July 24, 2019 News

Birthdays: July 24; Misty Irvin, Chandler Allen; July 25, Dave Derr, Jim Casey, Lauren Shapiro; July 26, Scott Irvin; July 27, Furlen Irvin, Whitney Taylor, Katlyn Unruh, Clayton Kershner, Jessica Jones; July 28, Candice Casey, Fred Taylor (90), Twila Higgins, Rachel Grumbein, Susan Keith, Zach Higgins; July 29, Annette Chestnut, Gerald Walker, Kathy Dugan, Bobby Peters; ; July 30, Malena Thyfault.

Anniversaries: July 24, Mike and Susan Keith; July 27, Kent and Judy Bible; July 25, Martin and Julie Pfannenstiel; July 30, Daryl and Barbara Casey.

Fred Taylor will celebrate his 90th birthday on Saturday, July 27, at the American Legion/Golf Building in McCracken from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Please bring a card in lieu of a gift. Come join Fred, Mary Ann and family for this joyous celebration.

Jail/Museum news

Blue and Gold Members: David, Kay, Matthew and Erin Bleakley.

Donations: Albert T. and Judith A. Hugh, Jerry Higgins.

Shannon Keith moved to Kansas City, Missouri, on Monday to work with Americorp. There are approximately 100 youth in the organization in Kansas City. There are groups in 70 cities in America. They will be working in the schools in the Fall. She enjoyed her time at Brownell - Midland Marketing during harvest.

Joann Micheli celebrated her 90th birthday at her home in McCracken with family and friends. Those present were Audra and Perrin Holland, Linda Sloan Dale, Steve Sloan, Jolinda Giessel, Robert Sloan, Drake and Bella Ramirez, Norma McNair, Diana McNair, Wendy Fujimori, Twila Higgins, Mary McCormick, Mark McCormick, Priscilla Jacobs, Shirley Higgins, Carolyn Thompson, Angela Murray and Jeanette McCormick. Cake, cupcakes and pie were served along with lots of laughter and love. Thank you, one and all, for attending this most joyous occasion. In addition, thank you to all who sent cards for Joann’s card shower.

2019 Glow Ball had 17 - 2 person teams. Thank you all who came for a great night of friendships and lots of laughs!

Champions 1st Flight 1st Place:
Sean Peters & Mike Felder

2nd Place:
Troy Walker & Smokey Fairbank

3rd Place:
Kody Burns & Shane Miller

Champions 2nd Flight 1st Place:
Ryan Webs & Cole Kershner

2nd Place:
Kevin & Lexi Anderson

3rd Place:
Mike & Mary Beth Peach

Champions 3rd Flight 1st Place:
Doran & Amanda Kendall

2nd Place:
Garrett McCormick & Kassie Pechanec

3rd Place:
Holly Gilbert & Laura Pechanec


Roy Langdon hosted supper for friends from Missouri, Johnny Brengardt, and Shay Morris; joining them were Mike, Lori, Niki, Mitch, Natalie, Chris, Cathie and Shirley. Home grown cabbage, potatoes, pork loin, ham steak, salads, muffins, pie, and fresh fish one evening were served. He needs to open a ‘small’ café.

John and Tammy, Jerry, Zach and Chuck swathed and baled ditches this week when it was in the triple digits, they did come in during the afternoon.

History Notes:

May 1988: Debra Gaunt is now serving as a Crew Chief in the US Airforce and stationed in Albuquerque; Graduates from Bazine High School: Jeffrey Crawshaw; Malena Rogers Podrybeau and Scott Wittman; Ransom High School Jason Moran and Wakefield High School, Tommie Hayes; June 1988: First load of wheat to arrive at the new Farmers Co-op Elevator was brought in by Chester and Leslie Rogers. Unloading the wheat was Sylvester Conrad. Today’s wheat market $3.53; The Family Parlor is a short order café and recreational center owned and operated by Willetta Herdman. It is located in the north end of main street, formerly the Masonic Hall. July 1988; Mustang arena will be the scene of McCracken’s After Harvest Festival Rodeo scheduled for July 15 – 16. The weekend activities begin with KSRA Open Rodeo at 8:00, street dance following therodeo. A pit bar-b-que at the City Park will begin at 4:30; drawing for afghan made by Grace Thompson at the rodeo Saturday evening;


Pat Petz:

My yard was looking very nice after my grandson, Nicholas,  finished mowing my yard at the farm on Monday.  There's still a lot of places that are not able to be mowed because of all of the water that is still standing.  Maybe some of these hot days will help dry it up.

Wednesday afternoon was spend in La Crosse stopping at many different businesses.After I had everything taken care of, I received the nicest gift of all from my mom.  She had me stop by for supper and we had the best fried chicken and her delicious potatoes and dumplings.  Later, I attended my last Liturgy committee of the year.  It really didn't seem like I had been on that committee for three years. It went by fast.  I really had a great time working with the ladies, and now three new ladies will take over our positions.  I hope their term will be as successful as ours was.

I attended mass at Timken Saturday afternoon.  It's a very nice church.  It reminded me of what I've learned about Father Kapun.  After mass, I headed for McPherson to spend some time with my grandchildren, Drake and Grant.  Angie and Dad are going on vacation with some friends.  Hopefully, the boys and I will have some great time together.  

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