RCNews July 24
Memorials to the McCracken Alumni have been given in memory of Elmore Ryan from Lorraine Ryan & Cathie Ryan Shapiro; George Myers from Craig Stull; Bard Stephens from Kathryn Stephens; Lucile Robertson Teter from Michele Mays and Ben McCaskey from Benny and Sheryl McCaskey.
We appreciate Colleen Kerns for bringing the donuts to the golf tournament. 
The alumni received a very nice thank you note from Jamie Basgall.
We thank Shawna North for a ‘job well done’ with the parade.  We heard nothing but good comments.
Jean Schutte, Shirley Higgins, Carolyn Davenport, Deb Rogers, Kim Cooper and Dena Irvin held a brief Citizens State Bank ‘girls’ get-to-gather Friday afternoon rodeo weekend at the home of Dena Irvin.  . 
(A note from Kathy Huddleston Coen) I wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed our time in McCracken last Saturday.  I really do appreciate all of the hard work that everyone puts in to make it a very nice reunion.   The day went by far too fast. I wish that more of my classmates had been there.  I had hoped to at least see Rich Higgins, Doug Whitis & Pat Foos. The only ones there besides me were Dave Davenport and Gloria Baus.  Maybe next year.  I would like to organize something for us since it is our 40th year.  I also saw Jerry Schutte.  I wouldn’t have known him if Carolyn had not told me who he was.  I have not seen him since I graduated. It was just nice to make a connection to the past since we don’t get up to McCracken even when we are home.  Thanks to everyone who works so hard to organize the whole get together!  Hope to see you next year!
A letter from Marlene Pfannenstiel Bronish, Commerce City, CO tells us she and her daughter Betty had such a good time at the reunion/rodeo.  They both thank the people of McCracken for all their hard work in making it possible.  She said it has been very dry and very hot.  Temps were higher there than in Phoenix last week.
We received a letter from Lillian Murphy Chadwick, MHS class of 1938.  She lives with her daughter Faye and her family in Security, Colorado; she will be 90 in September.  Her girls live in Security and Fountain.  She has seven grandkids and a bushel basket full of great-great grandchildren.  Her husband Harold has been gone for 23 years.  She wishes she could have attended our alumni reunion.
Tom and Nettie Chestnut, Tyler, Colby and Katelyn, Headland, Alabama were guests of Bob House during rodeo weekend.
Aaron, Leslie and Lillian McGaughey hosted a bar-b-que recently at their home in LaCrosse.  Guests were:  Rose and Les Diehl, Helena, Rob and Austin McGaughey, Charlotte Ochs, Ron and Cathy Casey and family, Arline Rues, Diana and Arky McNair.  Austin served some of his homemade strawberry ice cream.
Jerry Schutte, Tempe, was a guest of his mother, Jean Schutte this past weekend.
Scott McMullen visited with Rose Diehl at Smoky Hill Traders on Saturday.
Brian, Lisa, Madison and Hunter Davis were guests of his parents, Bruce and Sue Davis alumni/rodeo weekend.
Carolyn Helmer arrived Friday, the 18th at the Wendell Hinman home to spent several days with her sister and they all attended the Meier Family Reunion at Rush Center on Sunday.
Rodeo week-end guest and visitors of Gladys & Wendell Hinman & Coty were: Tonya & Wade Hinman & Zaccary; Ellen & Larry Hinman & Sarah; Sheila & Greg Hinman; Laura & Ray Wierman; Jeannie & Casey Grimme, Connor & Claire; Dorothy & Ronald Hinman .On Sunday all attended the Garfield,Ks. Lutheran Church services for Claire Elizabeth Grimme's baptism.   A potluck dinner was enjoyed by all after the services.
 The following are parade entries from Saturday, July 12th.  Shawna North was the parade coordinator.
1. Mathews Farm & Ranch/Tanners Harvesting- JD combine
2. Happy Trails (PT cruiser)
3. Janis Lee (state senator 36th district) accompanied by husband Lyn and her dog Taz
4. Virginia Beamer- 118th district

5. Noel Lipton (McCracken) Vietnam veteran on 4-wheeler accompanied by granddaughter Marissa Ross
6. Dennis Elias (McCracken) candidate for County Commissioner 3rd district
7. Don Hineman (state representative) 118th district
8. North Brothers Trucking and AJ Land & Cattle (showing appreciation for God, country, family farming, bountiful harvest and abundant crop of little boys!) Brandon, Logan, Clay, Carson and Dalton. Winners for Commercial division
