RCNews Aug 17
 Don and Dena attended a Sunday morning brunch hosted by Dave and Linda Woods for the class of 1971.  Twelve class members and their spouses attended:  Don and Dena Irvin, McCracken, Dave and Linda Woods, Rush Center, Dave and Ila Reynolds, Ingalls, Jay and Maureen Georg, Rush Center, Fred and Kathy Felder, Rush Center, Jim and Judy Sauer, Wichita, Brad and JoAnn Tuzicka, Wichita, Norman and Lou Legleiter, La Crosse, John and Sara Yost, Olathe, and Mark Dewald, Alexander.
Audrey and Chet Irvin spent the weekend with Grandma Dena and Grandpa Don Irvin while their parents, Chad and Amber Irvin, attended a Colorado Rockies game.
Joe Higgins went back East to pick up Cyndi last week then they went to DC to see
the Jimmy Buffett concert and spend a few days sight seeing.  While they
were there they went to the Viet Nam Memorial Wall.
Dorothy Crotinger Graham stopped by Friday and had a visit and lunch with Priscella & Mitch Jacobs.
Les and Sheryl Rogers, John and Sharon Irvin, Mike and Sharolyn Legleiter, Dave and Ruth Heffel and Chuck and Linda Becker enjoyed a week recently in Cancun.
Thank you to the anonymous person who left a nice box of books at the McCracken Library on Tuesday. 
Last week Friday Gladys & Wendell Hinman met Laura & Ray Wierman, Cindy& Jennifer;Jill & Joey Herschbach in Salina for lunch and then traveled on to Kansas City to help celebrate Coty & Zaccary Hinman's birthdays at  Wade & Tonya Hinman's home.  They also spent several days with Larry & Ellen Hinman, Cheryl & Sarah.  On Tuesday Zaccary and Sarah came home with Grandma & Grandpa H. to stay a few days until Wade Hinman came to the farm on the following Saturday to take them home and get ready for the new school year.
Vic and I appreciate all the cards that we received for our 50th wedding anniversary. 
Rita Brethowr spent several days visiting her parents, Francis and Roberta Wierman.
On Tuesday she went to Kansas City to visit her son, Mr. and Mrs. Shane Brethowr and family.
Gerald and Signe Barnes returned home this week after spending 10 days in Calgary with their daughter, Stuart and Brenda Clancy, Hailey and Harley.
Clarence Grumbein was in town on Monday.  He had a doctor's appointment in Hays and Dean McFarren rode along with him to Hays.  He brought some Tommie Holden posters with him for the Jail/Museum.  The posters were advertising the Lane County Free Fair at Dighton on Friday, August 6 (1954) featuring Tommie Holden's Thrill Drivers - World Champion daredevils -- stunting 1954 Plymouths.  His group was called the Motor Maniacs.  Tommie Holden owned and operated the Lubri-Gel plant in McCracken.  The posters were found in the Odd Fellows Lodge in Dighton, which has been closed.  Clarence is in charge of cleaning out the building.
Daryl, Linda and Eunice North spent last weekend in Bloomington, IL visiting Jeff and Jolene Showalter and families.
Our sincere thanks to all those who keep the cemeteries in the area in good shape.  Roy and Phyllis Conrad worked from 7:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. on Saturday at St. Mary's Cemetery.
Carolyn Thompson attended the Lubbers family reunion at the home of Steve and Jeanette Beougher on the family farm south of Grinnell.  Cousins, Tom and Kathy Kuebbing, Atlanta, were enroute to their new home in Oregon.  They were the honored guests. 
McCracken History Notes
August 1906 
We have the largest line of all price negligee shirts in Mohair and Soisette west of Salina at F. P. Starrett's.
August 1936
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yawger on Wednesday morning a girl.
August 1946
Dorothy and Gerald Crotinger, children of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Crotinger, were pictured on the cover of the August 3, 1046 issue of Kansas Farmer with their dog "Twinkle".
Twenty-nine residents of Rush county are receiving a total of $4,929.00 annually in old-age and survivors insurance payments.  Persons eligible include retired workers age 65 and over, their wives 65 and over and widows and orphans of wager earners who worked in employment covered by the Social Security Act.
August 1956
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Richardson, Emporia, moved last week into Mrs. Carl Grate's house in the west part of town.  Mr. Richardson is the new grade school principal.
Those who attended the rodeo at Phillipsburg Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ryan and Pat, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Eisenhour and family, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Herdman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Rogers and family, Bill Darkes, Paul Wilson and Jack Paul, M. M. Stephens, Harry Sultzer, Ed Hearity, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Plotner and Marilyn Higgins.
August 1966
Grade School teachers: Gerald Barnes will teach the 7th grade at Alexander.  He has taught at Aurora and Andover high school.  Carolynn Deever will teach the lst grade, Sonja Conner 6th grade, Laurel Evans, 8th grade.  High School teachers: Guy Conner, guidance counselor, Jeanette Meyer, English.
August 1976
A fire started by the Mo Pac Railroad on August 16 destroyed an unoccupied farm home, barn, three outbuilding and 200 acres of land belonging to Elmore Ryan.
Kindergarten students are Donnie Wittman, Brian Walker, Kelly Petz, Kenneth Huntley, Melissa Morgan, David Moran, Lynette Harp, Krista Dome and Bruce Barnes.
August 1986
According to Dennis Wilson, school superintendent, the USD No. 395 board voted to move the 6, 7 and 8th grades to McCracken for the 1986-87 school year.  This action will require the busing of K thru 5th grade elementary students from McCracken to LaCrosse.  Grades lst, 2nd and 5th and kindergarten will be at LaCrosse West.  Grades 3rd and 4th at Rush Center.
Claudia Williams and Tannis, Wichita, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barnes and attended the Higgins Reunion at the Legion Building in McCracken.
August 1996
McCracken Rodeo had a float at the WaKeeney Fair parade.  Those riding the pickup were Arlene Gilbert, Holly and Haily Gilbert, Mary Beth Prather, Pat Derr, Bob House and Jack Wilson.
Kristin Bemis represented McCracken Rodeo at the KPRA Finals at Liberal.
City Commssioner, Rodney Taylor, won his primary bid to the Rush County Commission.

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