News July 12
Memorials have been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Donald C. Greenway from Bill & Paula Greenway, Emma Rose Showalter Dugan from Jerry & Kathy Casey Dugan, Emmett Sloan, from Marge Davis Sloan; Al Rues from Alicia Rues; Donna Schuckman, Bert & Lenora Schuckman & Lyle Davenport from Don Schuckman; Emmett Sloan from Norma McNair.
Donald Skillett, 71, Hays, died June 27, 2007 at Spartanburg, SC. He was born December 14, 1935 in Seneca to Elmer & Pearl Waters Skillett.  He married Betty Lou Oborny on February 8, 1967.  A daughter, Sue Davis, Memphis, TN is one of the survivors.  Burial was in the Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Wakeeney.
Some of those attending the funeral services for Donald Skillett were Bruce & Sue Davis, Brian Davis, Eric & Melissa Davis, Ellen Kershner, Addie Caroline, Addie Mills, Bob House & Robbie McGaughey.
Those attending the rodeo meeting Sunday evening were Gary Barnes, Coleen Kerns, Brett Gilbert, Roger & Brenda Legleiter, Tyrel Elias, Bet McCormick.  Mike & Jerilyn Stull, Colby & Tayler were still trying to find their way home from Joplin, Missouri.
The North, Scott and Buxton reunion was held at the V. F. W. in Ransom on June 30.  Those attending on the Buxton side were:  Ed & Roberta Horning, Bartelsville, OK; Jerry Buxton, Larned; Kip & Donna Buxton, Kristofer & Serena, Denver, CO; The Scotts in attendance were:  Tom & Marabeth Scott, Ellis; Amy Scott, Chris Scott, Kansas City; Eric & Christie Scott, Allie, Lauren & Emmalie, Berryton, KS; Ronald Horchem, Gary Horchem & Mark Horchem, Ransom; From the North family:  Keith & Billie North, McCracken; Larry & Judy North, Lubbock, TX; Ann Betz, Greeley, CO; Carmen Polka, Talin & Dax, Winsor, CO: Joy & Jim Schell, Great Falls, MT; Tim & Becky Jochum, Denver, Dan North & Emily North, Sammamish, WA; Donna North, Brownell; Bill & Ramona North, Amber & Vanessa, Ellis; Rita North & Enid John, Danielle & Steven Masiaglia & Erin, Owen John & Draven, Diana North & Siomom all of Hays.  Several from the group visited Robert & Jessie Scott, the oldest family members.  They were presented with T-shirts & listened while Robert sang “Old Bones”.  He is soon to be 99 years old.  The late harvest kept many from attending & everyone hopes they can come to the next reunion.
Arline Rues entertained with a July 4th get to gather at her ‘summer’ home in McCracken.  Those attending were Cathy, Alex, Catherine & John Casey; Rose & Les Diehl; Tony & Tomi Rues, Emma, Kate, Will & Shelby; Roger & Norma McNair & grandsons Mason & Zane, Shirley & Chuck Higgins.
Jessica Stull graduated May 24th, 2007 from Oak Park High School in Kansas City, MO.  While attending Oak Park, she participated in basketball, forensics, future business leaders of America, and Student Council.  Jessica has received a Distinguished Scholar Award from Northwest Missouri State University and will be attending in the fall to study Psychology.  Jessica is the daughter of Craig and Julie Stull and granddaughter of John and Janice Stull and Jess and Jolene Showalter, a great-granddaughter of Ruby Myers, Eunice North, and Elza Stull.
Jerry, Jodi, Tanner & Jenna Higgins, Jeff & Julie McCormick attended the wedding of Joey McNaul & Kendra Schweitzer in Branson on Friday. 
Galen Oelkers, Caroline, Virginia & Lillian, Atlanta, Ga. is here visiting his mother, Jean Oelkers.  On Saturday they attended the Wild West parade in Hays.
If you see a car parked along the side of the road, please stop and see if you may be of help.  In all probability it is Jamie DeWitt.  She said it ‘stops’ more than it runs.
 Nancy Jane, Martina Stegman & Verlene Wilson went to Nigeria recently and visited missionaries.  They were all Sisters in Nigeria in the 60’s and 80’s.  They visited Gusau, Sokoto and Funtau where the Sisters have different positions in the area such as hospitals, schools, farming and dispensaries.  They spent 5 days with Rita Marie Schwarzenberger of Collyer.  She has spent 31 years in Kaduna and has worked for ‘Hope of the Village Children’.
The main place is getting funds for children with rickets, polio, pre-natal, burns, proper water wells & small schools for villages.  Seventeen children are scheduled for surgery for rickets in Nigeria.  Marie also teaches theology in the seminary & goes to workshops for conflicts & justice.