9. Fort Hays Shriners
10. BTI (Ness City) JD Tractor
11. Norman Legleiter- County Commissioner for 3rd District
12. Rush County Chamber of Commerce ("Growing with Rush County" girls being pulled in wagon by boy on bike)
13. McCracken Fire Department (Fire Trucks)
14. Engined Powered Products (McCracken) "Power sports equipment dealer"
15. Leonard Mastroni (District Magistrate Judge) in 1970 Chevelle
16. Morgan Brothers Construction (McCracken) Allen and Michael Morgan (pickup with Rodeo advertisements)
17. Turbo Kirbo & Lexy (?)
Dale Snyder running for Magistrate Judge for Rush County 

1. McCracken Rodeo Committee in Gator from BTI
2. Glenn & Icis Eisenhour's Kids (Running for re-election from the class of 1962 Dwight D. Eisenhour. Security provided by "Jack Edwards" and "Joe Casey") Winners of Alumni division
3. Honored alumni: Those attending; 1928 Ruth Akers Yawger, 1932 Lucy Higgins Vogle; 1934 Katherine Higgins Ryan; 1938 Julia Davenport Zeller.  Unable to attend: 1930 Orvis Nowles; 1935 Marjorie Klitzke Davenport; Inez Showalter Manos; 1936 Virginia McCaskey Barnes, Louise Marvin Burnham. 1937 Ruth Durand McLaughlin; Helen Irvin Goering; 1938 Lucille Elmore Lamer; Ruby Littler Myers; Lillian Murphy Chadwick. Those carrying signs were Nicole Tacha, Erica & Courtney Gilbert, Clay Faiman, Audra Hurd, Alex Casey, Tanner Higgins, Tammy Irvin and Kayla Tacha.
4. Brad & Bill Lovitt, Eric Hurd, Rae Faiman in 1955 Chevy.
5. Class of 1958 "Still Great"
Horse: The only entry that was entered was McCloy rodeo which won this division
1. Brad Pfannenstiel (McCracken) on 4-Wheeler 2. Kayla Hayes (McCracken) on 4-wheeler
3. Kody Burns (McCracken) on 4-Wheeler
4. Dennis & Jeannie Elias' grandchildren
5. Westside Winners 4-H (McCracken/Alexander) Winners for Kids division
6. Pfannenstiel Family (Hutchinson) "Riding in memory of Willetta & Oliver Herdman and Rome & Molly Pfannenstiel"
7. 1st Annual McCracken Rodeo Cutest Cowboy and Cowgirls contestants
8. Garret McCormick (McCracken) "One Tough Unicorn" (on 4-Wheeler with pink unicorn)
A big Thank You to the judges Amye Schneider (Bison), Debbie Hunter (Rush Center) and Nada Wells (Alexander)
Winners of McCracken Rodeo’s Cutest Cowboy and Cowgirl contest:  1-2 Boys: *Beau Brackney, winner; Dalton North, Quintin Harris; 1-2 Girls:  *Jennifer Cunningham, winner; Natalee North; 3-4 Boys; *Jake Taliaferro, winner; Gunner Wilson, Kaden Foust, Colby Stull, Peytan Butler; 3-4 Girls; *Kaylee Walt, Morgan Deines; 5-6 Boys: *Kolby Walt, winner; Clay North, Connor Grimme; 5-6 Girls; *Maleigha Ortega, winner; Abigail North; Taylor Deines, Ashtyn Butler, Addison Deuel, Grace Desbien; 7-8 Boys: *Caleb Cheeley, winner; Anton Foust; 7-8 Girls; *Ashleigh Allen, winner; Breonna North, Megan Erb, Cameryn Kinderkneckt; 9-10 Boys: *Trace Brackney, winner; Preston Cheely, Brady Walt; 9-10 Girls; *Audra Bergquist, winner; Mayce Deul, Makayla Deuel.
A 50th birthday bash was held for Michael Conner at the LaCrosse City Park, Saturday the 19th.  Many family and friends were in attendance.  Sean Peters had a 40th birthday the same day.  Congrats to both!
A Cajun dinner was held Saturday evening at the home of Dorothy Guidry for the following guests:  Betty Fear, Pat Derr, Brian Fear, Jean Schutte, Wilfrid & Twila Higgins, Russ & Laura Linsey, Priscella Jacobs, Francis & Julia Zeller, Russell & Veta Squier, Deb Gaunt, Eric Scriven, John Squier, Mary Dekerlegand, Rose, Skyler & Sierra Jones, Bob Foster, Cindy Drum, Charmaine & Bob Wolfe.  Menu was Dago bread, chicken & dumplings, rice and stuffed pork roast. 
The Hutch Hawks baseball team placed fourth in the USSSA tournament held in Hutchinson this past week.  They had wins over the Wichita Bucs 14-8; Winfield Warriors 10-2; KC Outlaws 10-5; Wichita Cardinals 4-0; Mid Kansas Dirtbags 6-5; lost to Joplin Sidewinders 6-5; won from Topeka Diamond Dogs 5-4 and lost to Kansas Chaos 5-4 in 9 innings.  The team placed 4th in the tournament.  Tanner Higgins is a member of the team.
Jeanette & Bet McCormick, Wilfrid & Twila Higgins and Jean Schutte brought cake and ice cream for Joann Micheli Sunday evening for her birthday.
Father Eugene Kenny called on Monday evening to tell us that Msgr. Patrick Leahy, former pastor of St. Mary's, had fallen in his apartment at the Priests' Retirement Center and is in the hospital for tests.  He did not break anything.
