July 5
Memorials have been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Vic Higgins from Tony & Tomi Rues; Vernie L. & Anise C. Irvin from Wayne Irvin; Donald C. Greenway from Betty Wierman Greenway and Donna Greenway Hill; Bob & Grace Elias Lovitt & Margaret Lovitt Hair from Bill & Sharon Lovitt; George Myers from Ruby Littler Myers; Audice & Ruby Yawger Thompson from Mike and Susan Thompson Keith.
‘Little’ kids games will be held at the McCracken City Park on Saturday, July 14 beginning at 10:30.  The McCracken Library will also be open at 9:30 on Saturday.
The McCracken Community Building will be open for those who want a ‘cooler’ place to visit.  It will be open from after the dinner at the park until time for the rodeo.  Don’t forget the parade starts at 3:30.  The queen contest will be held at the United Methodist Church.
A rodeo tag sale will be held at the McCracken Grade School July 11-15 beginning at 2:00 pm.  Jewelry, Brighton, Western items, collectible items etc. etc.  Please come check the things on display.
We may have a couple of surprise golfers playing in our golf tournament on Saturday.  Bring your autograph pad & pens.  The t-shirts have been ordered.  The design was drawn by Kelly Stenzel, Bazine. 
Veronica Baus is spending a second term at Camp Kankuck (sp), MO, a Christian Sports Camp near Branson.  She will be a sophomore at K-State this fall and will spend her spring semester in Spain.
Lyle Davenport died this week.  We all have fond memories of him in his ‘garage’ repairing anything & everything and the ‘loafers’ sitting out in front of his building on the bench.  He and his wife Midge were married 72 years.  Funeral services were held Friday with burial in the McCracken Cemetery.
Ben & Nancy Anderson spent several days in Hawaii playing golf and doing lots of R&R.  While his sister Ardyth was visiting with Ben and Nancy, a hail storm came through Pueblo & damaged her house. 
Megan Townsend, daughter of Dan and Kim Townsend graduated from Saline High School, Saline Michigan on June 3rd.  She will be attending Wellesley College, located outside Boston, where she will major in pre med.  Those from Kansas attending the graduation were: Mary McCormick, McCracken; Audrey Clark, Abilene; Bet and Jeanette McCormick, McCracken, and Mark McCormick, Kansas City.
The rest of the names on the plaque at the park are: Kody Wendler Quint, Willis Redding, John & Carol Rein Rixon, Katharen Akers Rodeman, David Rogers, Jacklyn Rogers, O.S. “Pete” & Alice Rogers, John & Dorothy Rourke, Albert L. Rues, Elmore Ryan, Mickel, Esther & Warren Ryan, Richard Ryan, Ruby Ryan, John & Anna Scheideman, Bert Schuckman, Donna Davis Schuckman, Elven “Bus” Showalter, Mac & Helen Showalter, Emmett Sloan, Bard Stephens, M.M. “Shack” & Anna Stephens, Celestin Stremel, Jim Swartz, Lucille Robertson Teter, Augustine “Hippy” Thompson, Edward & Maurene Thompson, Floyd Thompson, Ralph & Frances Thompson, Warren Thompson, Willard Thompson, Guy & Ruby VanWinkle, Jim & Stella VanWinkle, Perry & Helen VanWinkle, Gloyd “Buck” Vogle, Charles & Wanda Carman Walker, Lorene Langdon Watts, Jim Wegher, Werner Wendler, Marcelline Moran Wendling, Eugene & Ruby Wetzel, Jack Paul Wilson, Paul & Ursula “Tot” Wilson, Helen Higgins Witthuhn, Jacob Glenn Yawger, Joseph & Bonnie Ryan Zeller, Fern Oelkers Zimmerman & all 1937 MHS graduates.
Congratulations to Sherry Petz on her 50th birthday.
The Verlene Wilson family attended the Schoenberger reunion in early June.  There were 250 pictures taken of all the family members. 
Mike Karlin was a Thursday through Sunday visitor of Addie Mills.  She returned him to his home Sunday afternoon and also visited with Joan Klee while in Hays.
Renewing members of the Jail/Museum are Ben and Nancy Anderson, Scott Palecki, Jim Schafer, Diz and Wilma Washaliski, Rush County United Fund, Phil Robertson, Fran Work, Gary and Elaine Turner; Allen and Joyce Thompson, Neil Lipton, Mike, Susan and Shannon Keith, Larry and Joyce Eisenhour, Alvin Istas, Jean Schutte, B. C. and Vida Irvin, Tom Rues, Shelly Oelkers, Frederick and Louise Otero, Roy and Phyllis Conrad, Don and DeAnna Bergquist, Anna  and Audra Bergquist, Brycee Strickland, Sonja Conner, Ness County Historical Society, Doris Schaffer, Donna Miner, Dight and Leonore House, Vivian Simmons, Bet and Jeanette McCormick, Jean Oelkers, Chester and Joyce Rogers, Tony and Tomi Rues, Shelby Bowers, Emma, Kate and Will Rues, Vicki Ames and Reba Baker.
