RCNews July 17
Memorials have been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Donald & Carrie Davis House from Annette Davis Chestnut; Vic Higgins from Lonnie & Tammy Higgins Irvin; Patricia Klee Brock from Addie Mills; Donna Davis, Bert and Lenora Schuckman from Donnie Schuckman; Lorraine Norlin from David Norlin; Vic Higgins from Shirley Lovitt Higgins; George Myers from Janice Myers Stull; The Akers family from Ruth Akers Yawger; Emmett Sloan from Marjorie Davis Sloan; Donald Davis, Carrie Davis House, Donna Schuckman from Ellen Davis Kershner; Norma Heiser from Jametta Peters Basgall, Lorraine Norlin from Lynne Hinman Reckling; Don Buster from Joan Ryan Buster; Vic Higgins from Kayla Higgins Tacha; Elmore Ryan, Bill McKinney, Liz Conner, Vic Higgins, Ralph & Ruth Tanck from Jerry Higgins;
Our thanks to Ellen Kershner for her donation to the McCracken web site.
Congratulations and good luck to David Norlin who filed for the 71st District House of Representatives!!! He wrote he would not be able to attend as he will be campaigning.
Olivia Evans, Fredrick, Colorado, celebrated her 9th birthday with Arky and Diana McNair. Friends came by the have birthday cheesecake.
Pat Grumbein and Susan Nickler, Salt Lake City, stopped by the Jail/Museum and the McCracken Library on Tuesday. Susan is doing genealogy on the Grumbein family and they purchased the Hampton book which has many Grumbein articles. Pat is the son of John and Ann Grumbein.
Congratulations to Bill and Sharon Struthers Lovitt who celebrated with family and friends an early 50th wedding anniversary celebration Friday evening, July 11, at the VFW in Ransom. They were married August 9, 1958 in Larned. All their family was home for the celebration. Jeff, Kathy, Eric, Austin and Audra Hurd, San Diego; Brad Lovitt, Phoenix; Jennifer Lovitt and Teresa Lovitt, Dodge City; Scott and Lora Faiman, Rae and Clay, Columbia, Missouri.
The Faiman family had to leave early Saturday afternoon as their son Clay was playing in the USSSSA World Series for 11-14 year olds in Liberty, Missouri starting Sunday. Tanner Higgins began playing Monday in the USSSSA World Series in Hutchinson. Last year the two boys both played in Hutchinson.
It was very nice to visit with Janet Appel Struthers, Phoenix on Friday evening. She is a subscriber to the RCNews, so she needs to be mentioned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We received letters from Marjorie Midge Klitzke Davenport saying she was unable to attend the parade; from Ruby Littler Myers saying that the older alumni members feel fortunate that God has permitted them to live this long. She would certainly love to be able to come visit the all the old school mates and friends, but is unable to do so. She wrote that she is so happy that the community has worked so diligently to keep the alumni and rodeo a yearly event and to keep McCracken on the map. It is still my home town. She sends a BIG HELLO to everyone. Ruby is a 1938 MHS graduate. Louise Marvin Burnham writes from Fremont, Nebraska saying she too would love to see everyone. She said her days of strolling in the park are over as her balance in walking is far from perfect. Her husband passed away in November, 2002 and her children are all scattered - in South Carolina, Illinois and Wyoming. She had a heart attack in 2002 and her doctor ordered cardiac rehab at the hospital so she goes three mornings a week to exercise. Her pastime is reading and tying knots of love (tatting), and watching TV. There were 4 lovely tatting knots on her letter. She is a MHS graduate of 1936. A letter from Inez Showalter Manos writing that she would love to come but wasnt able, and a letter from Virginia McCaskey Barnes. She said My goodness, how old is Ruth Yawger? Im almost 93 (Ruth amazes all of us). I sent her Louise Burnhams address and they both wrote one another. Virginia wrote .. What Fun. She is a granddaughter of the late Ben Hicks. She is also a 1936 graduate
Thanks to all those who participated in the golf tournament held Saturday morning at the McCracken golf course. The weather was perfect, the grass was green and the only flaw was Richard Showalter breaking both legs. He was on a golf cart that slipped off the little bridge, it tipped over and the cart fell on him. Cards to him would be appreciated. Send to Richard Showalter, McCracken, Kansas 67556.
