July 6
Memorials have been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Joy Mills Gifford from Addie Mills; to Katharen Akers Rodeman and LuAnne Scheideman Mathias from Arline Rues; to Harley and Marjorie Norlin Irvin from John and Sharon Irvin.
A memorial has been given to the McCracken Rodeo in memory of Celestin Stremel from Dave and Carolyn Stremel Davenport.
We would like to congratulate Shirley Weeks, Brownell, who won the $140,000 prize in the June 10 drawing on a $2 ticket for correctly matching six numbers in the Super Kansas Cash jackpot.  We imagine they have heard from people claiming they were long lost relatives!!!!!  Shirley is the wife of Larry Weeks.
We have heard through the grapevine that Maddie Rein Petz hosted a ‘girl’s night out sleep over’ at her house recently.  It was also reported that two single good looking guys from Reno County crashed the party.  No other details available!!
Those MHS ‘special alumnus’ that are hoping to ride in the parade on Saturday are Ruth Akers Yawger 1928; Lucy Higgins Vogle 1932; Cecil Phillips 1933; Katherine Higgins Ryan 1934; Evelyn Plotner Higgins 1935; Beulah North Irvin 1935; Inez Showalter Manos 1935; Julia Davenport Zeller 1938; Lucille Elmore Lamer 1938; Bev Irvin 1939; Adrian Doerr 1939; Florentine Leiker Schuckman 1939; and former student Doris Higgins Schafer.
Those invited but unable to attend are Orvis Nowles 1930, lives in Walla Walla, Wash; Rose Rein Showalter 1934 residing in long term care at Ransom; Agnes Shepherd Kelly 1935 lives in Red Bluff, Calif; Virginia McCaskey Barnes 1936 just returned from a trip to Alaska; Louise Marvin Burnham 1936 lives in Fremont, Neb.; Ruth Durand McLaughlin 1937 lives in Hutchinson; Luceil Plotner 1937 resides in Hoisington; Helen Irvin Goering 1937 lives in Colorado, said she wishes she could come; Willis Redding lives in LaCrosse and cannot take the hot weather; Betty Smith Davenport 1937 address unknown; Lillian Murphy Chadwick 1938 lives in Colo.; Ruby Littler Myers 1938 lives in LaCrosse; George Doerr 1938 lives in Eureka in nursing home; Wesley Irvin 1939 lives in Texas; Lavon Casey Helms 1939 lives in an apartment in Ness City; Lavern Fletcher 1939 going to Colorado for the weekend; Adam Conrad 1939 lives in Oregon; Lenore Crowder 1939 lives in Oklahoma City; Willard Mills 1939 lives in Moran; Zella Doerr Grumbein 1939 going to a Grumbein reunion.
The alumni sponsored dinner is provided by Weavers of Ransom.  The cost is 4 years and under free; 5 to 11 $5.00; adults $7.00.  Two different kinds of meat will be available along with side dishes and drinks.  All golfers can be fed as the vendor will be there until the tournament is over.  There are no pre-paid tickets. . . . just stand in one of the four lines available and be served. 
Summer reading was held at the McCracken Library on Saturday.  Those attending were Carly Derr, Kyson Showalter, Austin McGaughey, Lexie Anderson, Emma Rues and Stephanie Greenway.  The kids made posters to put in windows during rodeo week. Brendon and Zach Peach usually attend but they enjoyed going to the Lake with their parents.  
On Saturday bring your children to the Jail/Museum to have their picture taken on a saddle.  The pictures will be free. 
Additional members of the museum are:  Harold D. Juvenal, Donna Miner, Lawrence Oelkers, Bernadette Oelkers, George Hunter and Joyce Hunter.  Curly Juvenal also gave a memorial in memory of Jack Wilson.
Lorraine Ryan and Carolyn Thompson were in Wichita on Friday for the National Guard Great Race 2006.  100 antique race cars are vying for prizes of $270,000 in a 10 day trip across the United States.  The group paraded down Douglas Avenue and parked their cars for viewing.  They overnighted in Wichita, then left for stops in Dodge City and Garden City before their next overnight at Pueblo, Colo.  They began June 24 in Philadelphia and will end Saturday July 8 in San Rafael, Calif.  They travel over 4000 miles.
July 6, 2006 News
Welcome to Rodeo/Alumni week.  In tribute to Jack, Celly and all those who have gone on, as Marv Pierce said in his Cowboy Prayer - ' to the green pastures in the sky', we are eternally grateful for your service to the community.
John and Janice Stull have donated a bookcase to the McCracken Jail Museum.
 Renewal memberships to the Jail/Museum are Mary McCormick, Allan Thompson, Joyce Thompson, Ruth Yawger, Francis Wierman, Roberta Wierman, Larry Eisenhour, Joyce Eisenhour, and the Ness County Historical Society.  Memorials have been received by Mary McCormick for Robin McCormick, Jack Paul Wilson and Pat Casey, Larry and Joyce Eisenhour for Glenn Eisenhour and Mac and Helen Showalter.