Memorials received by the museum are for Lyle Davenport by Reba Baker; Augie Schutte and Alvina Cole by Jean Schutte; Charles and Mary Lucretia Lovitt by B. C. and Vida Irvin; Erman Oelkers by Shelly Oelkers; Floyd Thompson by Frederick and Louise Otero; Jack Wilson by Don and DeAnna Bergquist, Anna, Audra and Brycee; George and Margaret Gerritzen by Roy and Phyllis Conrad; Guy Conner by Sonja Conner; Robert (Bob) Schaffer by Doris Schaffer; Max and Loretta Washaliski by Vivian Simmons; Vic Higgins and Willis Redding by Jean Oelkers; Bessie and Dewey North by Keith and Billie North; Alvina Cole and August Schutte by Bill Cole.
Marlene Akers, Wichita, Judy Hugh and Ruth Yawger, Hays and Carolyn Thompson attended the wedding of Michelle Purer and Brian Olmstead on Saturday, June 23, 2007 in Denver.  Michelle is the granddaughter of the late Katharen Rodeman.
Curly Juvenal called to tell us that he would be here with “Bells On” for the Rodeo/Alumni weekend.
McCracken History Notes
July 1877
Hampton, Rush county, celebrated the 4th in an unostentatious manner.
The average cost of cutting and stacking wheat in Kansas this year was $2.40 an acre.
These are lovely nights for lovers and mosquitoes and other pestiferous things.
July 1887
Several LaCrosse young men went to Hampton on Sunday to hear Rev. Ross.
Jacob Forbes has commenced to excavate a large fish pond.
July 1907
Miss Nellie Jennings was married in Hoisington last week to Conductor Hoch, running on this division.
Mr. Harry Tanck was married to Miss Ida Whiteman at Galatia Wednesday of last week.  They are making their home at Mr. E. H. Tanck’s at present.
Wm. Lovitt has purchased 160 acres of land four miles west of Sedgwick City for which he paid $8,500.
July 1937
Seven carloads of wheat were shipped out of McCracken to date. Humburgs sent out three and the Farmers Elevator had four.
The Health and Home Unit met at the home of Gladys Fear last Thursday afternoon.  Members present were Carrie Darkes, Esther Ryan, Anna Stephens, Eva Elias, Edythe Baldwin, Clara Haas, May Irvin, Ruth Stephens, Esther Ryan, Anna Stephens, Cora Derr, Grace Lovitt, Zetta Derr, Hannah Sloan, Luna Hunt, Beulah Gordon, Dorothy Littler, Eva Reed and Ruth Lovitt.  Visitors were Esther Walker, Cora Nowles, Fay Boyd and the children were Norma and Bobby Fear, Lucille Elias, Pauline and Johnny Walker, Shirley Lovitt, Eva Lee Boyd, Sally McGuigan and Richard Gordon.  Mrs. Fear served home made ice cream and angel food cake.
July 1947
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. English took their little son, Gary, to Wichita, Monday to have a brace put on his leg.
Land transfers, S. H. Sultzer to Edna L. Cheney, Lots  10, 11, 12, 13 and E/2 14, Block 13, McCracken, Kansas.  J. P. Moran to Ray Irvin, a part of SE/4 7-17-20, 100 ft. by 170 ft.
A big harvest is under way.  The average production was between 20 and 25 bushels.  There were fields of about 30 with some 40 and 50.
July 1957
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Petz on the birth of a daughter, born Sunday, July 7 at LaCrosse.  She has been named Sheryl Ann.
The 1957 county wheat harvest neared its end and the crop was “generally disappointing”.  Yields averaged from five to eight bushels per acres over the county.
July 1967
Howard Higgins is attending a baseball camp at Chandler, Oklahoma.
Cathie Ryan and Sally Buster are at Camp Sylvania in Colorado.  Greg Buster is at Camp Audubon and Glenn Ryan is spending four weeks on the Colorado River.
Due to hail damage the wheat in the area is averaging two to three bushels to the acre.
July 1977
Eighty acres of pasture land was burned two miles east of McCracken, caused by a passing train.
Dennis Irvin has been promoted to manager of Erdman Oldroyd Funeral Home in Arkansas City.
July 1987
Erman Oelkers was a member of the Class of 1947 who celebrated his 40th class reunion at the Family Castle in LaCrosse.  Pauline Walker Frazier, McPherson, was also in attendance.
It looks like with the rains, the harvest won’t be complete until the 4th of July or later.
LeeRoy Schuckman has moved from LaCrosse to Almena.
Michele Moran, a freshman from McCracken, was named to the President’s Honor Roll at Saint Mary of the Plains.  John Moran, a sophomore, was named to the Dean’s Honor Roll.
July 1997
Those participating in the Ellis Riverfest Parade were Jack Wilson, Holly, Haily and Brett Gilbert, Arlene Gilbert and McCracken Rodeo Queen, Christie Bemis.
Gerald Walker and Emerson Sloan are here helping with harvest.

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