RCNews 8/20/09
May 1949: The formal opening of the Dugan Implement Company will be held Friday, May 6. A free dance and drawing will be held. Lyle and Leonard are the operators. (This is the building now owned by Bruce Davis).
Jeff Scheuerman and family moved to Fayetteville, Arkansas, in 2003, home of the University of Arkansas Razorbacks. He is currently working for Williams Tractor, a New Holland dealership. They sell everything from tractors, bobcats, mowers, weed eaters, construction equipment, to bush hogs. His wife of 21 years works part time for the school district and for an eye doctor. Jessica, his oldest daughter graduated in 2008 with honors, two softball state championships, two runner ups, and one runner up in volleyball. She made all conference in softball and started for two years on the volleyball team, made us very proud because Fayetteville is 7A class. She is currently going to Flint Hills Tech in Emporia, Kansas, studying graphic designs. She is living with Jeffs mom and working two part time jobs. Tatum, his youngest daughter graduated 2009 from Fayetteville High School, not exactly with honors but very graduated very beautifully!!!! She is starting classes at a Juco near by to see if she can handle college. She wants to work with animals. Tatum has worked part time job at a doggy day care for the past couple of years and really enjoys it and yes, Jeff said doggy day care. People will actually drop their dogs and cats off for a day just like they would their kids. His two girls are the complete opposite in so many was but I wouldn't trade them for anything. Fayetteville is about an 8 hour drive, it is very beautiful with the hills trees and lakes. He really enjoys it there!!
Rich and Linda Conrad and the dog spent a few days with his dad, Sylvester Conrad in the west end of town. They had to be in Kansas City this evening to pick up Mike from the plane as he is returning from a two week vacation hiking in Russia. He is with a group of kids on this tour. Hopefully he will get home sometime around 10:30 this evening from a 14 hour flight. Rich and Linda left Friday to spend some time with Rhonda and Neil Allen and family and visit Marilyn Hopper in Pretty Prairie, and head back to Kansas City to pick up Mike.
A picture of Cameron Horesky was in the August 12th edition of the Garden City Telegram. It was of him at practice making a pass reception. Their first game is at home against Cisco, Texas.
I was given a 1928 school picture of Thistle Grove students, a picture of the 1937 MHS girls basketball team and a picture of Lucille Elmore and Helen Irvin as co-captains. All these pictures will be posted on the McCracken Alumni web site.
Our sympathy to the family of Larry P. McCormick, 66, Joplin, Missouri who died Monday, July 20, 2009. He was born March 17, 1943 in Wichita to John P. and Armella Leiker McCormick. He married Dee McCormick on June 3, 1998. Survivors include his wife, son Shawn McCormick, daughter Kellie Gremling; step-son Eric Zachrison; step-daughter, Tami Persson; two brothers, Kenny McCormick and Dewayne McCormick; sister-in-law, Phyllis McCormick, six grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Linda and a brother, Jerry McCormick. Services were from the First Presbyterian Church.
Those who took the Greensburg tour were Carl and Velma Legleiter, Carolyn Thompson, Judy Hugh and Deb Luft.
Ryan Manes, Ellsworth, son of Clay and Susan Baldwin Manes, is a walk on at Kansas State University on the football team. He will be re-shirted this season, but he will warm up with the team.
Diana Unrein is the featured artist at the Bank of Hays during August. A reception was held for her on Friday, August 14. Diana is the wife of James Unrein. Diana and James and their three children life in Hays. Diana shares studio space with five local women artists at the Artists at Work Studio in downtown Hays (just south of Phillips Hardware building). Dianas oil paintings in the exhibit were portraits of women done in vivid colors. She is a native of Cyprus and received her Bachelors and Masters in Art from Fort Hays State University. Those attending the reception were Lorraine Ryan, Sharon Irvin, Shirley Higgins, Carolyn Thompson, Mike, Susan and Shannon Keith. Jan North had lunch with Lorraine, Sharon, Shirley and Carolyn at Thirstys.
Rob McGaughey had a heart cath on Thursday. He returned home on Friday.
McCracken History Notes
August 1899
A neighborhood feud,
A man who knows it all,
A few meddlesome old women
A few who know how to run the affairs of the county,
A grown man who laughs every time he says anything.
Pius Roser expects to move on the William Ryan place one-half mile north of town, having rented.
Wednesday morning a few miles west of Shields, the engineer saw what he supposed was a coat of bundle of clothing at the side of the track, but just as the engine reached the spot a man raised up and was immediately struck on the head by the foot board on the pilot. The train was stopped but the man was dead from the blow. It was learned that it was John Orin, who had worked for W. J. Wilson. W. J. Wilson, Al Start, Frank Start, Milt Shepherd and the young mans brother went out on the freight with a casket from here. He was buried about two miles from the place where he met his death. John was about eighteen or nineteen years old and was a stepson of John O. Neal who had lived near Hampton. His mother had died some time ago in Rooks County.
August 1909
The latest drink in Kansas is the Jackson Cocktail named for attorney general Fred Jackson, the man who had been so instrumental in enforcing the prohibitory law in this state. It is a drink which comes entirely within the law. It is made with three parts apple cider and one part Jamaica ginger. Two drinks will get a man funny and four will put him in the hay. The AG is anxious to find some way of stopping its sale.
The Missouri Pacific people have changed the name of the station west of LaCrosse from Mills to Hargrave.
August 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grate are moving into their new house which was recently completed.
G, W. Farwell is mowing into his new undertaking parlor this week. The building is 20 x 48.
August 1939
St. Marys Parish Picnic will be held northeast of McCracken in the Marak field on Tuesday. A ball game will be held at 1:30 between Antonio and McCracken. Garnis Doner, formerly of Hays but now of Salina, will be here with a ten piece orchestra for a dance in the evening. There will be all kinds of games and dinner at 5:00 with friend chicken and all the trimmings.
Tom Holden has had charge of the auto races at most of the County Fairs in Western Kansas. George Serpan ran Mr. Holdens racing car at Colby and won first in the free for all and a second on the elimination race.
August 1959
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith and family, Chetopa, have moved into the Janke house, formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Joe White. Mr. Smith is the new coach for the McCracken High School.
Mrs. Emmett Sloan and daughters, Ellsworth, were weekend guest at the home of Bessie Davis. Ruth and Norma remained for a longer visit.
August 1979
Diana Showalter won second in the Powder Puff division of the demolition derby held at LaCrosse.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Steve Anderson, a son, Shane Ward, August 9.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bearly, a son, Justin, August 2, in Ransom.