for allowing the attendants to stay at Hunters Hideaway. Nicole Ryan for picking up the tables and chairs and bringing them to Joanns house. Stephanie Greenway for life guarding at the pool rehearsal night. Lynette Harp Doornbos for life guarding at the pool rehearsal night and loaning her jean jacket to one of the attendants for the wedding. Jeff McCormick for allowing us to borrow his Bobcat to help clear the land and for letting us know where he had seen a claw foot tub. Susan and Bruce Davis for providing pies and ice for the reception/dinner and helping us to load the tables for safe return to Hays. Chuck Higgins for the claw foot tub. Debi Schuckman for being the most talented seamstress we have ever met and for allowing us to borrow countless props and items for the reception/dinner/wedding all while providing emotional support to the bride and mother of the bride. Steve Sloan for making gates for Joanns back yard and spraying the wedding and reception/dinner areas. Meredith and Bruce Winter for providing an antique gate for use during the wedding and for repairing outdoor outlets in Joanns back and front yards. Tony Rues for allowing us to use his vehicle/trailer to return the tables and chairs to Hays. District Magistrate Judge Dale Snyder for presiding over the ceremony. Although we have checked this list, we are sure that some people may have been overlooked and, if so, please know that our hearts and thoughts hold you dear. This event would not have been possible without all of the love and assistance that people so graciously gave, which proves that it truly does take a village.
The fence that Glenn Pfannenstiel and Don Doornbos built around the west side of the McCracken High School looks great!! It helps the looks of the school and hides stuff.
Thanks to whoever filled in the pot holes on the south side of the CSBank.
History Notes. August 1964
Tena Vogle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Vogle became the bride of Richard R. Barber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Barber, Brownell, August 8 at St. Marys Catholic in McCracken. Mrs. Al Rues sang accompanied by Mrs. Francis Pavlu organist. Mark and Kim McCormick were ring bearer and flower girl. Charlotte Fluharty and her daughter Joyce returned home following a vacation in Nebraska, the Black Hills and Colorado.
Lloyd and Hattie Conner spent several days with his aunt, Mrs. Grace Kiner, in Pueblo. Gerald and Madolyn Whitis are visiting their daughter, Phil and Judy Carver and family in Albuquerque, New Mexico.Paul Titus Grumbein, youngest son of Edwin and Clara Grumbein, died July 17, 1965 in Denver of a car accident. He leaves to mourn his wife Marlene and four daughters, Paula, Betty, Mary and Connie of the home. Interment was at Fort Logan National Cemetery, Denver.
Dean Gaschler pitched the Brownell Cookie League to a 2-1 victory over Lucas Friday night and the State K-18 State title. Bob Weeks led Brownell all season in both pitching and hitting. He racked up four no- hitters and batted .491. Other players are John Tillitson, Larry Weeks, Bill Squire, Rich and Doug Higgins, Kim Huxman, Leon Stegman, Leslie Davis,Tim Brown and Lee Squired. They were managed by Gale Squired assisted by Dick Walker and Don Weeks.