Aug 9
A birthday party was held for Big Dave Derr & Katelyn Morgan last Thursday at the home of Layne & Kerrie Morgan. Guests were Allan, Bailey & Kaden, Michael & Jerridy, Valerie, Kevin, Lexie, Zoe, & Rylin, Pat Derr, Carly & Derek Derr, Ron Johnson, Angela Morgan & Cory Torez.
The descendants of Edward James Thompson and Susie Jane Ryan Thompson will have a reunion on Saturday, August 11, at the City Building in LaCrosse. Drop by and visit. There will be a noon carry-in dinner. Doors will open at 11:00
The week of July 22 thru the 27th John & Sharon Irvin toured Yellowstone Park, then traveled to Mount Rushmore/Crazy Horse in South Dakota on the way home. They met with 4 brothers & families who camped at Yellowstone. They were Phil Robinson, Joel Robinson, Mark & Val Robinson, and James & Mary Robinson along with 3 nieces & nephews.
The Hoisington American Legion baseball team was defeated Friday afternoon at the Class AA state tournament in Pratt. They lost to the Kansas City Cyclones 9-3 and Saturday morning a 12-0 loss to Iola.
Our sympathy to the family of Ethel Catherine Ohlemeier, 95, of Arlington, Washington who died July 18, 2007. She was born August 20, 1911 in WaKeeney, the daughter of William and Amanda Simpson. She lived in McCracken, Glens Ferry, Idaho and Arlington, Washington. She married Bert Ohlemeier in 1931. She is survived by two sons, Ray Ohlemeier and his wife Melva of Arlington and Paul Ohlemeier of Las Vegas, Nevada, ten grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. The funeral was held at Arlington Free Methodist Church with burial in Arlington Cemetery.
Bill and Sharon Lovitt were in Kansas City & Columbia, Mo this weekend where Sharon received an excellent report from her doctor. They visited with Lora, Scott, Rae & Clay in Columbia.
The nice rain mentioned last week turned into an Oh, my rain west of McCracken.
We wish to honor those who were part of the Veterans entry at the Rodeo Parade - Bev Irvin, Francis Zeller, Henry Swartz, Fred Taylor, Diz Washaliski, Dennis Elias, Jake Tomlinson, Francis Wierman, James Wierman, Bill Moran, Babe Gilbert, Arlyn North, Martin Higgins, Glenn Conner, Richard Showalter, Noel Lipton, Ron Crawshaw, Daryl North, Alex McCormick, Bob Fear, Arky McNair, Roger McNair, William Zeller. Bet McCormick drove the old fire truck and with Jeanette were the grand marshals. If we have forgotten anyone, please let us know so we can add your name to the list.
My sincere thanks to Cindy and Jerry Herrman, Liebenthal who called to say they found two dogs. Unfortunately the German Shorthair was not Blue. It is mostly white with a brown head. The other dog is variegated brown with the most beautiful pale blue eyes. I hope they find their owner.
Do you want any bamboo plants? They grow 10 to 14 foot high and make a nice cover fence. Check with R. B. Hayes. He will share.
We received a gift from Shannon McKinney this week. It is a flag and certificate encased in a wooden box. The certificate is signed by The Task Force Commander and Task Force Command Sergeant Major in Iraq. The flag is in token of Shannons appreciation of Victor Higgins, Floyd Thompson and Jack Paul Wilson. He says I enjoyed them deeply. They were quite the characters and an inspiration to a young man growing up in McCracken. He gave the flag to Shirley, Verlene and Carolyn. We will find a place to display it publicly. The flag was flown at the Mission Support Site (MSS) Fernandez. It was located in the Green Zone in Baghdad, Iraq. The Green Zone is where Saddam had his Presidential Palace and Iraqi Government Buildings. The Green Zone is now used by the new Iraqi Government in some areas. The place where the flag was flown is a stones throw west of the new U. S. Embassy. It was flown on Fathers Day, 14 June 07. The Site was named after Master Sergeant Andrew Fernandez. He was the first operator killed during the Iraq Invasion (Operation Iraqi Freedom) on April 2003. MSS Fernandez was closed in July 2007 and moved to an area North of Baghdad International Airport on 10 July 07. The new site is now Camp Fernandez. The flag we received is one of the last flags flown at MSS Fernandez.
