August 16, 2012 News
Birthdays: August 16, Kari Groff, Ann Schutte, Tena Barber, Gary Anderson, Leslie Underwood, Silas Albers; August 17, Megan Janke, Howard Yost, Sharla Albers; August 18, Chuck Lamer; August 19, Ann Baus, Robin Pfannenstiel, Ardyth Anderson Johnson, Shannon McKinney, Samuel Hurt; August 20, Pam Seltman, Nicole Tacha; August 21, Angela Morgan, Ursula Butler; August 22, Riley Buster, Sara Dome, Dylan Harp.
Anniversaries: August 18, Kyan and Sarah Knight; August 19, Jake and Kathy Tomlinson.
It is with sadness that we learned of the closing of Boondocks.
A Beginner Computer Class will be held at McCracken Public Library on Tuesday August 21 at 1:30 p.m. Anyone interested is more than welcome to attend.
Tom and Susie Mills and son Skyler of Converse, Louisiana, were Thursday afternoon visitors of Addie Mills. They were enroute to the races in Bonneville Speedway in Utah. Tom is the son of Cecil Mills.
Congratulation to Dennis Elias on his primary win for County Commissioner.
If you would like a McCracken Jail Museum bumper sticker, please let Carolyn know and she will send you one. They read "Protect the Wild Mustangs".
Items donated to the museum include:
A Christmas Card from Basil Ryan Oil Company - Service Station W. E. Conrad - Gas - Tank Wagon, Basil Ryan.
1949 Class B District Tournament at Ransom included teams, McCracken, Brownell, Arnold, Beeler, Bazine, Ransom, Alexandr and Utica. Officials, Duncan WaKeeney and Yost, Alexander. List of Players - McCracken - Irvin, Schlitter, Spomer, R. Thompson, Unrein, Wilson, Fear, Higgins, F. Thompson and Davis, Al Rues, Coach. O. Perarson, Supt.; Alexander, Players, Boese, Bott, Bowlus, Dome, Ebert, Hawks, Miller, Ream, De. Schadel, Da. Schadel, Thompson, Tomlinson, Paul Quiring, Coach, M. S. Hoover, Supt.; Brownell, Players, L. Augustine, T. Augustine, Davis, Green, Hanzlick, Kutina, E. Likes, K. Likes, McGinnis, Wyman, Birzer, Thompson; F. Sauer, Coach, E. Schwartzkopf, Supt.
R.E.N. Basketball League Tournament (First and Second Teams) held at Alexander High School, February 1941: Officials, Kenneth A. Boyd, Tom Boyle, Hoisington; Timer Willard Olson, Scorer, F. A. Thompson. McCracken coach, Kenneth Dick, Principal, Oliver Pearson. Players Frank Marak, Leonard Mills, James Birdsong, Donald Hinman, Jack Cheney, Lyle Dugan, Norval Brown and Albert Donecker A team; B Team Leon Higgins, Alvin Jacobs, Gerald Hinman, Earl Brenner, Donald Ramsey, Wendell Conrad, Lester Higgins. Alexander Coach, Alfred W. Simpson, Principal, Ralph H. Eaton. Players Loyd Kraft, Junior Kraft, Cicero Schlegel, Duane Thompson, LeRoy Bott, Clifton Saling, Kenneth Almquist, Glenn Perkins, Robert Grumbein. B Team, Willard Brack, Alton Huddleston, Bert Swartz, Chester Schadel, Virgil Boese, Glenn Lee Grumbein, Donald Hunt, Thayne Jones, Carl Bott. Alexander won the first team and Schoenchen won the B team.
Kansas Questions?
1. What law passed in 1952 required all seeds to be free of noxious weeks and to be the seed claimed?
2. What natural phenomena was recorded in Kansas for the first time on April 24, 1867?
3. What is the height of the dome at the Kansas State Capitol?
4. What is the state insect?
5. What is a Tree Claim?
1. The Pure Seed Law
2. an earthquake
3. 304 feet
4. The honey bee
5. An extra quarter section of land given to homesteaders in 1873 by the "Timber Cultris Act for Planting Trees".
August 16
McCracken Sports History
McCracken placed first in the LaCrosse Invitational Basketball Tournament, Alexander 2nd.
Players for McCracken: Greg Buster, Mark Derr, DeWayne Foos, Frank Foster, Keith Higgins, Steve Sloan, Larry Higgins, David Rogers, John Showalter, Myron Schuckman. Alternates: Mike Legleiter, John Zeller. Coach Byron Gilbert, Principal, LeeRoy Schuckman; School Colors Blue & White, Team name, Colts, Cheerleaders, Donna Davis, Laura Hinman, Betty Moran, Cathie Ryan.
Players for Alexander: Fred Felder, Max Fritzler, Dave Gerstenkorn, David Karst, Greg Phillips, Bruce Schrott, Chuck Seaman, Duane Wagner, Craig Wendler, Burton West. Alternates: Larry Huddleston, David Tyron; Coach Al Rues. School Colors Blue & Gold; Team name Trojans, Cheerleaders, Susan Collins, Cindy Douglass, Lorrie Morgan, Julie Schraeder, Donna Skillett.