Roy & Phyllis Conrad returned home Friday evening after spending a week in Mo. & Ill.  In Illinois they attended the wedding of Grace Patten & Branden Neeley, son of Chris & Rhonda Zordel, Spearville & step-grandson of Albert & Alouise Zordel, Ransom.  Also attending the wedding were Neil, Rhonda, Chandler & Ashleigh Allen, Wichita.  On Sunday they attended the graduation party picnic in St. Louis for Andrew & Michael Conrad, sons of Richard & Linda Conrad.  Andrew graduated from the University of Missouri-Rolla.  He majored in electrical engineering and physics was his minor.  Michael graduated from Oakville Senior High School and will attend Southwest Baptist University in accounting this fall. The remainder of the week Roy & Phyllis did Gerritzen family research.
Roger & Norma McNair returned home Wednesday after spending a week at Red Feather Bel Aire Lake in Colorado for a week.  Their grandson Zane returned home with them.
I received an email from Natalie Twiselton Hoffman.  She was looking at our alumni web site and started to reminisce.  She noticed a Robert Elmore on the alumni list and wondered if he was the "Bobby Elmore" she played with as a 5 yr old, a grandson to Mr. & Mrs. Harry Phillips that had grocery store across street from the old hotel.  Reba Davenport's half brother. When we moved down behind the barber shop, just before I started 1st grade, I used to play sometimes with Bobby Elmore and Haroldean Juvenal and sometimes with Jackie Paul Wilson.  But I'd always play dress up with Bobby and with Haroldean.  I'd get them all dressed up in dresses and high heeled shoes and rouge and lipstick, etc.  Mrs. Phillips used to just laugh, but it really upset Mr. Phillips, and I think Berty said that Haroldene's brothers like to never let him live that down.  There just were no playmates on main street, so I had to make do with whoever I could snag into playing dress up with me.  Bobby and I and I'm sure Haroldean as well played "Carmine Miranda".  She made a VERY BIG IMPRESSION on me.  When we still lived in Grandma & Grandpa's house, (now Anya Foos) before the move, I used to play some with Peter Stanley Wahl.  But he was an onery little SCHISTER!!
Lydia Schoenberger & John Schoenberger visited Verlene Wilson & Jim Yuri last week.  Gunner Wilson was a Friday overnight & Saturday ‘guest’ of his grandmother, Verlene Wilson.
We welcome everyone to the annual McCracken Rodeo/Alumni week.  Take in your favorite activity -  queen contest, meal at City Park hosted by McCracken Alumni (no reservations needed), golf tournament, license plate display at Jail/Museum, kids games at the park, McCracken Public Library, cool off at the Community Building, sheep riding for kids, three nights of rodeo including wild horse racing,  National Women’s Barrel Racing, trail ride and overnight at rodeo grounds, parade, reunions, rodeo dance, cancer walk-run and good food and beverages.
Congratulations to Sheryl Rogers and Sharon Irvin on their 50th birthday on July 3.
Bruce and Sue Davis, Memphis, TN; Eric and  Melissa Davis, Lincoln, NE; Brian Davis, Hutchinson; Cheryl Skillett, Yakima, WA; Bob House; Addie Mills; Ellen and Addie Caroline Kershner; Carl and Velma Legleiter were among the many who attended funeral services for Don Skillett at Hays on Monday. 
Renewing members of the Jail/Museum are Galen Lee Oelkers, Ruthetta Irvin, Dennis Irvin, Galen Irvin, Don Irvin, Kellye Irvin, Jay Georg, Maureen Georg, Francis Zeller, Julia Zeller, Frances Janke, Verlene Wilson, Bill Moran, Marge Moran, Shirley Higgins, Arlyn North, Jan North, Lawrence Oelkers, Bernadette Oelkers, Alicia Rues, Leigh Barrett, George Hunter, Joyce Hunter, Ron Casey, Cathy Casey, Fred Taylor, Mary Ann Taylor, Frank Littler, Elaine Littler, Lucille Young, Dwight Eisenhour, Sharilyn Eisenhour, Lee Oelkers, Debbie Oelkers.
Memorials to the Jail/Museum were received in memory of John and Ethel Oelkers, Frank and Merle Hardwick and Erman Oelkers by Galen Lee Oelkers; Chester E. Irvin by Ruthetta Irvin, Dennis Irvin, Galen Irvin, Don Irvin and Kellye Irvin; Jack Wilson by Verlene Wilson; Robert Janke by Frances Janke; Vic Higgins by Shirley Higgins; Lyle Davenport by Francis and Julia Zeller; Al Rues by Alicia Rues and Leigh Barrett; Eugene Young, John and Silvina Pfaff, Edwin Miller, Mary Pfaff and Mary Mask by Lucille Young;  Erman Oelkers and Fern Oelkers Zimmerman by Lee and Debbie Oelkers.
Francis and Julia Zeller hosted a dinner at the McCracken Café on Sunday noon.  Guests were John and Melanie Zeller, Bill Zeller, Cecelia Gilbert, Sheila Brown, Sr. Margaret Rourke, Sr. Martina Stegman, Father Rene Labrador, Louise Seltman, daughter, Rebecca and granddaughter.
Norma Brack Allen’s husband Bob Allen, died July 4, 2007 at Salina.  Funeral was at Geisendorf Funeral Home on Saturday, July 7.
Fredonia had twenty inches of rain and flooding last week.  We are pleased that Ted and Bernadine Gray, parents of Ruthanne Crawshaw, were all right.  They did not have to evacuate, but could if necessary.  Ted was recently hospitalized and is on oxygen.
