August 3, 2006
The pictures that are posted on the mccracken web site are from Dean Gilbert, Roy Conrad, Rush County News, Sandra Jacobs, Mary Beth Peach & Randy Conrad. If you have some different or special ones that you would like to share, please e mail them to Carolyn or Shirley.
The Hoisington American Legion baseball team placed 4th in the Class AA State tournament held in Marysville this weekend. They lost the first game 10-0 to Concordia, won the 2nd 9-0 over Phillipsburg; had an 11-3 victory over Hiawatha in six innings and lost to the Kansas City Cyclones 8-4. Dan Quisenberrys son, Aaron, pitched for the Cyclones. Cameron Horesky is a member of the Hoisington team.
Cheryl Davis Werth and Lynnette Harp Doornbos attended a Motorcycle Safety Course this past weekend in Hutchinson. They both passed the written test with an above 90% and the driving skills test with less than 9 points.
New members of the Jail/Museum are Lee and Debbie Oelkers and David and Kay (Bisagno) Bleakley, Matthew Bleakley and Erin Bleakley. Lee and Debbie gave a memorial in memory of Erman Oelkers and Fern Oelkers Zimmerman. The Bleakleys gave a memorial in memory of Kay's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Ryan.
Cecelia Higgins and her son Danny Higgins and friend Betty McDonald of Hays were in town on Saturday and Monday working on genealogy.
Machree Jones had surgery on her hand recently.
Icis Eisenhour was airlifted to Wichita following a stroke.
Deb Gaunt and Eric Scriven have returned home from a trip to Moline, Illinois. They stayed with Deb's uncle, Eddie O'Brien (brother of the late Caroline Durand) and attended the O'Brien family reunion. They enjoyed traveling two lane roads and first went on Highway 24 to Hannibal, Missouri to visit the Mark Twain area. They then followed the Mississippi all the way north. Between Davenport and Moline there is an island that houses the Rock Island Arsenal. It was purchased in 1804 for a fort then became a center for making guns and cannons for the Civil War. There was a confederate prison there and there are 2,000 confederates who died in prison buried there. There is also a cemetery containing 15,000 union troops. They were impressed by the number of American flags all along their journey at homes and businesses.
McCracken History Notes
August 1906
Amos Roser stated that farming this year seemed to have a down hill pull. He sowed last year 180 bushels of wheat and threshed out the other day 141. The price for a bushel of wheat is 45 cents.
Ruth and Ruby Elmore went out Saturday with Mrs. Ferris to attend the social at Bellespert School and returned home Monday.
August 1936
Glendora Mayer and B. H. Whitehead have taken over the management of the Hotel Nash. Anna Smith is in charge of the restaurant.
August 1946
A dinner was given Sunday evening at the Chas. Lovitt home in honor of Mr. Lovitt's eighty-second birthday and the thirteenth birthday of Miss Alverna Unrein.
Fred Bullock and Sam Moses left Tuesday night for a three weeks visit with relatives in and near Williamsburg, Kentucky.
Dr. R. H. Cheney returned from Rochester, Minn., the last of the week. Mrs. Cheney, who is receiving treatment at the Mayo Clinic will remain there for a week or ten days longer.
August 1956
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson, Argonia, on the birth of a son, Bryan David, born July 27, 1956 in Wellington.
Bennie Thompson arrived here Tuesday from Mexico City, Mexico for a visit. He had been attending college in Mexico City.
August 1966
Andrew Higgins returned home Sunday from Montreal, Canada, where he attended the National MOP Railroad Convention the past week.
Lynn Hinman spent last week at Camp Alubro at Cedar Bluff Lake.
Linda Irvin and Patricia Foos attended the marching clinic at Wichita Monday and Tuesday. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Byron Gilbert.
August 1976
A ten year summary of the K-18 Cookie League McCracken All Stars was prepared by James Schafer, who is the manager. The record for 1966-76 is 280 wins and 52 losses. The first team offense: Mark McCormick, Don Irvin, Les Rogers, Kellye Irvin, Steve Sloan, Rodney Taylor, Greg Buster, Glenn Ryan and Lonnie Irvin; First team defense: Scott Kershner, Chuck Higgins, Myron Schuckman, Frank Foster, Jerry Casey, Jerry Higgins, Rob McGaughey, John Showalter and Tom Rues; Honorable mention offense: Greg Hinman, Bob Foster, John Brack, Shannon McKinney, John Elmore and Layne Morgan. Defense: Jeff McCormick, Jim Cole, Bill Greenway, Tim Rues, Neal Jacobs and Fritz Foster. Ten year MVP Chuck Higgins and Most Inspirational Tom Rues.
August 1986
The wedding of Paula Crawshaw and William Greenway, which was held June 7, 1986 at the United Methodist Church in Ness City, was in the August 7, 1986 RCN.
24 mixed steers from McCracken at 798# brought $63.30 at the Rush County Livestock
Sales, Inc.
Brent Ronen and the Always Near Bank performed Friday, August 8. Their ad says "We Read Music, but not enough to hurt our playin'". Floyd Norlin is a member of the band.
August 1996
Congratulations to Chet and Ruthetta Irvin on their 50th anniversary.
Lucy Vogle, Bernie Wideman and Mary Ann Moran attended the Senior Companion banquet at Fort Hays Memorial Union on Thursday evening.
Icis Eisenhour returned home after four weeks at Munds Park, Arizona, where she visited with Helen Ward.