Please keep him in your thoughts.  He is still active and does all his regular duties at the Center -- like helping others in the rest home section.
What a great job Linda Kenyon did with the rodeo/alumni weekend coverage.  She is a terrific feature writer.  Our thanks.
Trail Ride by Brenda Boese:  We had a pretty good turn out for the ride.  We kept close to McCracken.  We went out northwest of town, riding about 8 miles.  There were about 18 riders at various times.  My horse was being difficult right off the bat so I had to trailer him.  Verlene Wilson rode part of the way back on Betsy (Jack’s horse).  Anna gave over Gus to me to ride back the last few miles.  Drinks were provided and we arrived back in McCracken in time for the BBQ supper.  We also had a raffle for prizes.  The winner of the Cowboy Poker was Anna Bergquist.  Some of the local riders included John Ficken, Nicole Ryan, Meredith, Crystal, Lisa Legleiter, Josh Stieben, Ryan Roths, Brenda Boese, Anna and Audra Bergquist, Michaela Brackney, Dustin and Bailey Matke and riders from Hays and WaKeeney.  The refreshments were followed up by Gators driven by Treva Bergquist, Verlene Wilson, Gary Boese, Lindsey Patton and Cody Prosser.
Shirley Gabel, Ness City, helped with the Cowboy Poker at the trail ride.
Addie Mills visited Norris and Darlene Cole, their daughter, Tammy, and granddaughter, Bailey Winters on Sunday evening.
Kathy Huddleston Coen writes:  What a wonderful museum you have!  I wish we had gotten there earlier.  The whole day was so enjoyable!  It felt good to make connections to the past!  A big thanks to all who organized the weekend.  I’m looking forward to next year!  Since it will be our 40th, I hope more of my classmates will be there!!
New and renewing members of the Jail/Museum are Craig Stull, Katelynn Stull, Phyllis Dooley, Larry and Joyce Eisenhour, Kathryn Stephens, Stephanie Stephens, Jim and Kathy (Huddleston) Coen, Justin Coen, Bob and Marlene Funk, Lawrence and Bernadette Oelkers, John and Melanie Zeller, Francis and Julia Zeller.
Memorials and donations to the Museum were for Bard Stephens from Kathryn and Stephanie Stephens, for Erman Oelkers and Fern Zimmerman from Lawrence and Bernadette Oelkers; donations from Jim, Kathy and Justin Coen, Robert and Marlene Funk and Ben Anderson
For all those who purchased the first two volumes of the McCracken History – the first 100 years – you might want to add the last twenty (McCracken History Volume 111)  to your collection.  
Marci Penner of the Kansas Sampler says, “Whenever possible, buy local.”
Mike Karlin was a weekend guest of his grandmother, Addie Mills.  Marty and Tina Mills came by Saturday evening to visit with Mike and Addie.
Thank goodness for the recent rain.  It was imperative – since we now face the heat of summer.
Political candidates have been out and around.  Please vote in the primary which will be held on August 5.  Your vote makes an impact.
McCracken History Notes
July 1908
Alex McCormick has something like 125 acres of corn which he thinks will fill and mature in good shape.  Corn is selling around 80 cents a bushel.
July 1938
R. H. Grumbein will have a Public Sale on Wednesday August 3 beginning at 1:30 as he is leaving Rush County.
July 1948
The farm home on the Ray Irvin farm, six miles northwest of McCracken, was set afire about 4’clock Monday evening when it was struck by a bolt of lightning during Monday’s thunder storm. There was damage to the roof, but no other damage done to the home.  Mr. and Mrs. Harley Irvin and their two daughters reside on the farm.  
July 1958
Members of the McCracken Boy Scouts who left Sunday for Larned to attend  Camp Pawnee this week included Leroy and Terry Herdman, Ronnie and Jerry Richolson, Martin and Lennie Higgins, David Norlin, Dwight Eisenhour, Dennis Walker, Dennis Peters, Kenneth Grumbein, Ira Robison, Reggie Irvin, Kenneth Elmore, Bill Zeller, Jimmie Rogers, Danny Rein and Mark Reinhardt.  Bobby Peters and Robert Rein attended Camp Mary Dell at Abilene.
July 1968
Renee Hartfield and Stanley Johnston were married at San Diego, California, Saturday, July 13.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Moran, a daughter, Michele Lea, July 22 at Larned.  Happy belated 40th, Michele.
July 1978
Doug Elias set three records in the “Meet of Miles” Sunday, July 23.  The McCracken 8th grader set a record in the long jump with 16’8”, in the triple jump 36’2” and the 100 meter with a 12.6.
July 1988
There will be a His and Hers Golf tournament, known as a Texas Scramble on Sunday at the McCracken Country Club.  There is a $2.00 entry fee.  This is in connection with the rodeo.
July 1998
Approximately 200 MHS alumni paid their dues.
Congratulations to Doctor and Mrs. David Moran on the birth of a son, Zachary, born Wednesday, July 15, 1998.

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