Jean Schutte found two panorama pictures of World War 1 troops which she loaned to the Jail/Museum.  Also loaned is a 1900 fall reproduction of the Sears-Roebuck Catalog (called the Consumer Guide) and matches from McCracken Hotel. 
Shannon Keith’s Rebel team had a second place finish in the softball league tournament held at Claflin on Saturday.  Other teams in the league are Holyrood-Bushton, Chase and two Claflin teams.
The 4th of July display in McCracken was awesome.  At least five sites in town had spectacular displays combined with good eats and visiting.  You have not lived if you haven’t eaten homemade strawberry ice cream made by Glenn Ryan.
We had a nice e-mail from Jerry Crotinger in which he attached a copy of his letter to the editor at Hays Daily News regarding the Wind Farm near Hays.  He and his sister, Dorothy Graham, would love to have it on their property in Southwest Ellis County and save the Hays people from all the controversy.
We were sorry to hear of the death of Rosemary Mattas Dlabel of Wilson.  She was a first class basketball player when our girls’ played.  She has five small children.
Jim Gray, publisher of the Kansas Cowboy, had a nice article about our Rodeo and Trail Ride in the July-August issue.  Also he mentioned that Jerry (Gerald) Walker and his wife of Corning, Iowa, stopped by Drovers Mercantile enroute to McCracken for a family reunion in June.
McCracken History Notes
July 1887
T. R. Brooke of Hampton took in the baseball game at Scott City
Once more we can hear the busy hum of the threshing machine in our midst, and James Start and sons are the boss threshers.
July 1907
Some miscreant, says the Great Bend Tribune, stole two cases of beer from a west side man’s cellar Sunday night while the owner was at church.
Twelve of the girls here have organized a basketball team and will play the Walnut Grove team here next Saturday week.
July 1937
The Farmerettes journeyed to Hoisington last Thursday where they played a men’s team of the Missouri Pacific Shops.   They won by a score of 11-2.  Mable Ree and Helen Van Winkle starred for the girls both batting 1,000.  Mabel was at bat four times, was issued one pass and got three singles and scored two runs.  Helen, who is also dangerous at bat, in her three trips got two two baggers, a single and scored two runs.  A new player is LaVerne Lewis from Timken, a classy ball tosser who allowed only five hits.
Emma Mae Norlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Norlin and Gerald Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben U. Anderson were married July 11, 1937 at the home of the bride’s parents.
July 1947
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Peer and Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Steinshouer and grandson, Douglas Steinshour, left Tuesday on a two week’s vacation trip to Battle Lake, Minn.
Crop is one of best ever:  With 261,000 acres in wheat, it appears as if the county will harvest a five million bushel crop.   One of the main headaches experienced is the shortage of custom combines.  The Farm Bureau office has had dozens of calls from farmers needing combines.  The wheat is testing 60 to 64 pounds.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Seeger and their four-year-old twins, sons David and Jimmie, of Burbank, Calif., visited over the weekend here with Mrs. Seeger’s uncles, Fred and Harry Sultzer, and their aunt, Mrs. Edna Durand.  Mrs. Seeger is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sultzer of San Bernadino, Calif.
July 1957
Rev. Marshall is the new minister at the Assembly of God Church.
The rainfall received Friday measured 2.65 inches.
July 1967
The Dixon Café closed Saturday and opened Sunday under new management.  Donald Davis is the new manager.
Jim Jones attended two weeks training in the Naval Reserves at Rhode Island.
July 1977
Robbie McGaughey was a heat winner at the demolition derby sponsored by the LaCrosose Chamber of Commerce on Sunday.
Jane Moran and Terri Rogers have pre-enrolled at Fort Hays.  Patty Littler and Greg Buster enrolled at K-State.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, a daughter, Tawny, July 13.
July 1987
The Fourth of July is different – hear or see very few firecrackers.  There wasn’t a fireworks stand in our area this year so few fire crackers etc. were available. 
Mrs. Alta Wagner was the honored guest at a family dinner held at St. Michael’s Parish Center Saturday evening with a reception and open house Sunday at Hope Lutheran Church, Rush Center.
McCracken will host a KSRA Open Rodeo on July 17 and 18.  Michael Kuntz is director of the rodeo.  Stock will include “Little Victor” and “Rambo”.  They will be back home in McCracken as they were originally from Verlene Wilson’s longhorn herd of McCracken.  The McCracken Rodeo is sponsored by the McCracken Centennial. (2007 will mark our 21st rodeo).
July 1997
Gerald Walker and Jack Wilson went to New Mexico on Monday.  They visited the homestead of the Showalter family near Mt. Dora.  They then went to Clayton where they ate at the famous Elklund Hotel.
Doug and Rich Higgins were here for harvest.  Tuesday Gesa Harrington, a foreign exchange student of Doug and Mary Higgins, was able to enjoy the harvest.
Betty Fear and Carol Rixon returned from a 10 day trip to visit Betty’s relatives in Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana.

©2007, McCracken Alumni Association
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