RCNews August 7

A memorial has been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Lorene McCaskey, Glenn Ryan Jr. & Elmore Ryan from Cathie Ryan Shapiro.
Mary Dekererlegand, Carencro, LA is here visiting her friends Dorothy Guidry & Charmaine Wolfe.  Saturday evening Dorothy, Charmaine and husband Bob hosted a Cajun dinner with marguerites.  Guests attending were Jean Schutte, Laura Linsey, Wilfrid & Twila Higgins, Paul & Judy Moran, Galen & Sharon Boese, Richard & Rose Jones, John Squier, Jason Basgall, Eric Screvin & Debra Gaunt, Dwayne & Dee Richardson & Pat Derr.
The winners in the tournament last week at the McCracken Golf Club were: 1st Flight
1st George, Sean, Arkie and a team from Bazine tie; 2nd Scott, Larry, Gene; 3rd Stubby, Bruce, Les; 2nd Flight 1st Bob, Bart, Richard.
Saturday, August 8th, McCracken will host a glo ball tournament beginning at 6:30 with a regular round of golf.  Please bring a ‘snack’ and the glo ball tournament will begin between 9:00-10:00 p.m.  This will be a 2 person scramble limited to 40 teams.  Beer will be for sale at holes 2 & 3; 6 & 7.  Please come and enjoy!!!
The McCracken Library has new Jr. Fiction and Young Adult Fiction books to be checked out.  Please come and ‘browse’.
 Phyllis Conrad was happy to see in the "Connection" published by Golden Belt Telephone about Leonard Hogsett.  What a coincidence. Phyllis just recently had Leonard redo her violin.  He replaced all the stings and fixed her bow and gave it a tune up.  Phyllis had taken it to Hays to get fixed and for a long time almost forgot about it as they didn't know how to fix a violin. Francis Zeller told her to take it to Leonard as one time he took his over and he fixed it.  Phyllis did learn from Leonard that the violin sound was different and it was because of the wood on the top was a bit thicker and it didn't produce the sound which he was used to. Phyllis found it awhile back and since she took violin lessons in school here in McCracken when she was in the 8th grade from her teacher, Arlene Rues.  This was in 1957 or 1958.  She got it from her dad and believes it is around 50 years old. Phyllis's dad bought it from the Sears catalog or from Montgomery Wards catalog. Roy & Phyllis did get to see Leonard's collection and what a collection it is.
If you are in the east part of town, please look at the fine job Tina Mills did painting their house “all by her self”.  Looks great!!  Also notice the north side of Mitchell Jacob’s house, also a great job!
Priscilla Jacobs attended the Oller reunion Pratt on Sunday and visited with her brother, Pete and Lola Rixon.  She also visited with Carolyn Oller, Albert & Doris Oller, Gary Sam & Alice Oller, Leila Wolfe & Ben.
Spencer White, Ness City High School graduate, will attend school this Fall at Colby.  He is the son of Ed White and Kelly Funk White Weber and grandson of Bob and Marlene Funk.
Ashley Taylor of Ellis was picked to play in the Kansas Basketball Coaches Association All-Star Game which was held at Washburn University in Topeka on Wednesday.
Family and friends gathered on Sunday afternoon to celebrate Aaron McGaughey’s birthday at the McGaughey home in LaCrosse.
Mike, Susan and Shannon Keith and Carolyn Thompson have returned from a trip to the northeast United States.  Enroute home they stopped at the temporary memorial to those on Flight 93 on 9-11 near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.  It is a spiritual place and great reverence is given it.  A permanent memorial will be begun in November or December.
McCracken History Notes
August 1899
H. R. Barnard will teach the young how to shoot at Hampton next term.  Eleanor Holdgate has been employed to teach the Walnut Grove School.
Sheriff Littler and wife were visiting friends in the city Wednesday and taking in the ball games.
August 1909
Brownell had its annual picnic and general jollification and did itself proud by the entertainment furnished.  A large number was present from here and other points along the road.  Everybody who went say they had a bully good time, but a rain early in the evening broke up the festivities.  Brownell is a very lively little burg and advertises itself as the fastest town along the Missouri Pacific.
August 1919
Plans by the city commissioners are to pave Main Street from the Scheideman’s residence to the Lon Irvin fence.
August 1939
Fred Oelkers and Norma Jean Fear were Wednesday overnight guests of Edith Allbert.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lincoln and family left for Lyons where they plan to locate.  Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Lincoln are moving to New Mexico.
New green lockers were being installed in the high school building.  They will be placed along the sides of the aisles instead of in the center as were the old wooden ones.  Herman Redding, the janitor, and his son, Willie, are doing the work.
August 1959
Dance to the music of Jay Leonard and his big little band at McCracken Saturday, August 8.  It is sponsored by the McCracken Ball Club.  Admission $1.00 per person.
Mr. and Mrs. Bard Stephens and Stephanie entertained at a birthday dinner Saturday honoring the birthdays of Mrs. Susan Wagner and Mrs. Claude Stephens.  Mrs. Wagner will observe her 96th birthday.
August 1979
Gary Barnes had the grand champion steer, Kris Bromlow the grand champion lamb and Michael Hays the grand champion swine at the Rush County Fair.  Alaura Scheuerman had a reserve champion swine and Michael Hays had a reserve champion lamb.  Jeff Scheuerman was the Swine Champion Showman at the county fair.
Klara Miller and Brian Harp both won first in the toddler’s contest at the Rush County Fair.

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