Melissa Bowersock, Broken Arrow, OK was a visitor of her brothers, Bob House and Dight House and families, last week.
McCracken History Notes
August 1887
Travels around northeast Hampton by the editor of the McCracken Enterprise --- we met Dennis Trostel, who came here from Wisconsin ten years ago. He is the owner of a fine quarter section, 65 acres in cultivation and 100 under fence. We called on J. T. Anderson but the watch dog informed us that the place was deserted. This man is no doubt an old settler as the house is surrounded by all kinds of shrubbery and has one of the finest peach orchards in Rush County. Two miles north we came up on the farm of W. V. Kelly, who has a position in a Hays City store. The boys run the farm. J. C. Littler, south of Kellys can be numbered among the oldest settlers, there being no houses on the western prairie when he came here ten years ago. His 160 acre place is well improved, 60 acres broken and 100 acres fenced. He also has a fine peach orchard.
August 1907
Carrie Darkes will be principal at Brownell; Hattie Plotner will teach at Cottonwood; Nellie Wood at Waring; Prof. Barnard at Hampton; Margaret Rixon, grammar grades in the McCracken schools; Prof. O. J. Weir as Principal of the city schools; Grace Floyd and Florence Neal will teach in the city schools.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Brandt died July 21, 1907. She was born January 20, 1907. Burial was in the City Cemetery.
August 1937
Two men stole a purse Monday night at the Gloyd Vogle home here and later robbed a store at Sanford. The contents included $4.00, a watch and small articles.
Charles Marvin, agent at the depot here has moved to Lacrosse. John Singleton has come from lacrosse to take Marvins place.
McCracken Tigers is one of the teams entered in the Stockton County Fair baseball tournament. McCracken beat Otis in the finals by a score of 7-4. McCracken players are Friend, Weisner, D. and H. McFadden, Lieker, Groves, Lydig, Fleckenstein and Pfannenstiel. Otis: J. and F. Urban, Meyers, L. and C. Rienhardt, O. Brack, B. Basgall, A. & F. Braun and Sweeney.
August 1947
The Weitzel well northeast Rush county has been plugged back to Lansing-Kansas City lime and is estimated 500 to 600 barrels of oil daily.
Miss LaVone Casey and Mr. Martin Helms were married Monday evening, July 21, at St. Marys church in McCracken. Rev. J. P. OFlynn performed the ceremony. Attendants were Marjorie Casey, Emma Helms, Kenneth Wierman and Bill Helms.
All sugar rationing was ended Monday at noon to industrial and institutional users. Rationing to housewives ended two months ago.
August 1957
Jodene Dawson left Saturday for Wichita to begin nurses training at the Wesley Hospital.
Sylvester McCormick, Wichita, spent Thursday and Friday visiting relatives here. He is employed at the Kirby Vacuum Cleaner Company in Wichita.
August 1967
Gerald Barnes attended the coaching clinic at Ft. Hays. It was directed by Wayne McConnell.
Penny Irvin, president of the Ness County 4H Council, is attending the National Citizenship Course in Washington, D. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zinn and family moved into the Joe Gaschler property. Zinn will attend Fort Hays.
August 1977
The Alexander Whippets 4-H Club made a welcome sign for the city of Alexander. Those helping were Jay Brack, Jeff and Alaura Scheuerman, Tonya and Edward Mangold, Kerri and Kris Bromlow, Tricia Seltman, Gary and Brenda Barnes, Vicki Hopkins and Sharon Wells.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Johnston, a daughter, Tina, August 10.
August 1987
Lance McCormick and Brett Gilbert were on the Rush County legion baseball team. Rodney Taylor is the business manager for the team.
A carry in basket dinner was held at the Senior Citizens Center in Ransom to celebrate the 95th birthday of Elsie Showalter.
August 1997
A coffee was held at the home of Lorraine Ryan honoring the belated birthday of Inez Manos and the impending move to Hays of Icis Eisenhour.
Bob House accompanied Cheryl Groff, Lisa, Matt and Kari to Kansas City where they went to Worlds of Fun.