Grace Thompson recalls that her husband Ralph Thompson mentioned that his father E. J. Thompson and three brothers, Alfred, Ezra and Hiram Thompson walked to Ness County, Kansas from Ohio to homestead.  She could not shed any light on the marker found west of town.
 Wilbur R. Brack, 81, died June 25, 2006 at Hays.  He was the son of Fred J. and Anna Marie Meier Brack.  He was a longtime resident of rural McCracken.  He served in the Navy.  He is survived by his wife Marie whom he married on December 15, 1947.  Survivors are James, John and Jay and daughter, Janice Haney, sister, Lorene Parker and brother Dayton.  Burial was in the Kansas Veterans' Cemetery in WaKeeney.
Judy Hinman, Robin Hinman & Melissa of Albuquerque, New Mexico were Friday & Saturday guests of Wendell & Gladys Hinman.  They were also visitors of Mike & Jan Stephens in LaCrosse on Friday.  They plan to travel to Indiana to visit family.
Michele Mays received her Career Certificate from the School of Continuing Education, North Orange County Community College, Fullerton, Calif. in Early Childhood Education.  Michele is the granddaughter of George and Joyce Hunter.
McCracken History Notes
July 1906
John Moran has a new rubber tired buggy and drives a pretty swell rig.
All persons who have an interest in the Hampton Cemetery are invited to meet at Hampton School House this next week to build a fence and do other work necessary.  We also have 228 pounds of barb wire which will be sold to be applied to the cemetery fund.  All bring dinner.  John Irvin, E. B. King and Ike Metz, directors.
July 1936
The K-T Oil Station is being painted and remodeled this week.  The colors are maroon and yellow.  The station will be one of the best in this part of the state.
The local elevators are paying $1.00 for No. 1 wheat.
M. M. Stephens had the misfortune to burn his hand severely while working on his tractor this week.
July 1946
Tommie Nash left Monday for Kansas City where he expects to find employment.
A.C. English has sold the K. T. Oil Station business to Ben Jacobs, who took charge Monday.  English, remains in charge of the tank service.
July 1956
Guy and Glenn Conner, Vic Higgins and Bill Lovitt are baseball players with the Ness City Towners in the State baseball tournament held in Wichita.
The junior boys of the Methodist Sunday School who attended the camping program in Scott County Park were Reggie Irvin, Terry and LeRoy Herdman, Mark Reinhardt, Mike Cain, Dwight Eisenhour and David Norlin.
July 1966
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Eisenhour moved last week into the Holdgate property in the west part of town.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barnes on the birth of a son, Gary Allen, born July 3, 1966 in Ransom.  (The Big 40)
July 1976
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Wells, Jr. own the oldest Century Farm in the 8th District of Kansas Farm Bureau.  The Wells farm near Alexander was originally purchased in 1873 by Mrs. Well's great-grandfather, J. C. Young, and was obtained from the U. S. Government.
Rodney Taylor graduated from St. Mary of the Plains College in Dodge City.   He was also named to the Dean's Honor Roll.
July 1986
The nursery class members of the United Methodist Sunday School are Megan Carpenter, Valerie Rogers, Crystal Jones, Debbie and Jessie Justice and Dawn Baus.
The Centennial quilt committee met and decided to design the quilt in the shape of a wagon wheel.  The center with the train was designed by Paulette Zeller.  Shiloh Tomlinson was the youngest artist on the quilt by designing the oil tank battery.  (The quilt is on loan to the Jail/Museum by Grace Thompson).
July 1996
Recent storm damage included a cattle trailer, house roof - Roger and Brenda Legleiter; a barn - LaVern Fletcher; grain bin - Eunice North; shed and door - Arlyn North; cattle shed - Ken Thompson, car - Nicole Moran; pickup - Jason Moran; pickup -Floyd Thompson; 5 grain bins and leg - Loren Wright; bin tops - Franklin Littler; Pine tree - St. Mary's Church; Large steel shed, side and roof, air conditioner - Ray and Marilyn Slemp; tavern roof - Rob McGaughey; Post Office roof; shed doors - Kenneth House farm; Granary and shed - Richard Baldwin; cattle shed roof - Art North farm; roof off of rock cattle shed - Orville Durand; large cottonwood tree - Chet Rogers; TV antennas; lights at the middle school football field; Rose Showalter, Clara McCormick and Mary Ann Moran had the electric boxes torn from their house by falling trees; roof damage - Wahl house; awning - Wimer Building; Phillips sign - Charlies, cattle trailer and garage - Pete Derr; old shed on the Jennings place and stock water tanks - John Stull; roof on 3 sided cattle shed, slight damage to bin and pull around cattle feeder - Mike Stull; barn on the Elias place - G. T. Barnes.
The design for the rodeo shirt was done by Bob Foster.

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