Winners in the golf tournament were Championship, 1st John Webster, Nick Chambers, Mike Vernon, Chris Lohrey; 2nd, Sean Peters, Gary Barnes, Jaden Jacobs, Jenna ?; 3rd, The Irvins, Don, Chad, Chris and Kellye; 1st Flight, 1st; Babe & Arlene Gilbert, Amber Schwanke; 2nd, Steven & Jolene Morgan, Kyle & Deb Wherry; 3rd, Jerry Higgins, Jeff Jennings, Dennis Shell, Ed Skerko; 2nd Flight, 1st Brett & Holly Gilbert, Susan Keith, Martin Higgins; 2nd, Chad Overham, Jason Paul, Curtis Albers, Ryan Martin; 3rd, Lonnie & Teresa Morgan, Jay & Cindy Schroter. Other players in the tournament were: Robert Rein, Ronnie Rein, Bennie McCaskey, Francis Olmont, Brad Lauchbaugh, Joel Gabel, Carl Brandt, Allen Westphal, Darrin Murray, Richard Showalter, Travis Kleweno, Barry Kleweno, Mitch Conner, Mitch Keeley, Shelby Burke, Jason Showalter, Logan Owens, Patrick McCarroll, Doug Ellison, Taylor Lemux, George Sommers, Cindy Wierman, Dale Wittom, Joel Herschbach, Allen Morgan, Cory Torez, Michael Morgan, Jeff Jones, Scott Littler, Darrin Werth, Cody Prosser, William Greenway, Johnny Mac Showalter, Cory Molloy, Arky McNair, Brian McNair, Glen Ryan, Chad Foust, Crystal Ryan, Nicole Ryan, Jeff Hinman, Casey Grimme, Ben Groover, Cory Schwein, Gary Howell, Jason Hornung, Neal Schrater, Scott Foos, Barry Schwein, Justin Richardson, Alexis Nicepar, Diz & Wilma Washaliski, Mike Keith, Mark Baus, Les Diehl, Tommy Smith, Mike Conner, Bruce Davis, Clayton & Kizmin Wilson, Treva & Bryan Bergquist, Mark & Renee Harrelson, Charlie Delay, Larry Eisenhour, Bob Fear, Ty Elias, Chuck Andre, Woody Williams, Les Rogers, Mike & Sharolyn Legleiter, Chase Rogers, Bet & Jeanette McCormick, Jeff & Julie McCormick, Sean, Laura, Lacey Bookstore, Jamie Rein, Chris & Marcus Hilger, Brandon Schmidt, Jarod Sanders.
The golf t-shirts were a hit!!! All of them were sold.
Wal-Mart of Hays donated all the donuts for the tournament.
Babe and Jerry did another outstanding job entering those playing in the tournament. Apologies for any misspelled names.
Congratulations to Jamie Basgall who was the winner of the afghan, donated by Sally Irvin. We are glad she won as she is always FREEZING!
Jackie Casey made the signs advertising the raffle for the alumni, the raffle for the museum and the History Book.
Bailey Morgan did the games at the park for the little guys and gals.
Of course, what would the MHS Alumni do without Sandra and Jan. Outstanding jobs from both. They can say whew!!! A job well done.
New and renewing members of the Jail/Museum are Lucy Vogle, Mary Margaret McCormick, Rose and Les Diehl, Arline Rues, Shelly Oelkers, Lee and Debra Oelkers, Harold Juvenal, Noel Lipton, John and Janice Stull; Tony and Tomi Rues, Carolyn Thompson, Joan Buster, Martin and Julie Pfannenstiel; Ot and Louise Otero, Juanita Caviness, Pat Derr, Gerald Walker, Francis and Roberta Wierman, Wendell and Gladys Hinman, Bill and Barbara Baus, Ben and Nancy Anderson, Scott Palecki, Jim Schafer, Lonnie and Tammy Irvin, Kayla Tacha, Jerry Higgins, Chuck Higgins, Diz and Wilma Washaliski and the Rush County United Fund.
After reading the new Volume 111 McCracken History Roy Conrad sent the following item from the book to Shirley:
November 1995:
Laura North Martin wrote a letter for the McCracken News this week. While she likes the choices offered by a big City ( She lives in Fort Worth, Texas ) She wrote the following. "I also miss being able to go on a walk after dark on a summer night, being able to run into the grocery store with no make up on, running into someone I know on the sidewalk down town or in the mall, knowing the barber or beautician personally, knowing that the Postman will call you if you forgot the zip code on your letter or just write it for you and not rudely stamp it ' Return to Sender'!!
Since we have no postoffice at the moment maybe some official will see this and understand the need for us a postoffice here in McCracken. Maybe someday one will want to move back to our fair city where one can do stuff without getting mugged, you suppose!
Roy says I like to read the book as it is very interesting and sometime makes you feel a bit older also. Thanks Miss Shirley.
If you didnt get a new history book this rodeo/alumni weekend, they are still available from Shirley and Carolyn. The price is $25.00 or $30.00 mailed. By the way Roy turned the big 70 on July 14. Happy 70th.
