RCNews 07 Aug
Saturday, August 16, 2008, during the Bazine Picnic, the Bazine High School class of 1973  is hosting a fundraiser for Pat and Jackie Casey.  They are planning a live auction, silent auction, raffle and maybe a game or two.  The Class is asking for your assistance helping Pat & Jackie through this very difficult time as Pat has been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. A monetary donation or donation of an auction/raffle item would be greatly appreciated.  Let’s show Pat and Jackie how much we appreciate what they have done for the Bazine community.
Pete Rixon came to McCracken over the weekend while his wife, Lola, stayed in Pratt with her sister, Lola Oller.  Pete is staying with his sister, Priscella Jacobs.
Layne and Kerrie Morgan, Katlyn and Angela; Allen and Bailey Morgan and Caden; Michael and Jerridy Morgan and Reece attended the Scheuerman reunion at Camp Aldrich over the weekend.
Priscella Jacobs hosted a brunch at her home on Saturday.  Those attending were Pete Rixon, Sean Peters, Sandra Jacobs, Kirby and Joy Petz, Craig Rixon and Deb Watson, Neal, Amy, Jaden & Tessa Jacobs, and her friend Jenna. 
Marge Elias enjoyed her birthday at the home of Tyrel Elias, Tina Harris and Quintin.  Birthday cake and ice cream were served.  Dennis and Jennie Elias were present for the desserts.
Phyllis Higgins returned home recently after a trip with family to Florida.  Those enjoying the trip were Phyllis, Ron and Sabrina Hurt and Sam, Patty Hurt and grandson Casey.  The enjoyed Disney World, Disney World shopping downtown, Epcott Center, Animal Kingdom and the Kennedy Space Center.  Phyllis underwent surgery in Wichita after she returned home.
Congratulations to Georgia Lytle on the birth of a grandson, Jesse Wade, born July 22, 2008 at 11:35 a.m. in Salina.  He weighed 7 lb 2 oz and was 19 inches long.  Parent is Sharon Lytle.
John Evans and his grandson Cody Evans were guests of Arky and Diana McNair Sunday and Monday.  They left Tuesday for Knoxville, Iowa for the races.
Dajon Samuels, stepson grandson of Georgia Lytle played his first baseball game this season.  He is 13 years of age and plays center field.  The coach said he was one of the better ball players on his team.
Brendan and Zach Peach enjoyed swimming in McCracken on Sunday.  Roy and Phyllis Conrad baby sat their dog. . . .Roy took the dog outside, it ran away after a rabbit and he spent many minutes in the heat chasing the darn dog.  Thank heavens he was in the car.
LOOKING BACK: 10/52 Walter Rogers, Richard Gordon and Leo Groff, all of McCracken, were involved in a wreck a half mile west and one mile north of Hargrave.  Groff was driving a 1946 Ford and Rogers a 1948 Chevrolet car.  Gordon was riding with Rogers.  Groff was coming from the east and Rogers from the north.  Groff turned to his left at the intersection to avoid hitting Rogers head-on.  Rogers hit the back of the truck and both vehicles were knocked across the road.  Groff’s truck was damaged to the extent of $200.   The Rogers car was totally demolished.  The boys were cut by broken glass.
The alumni have posted pictures on the McCracken web site.
 Betty Greenway, Wilfrid and Twila Higgins, Carolyn Thompson and Shirley Higgins were featured on Channel 12 (7) News last week regarding the post office.
Addie Mills, Wilma Jacobs and Mary Ann Quinoness enjoyed supper at the Roosters Café in LaCrosse on Friday evening.  Wilma and Mary Ann were former co-workers of Addie at the hospital.
Renewing members of the Jail/Museum are Ellen (Edith) Moses Blair; Philena Baus, Gary and Elaine Turner.
Marty and Tina Mills were Sunday visitors of daughter, Rashell Mills and finance Rob McCarty at Hutchinson.
Those attending Alice Barber’s funeral in WaKeeney were Francis and Julia Zeller, John Irvin, and Dean and Lavon Ummel.
McCracken History Notes
August 1908
McCracken contributed a liberal quota of McCracken people to the Brownell celebration.  Nearly a hundred tickets were sold at the station and many went by automobile and buggy.
Miss Stella Campbell was married to Ralph Boling at the home of her mother, Mrs. W. H. Campbell Sunday afternoon.
August 1938
Special summer prices at Humburgs – Glass berry bowl – 10 cents; Water glasses – 29 cents; Mixing bowls – three in set – 65 cents.
The grasshopper population in Kansas has decreased.  Poisoned bait and ‘hopper’ fungus contributed to reduction in the ranks of the invading hordes.  Reports from 100 counties indicate that farmers scattered more than 3,400 tons of mixed poison bait to protect wheat and alfalfa.
August 1948
John L. Schlitter, Jr., 24, died Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock in Wadsworth Veterans Hospital in Leavenworth.  He had been suffering for some time with a heart disease.  A veteran of World War 11, he served in the South Pacific Theater of war and was wounded in action on Okinawa.  Funeral services were at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in McCracken.
August 1958
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Healy on the birth of a daughter, Marsha Kay, born August 12, 1958 in LaCrosse.  Happy 50th
The three Protestant churches are holding a vacation Bible School this week.
August 1968
Buddy Barker was bitten by a brown spider in Hutchinson while visiting his grandmother.
Winners of second place in the slo-pitch double elimination tournament are Glenn Conner, Vic Higgins, Guy Conner, Diz Washaliski, Bill Moran, Julius Unrein, Doug Higgins, Bill Lovitt, Babe Gilbert, Rich Higgins, Richard Klaus, Dan Schmidt, Harold Herdman and Bob Peters.
August 1978
The State Farm Insurance slo-pitch team won second at the Rush County Fair.  Members are Glenn Ryan, Rob McGaughey, Jerry Higgins, Daryl Casey, Chuck Higgins, Ronnie Randa, Dough Higgins, Jim Rein, Rod Taylor, Lonnie Irvin, Mark McCormick, Mike Conner and Dave Davenport.  Diz Washaliski, manager.  Tammy Higgins, bat girl.  Wayne Conard, fair board president.
Temperatures of 108 degrees caused three train derailments in Rush County within 45 minutes.  At McCracken an east bound Mo Pac freight train derailed twice, the first happening just east of town when the 75 car train jumped the tracks, piling all cars from the 39th to the 57th on the top of one another.  Hundreds of feet of track were plowed into heaps.  Rails were twisted and tossed; ties were stacked up like cord wood.  After the initial derailment, the crew and front portion of the train derailed a mile west of Hargrave and 25 more cars jumped the tracks.  All the cars were loaded with 100 tons of coal each.
August 1988
The Knights of Columbus State Deputy Tom Dechant has announced the appointment of Danny Petz as a District Deputy for the Kansas Knights of Columbus.
Denise and Curt Carpenter, Megan and Lindsay have moved to Great Bend.
August 1998
Katlyn Morgan modeled a pair of shorts that she made and Angela Morgan modeled a dress that Sheena Wells had made at the LaCrosse City auditorium.  Both Katlyn and Sheena are members of 4-H Westside Winners.
Sandra Jacobs and helpers repaired the merry-go-rounds and swing set at the park.

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