Memorials received by the Jail/Museum: Donations from Tim, Stacy, Maddie and Lily Rues, Lonnie and Tammy Irvin, Rose and Les Diehl, Shirley Higgins; memorials to Joe Casey from Noel Lipton; George Myers from John and Janice Stull; Floyd Thompson from Carolyn Thompson; Erman Oelkers from Shelly Oelkers; John and Ethel Oelkers from Lee and Debbie Oelkers; Floyd Thompson from Frederick and Louise Otero; Glenn Gordon, Jr. (WW11 Killed in Action) from Martin and Julie Pfannenstiel; Donald Buster from Joan Buster.
The $150 gift card to Vanderbilts in Hays was won by Rex Boley of Ellsworth, KS.
Our thanks to all those who participated in this raffle.
In this year of political frenzy, who should appear in the Annual Rodeo Parade, but our own Dwight D. Eisenhour lovingly known to this community as Goop! (In his entry in the parade) crowd control was maintained by local security - Arlyn aka Joe Casey and Larry aka Jack Edwards. Word on the street is that all three of these guys had spent time with local security in their younger years. Candidate Eisenhour said he only had one big surprise he thought the Davis kids would have a larger voter constituency and would come up with something at least as creative if not as famous! We like Ike!
On the same subject as time in jail, we heard an interesting story about The Hole where our locals use to gamble. Well, they had a one armed bandit in the basement. Jack Edwards confisticated it and took it over to the jail and put it in one of the cells. He went home for lunch and when he returned it was gone. They found it about four miles north of town broken up with all the quarters missing.
What a joy it was to have a full house at St. Marys Catholic Church on Saturday. Our thanks to Father Kraus, all those who helped in any way and especially to parishioners, former residents and area friends who came to celebrate with us.
McCracken History Notes
July 1908
James Cramer, Sr., 78, died unexpectedly at his home in Denver. He was born in County Leitrim, Ireland. He married Mary McGovern in New York City in 1860. Six children were born of this union. She died in 1900. In 1902 he married Miss Elizabeth Trostle.
The school board re-employed Prof. O. J. Weir as principal of the school for the coming terms: Mrs. Mary Prior, Grammar Dept; Miss Florence Neal, Intermediate and Miss Grace Floyd, Primary.
July 1938
Aided by a home run in the third inning by L. Elias, the McCracken Junior League baseball team won a close game from the Alexander nine here Sunday, 6-5. F. Foster, local pitcher whiffed five opposing batters.
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Conrad are the parents of a 7 lb boy born July 14. He was named Francis Roy.
July 1948
Funeral services were held at the Assembly of God church for Mrs. Rowena Rush, 78, who died at the Larned hospital. Mrs. Rush resided at McCracken for 50 years, coming to Rush county as a young woman. Her husband died 15 years ago and they had no children.
Mrs. Vincent Higgins and daughter, Lenora Pearl, returned home last week from St. Anthonys hospital in Hays.
July 1958
Pete Rixon left Thursday to return to Ft. Hood, Texas.
Members of the McCracken golf club who played in the tournament at LaCrosse Sunday were Carl Bible, Ray Grumbein, Bob Janke, Gerald Anderson, Phillip Richolson and Fay Jennings.
July 1968
Susan Reinhardt has completed her course at Sidneys Hair Dressing College in Hutchinson.
Todays market wheat $1.20 and Milo $1.80
July 1978
Jeff Scheuerman caught a 27 lb 41 inch long flathead at the west end of Lake Wilson on Sunday.
The McCracken cookie team took second in the league tournament. Team members are Kevin Casey, Mark Bannister, Jeff McCormick, Doug Elias, Scott Moore, Steve Kuhn, Jay Brack, Keith Roth, Jim Cole, Jeff Scheuerman, Kent Antenen, Shawn McKinney and Mike Stull. Manager is Jim Schafer, Coach Bill Cole.
July 1988
Clowns will supply entertainment at the annual rodeo.
Michael Kuntz, is the director of the rodeo. Events will include bareback riding, bull riding, calf roping, steer wrestling, ladies barrel racing, kids sheep and calf events.
July 1998
Donna Hinman Miner won the quilt donated to the McCracken Rodeo by Mildred Anderson in memory of her husband, Harlan.
Lucy Vogle and Mary Ann Moran attended the banquet for the senior Companion Program at Ft. Hays on Thursday evening.
We met Tony Rues bride to be. Youre a lucky man! They were guests of Neal and Amy Jacobs and family at Great Bend. (P. S. He WAS a very lucky man!)