RCNews 7/3

The Armed Forces flags are going to be presented Friday night by a cowboy on horseback just before the National Anthem while a poem is being read.  Saturday night the Hays Chapter Barber Shop Chorus will sing The Armed Forces Medley as each flag is brought in by a cowboy on horseback...The flags will also be on the American Legion Float Saturday p.m. during the parade or held by a cowboy on horse back riding a long side the float.  
There will be an alumni meeting held at the Community Center beginning at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday.  Please try to attend.  Thanks.
Saturday, July 10, lunch will be served at Boondocks beginning at noon and at the Community Center. Boondocks open at 11:00 a.m. as well as the Center. Proceeds from both dinners will be given to the McCracken Alumni to help for their many contributions to the McCracken Community. 
Memorials have been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Lucille Elmore Lamer from Dean Birdsong; Emmett Sloan from Ruth Ann Sloan Sissel; Laura Casey Linsey & Cheryl Casey Wiesner from Karen Casey Shumake, Jerry & Kathy Casey Dugan; Wm. ‘Bob’ Fear from Bob Fear; Donald Greenway from Betty & Donna Greenway Hill; Lester Higgins from Sarena Higgins; Bob Foster from Tammy Higgins Irvin & Tom Rues; Donna Davis Schuckman, Bert & Lenora Schuckman, Lyle Davenport & Erman Oelkers from Donnie Schuckman; Cheryl Casey Wiesner from Mike and Sharolyn Legleiter; Joe and Joan Klee from Addie Mills; Elmore & Glenn Ryan from Cathie Ryan Shapiro; Norma Jean Heiser & Kay ‘Red’ Fear from Jametta Basgall.
Wilma Jacobs and Addie Mills enjoyed supper at the new Subs and Sodas Shop in LaCrosse last Friday.
Roger and Norma McNair and Cory Molloy were Monday evening supper guests of Marty and Tina Mills.
The families of Charles and Wanda Walker met recently in Hays for a reunion.  Those attending were Charles G. and Pat Walker, Raton, NM; Bud, Amy and Lilah Cravey, Midland, TX; Lewis Walker, Lubbock, TX;  Dennis and Susan Walker, Brian and Debbie Walker, Stephanie and Carter Ellis, Dalhart, TX;  Chad, Tammy and Evan McAllaster, Parker, CO; Natalie Walker, Lubbock, TX; Duane and Dixie Williams, Atchison, KS; Nicholas, Charlene and David Williams, St. Joseph, MO; Kellye and Diana Hart, Gary and Barb Hart, Ulysses, KS; Sherri Hart, Hutchinson, KS; Leslie Hart, Manhattan, KS; and Charles Hart, Hays, KS.
Mike Keith and Shannon, Shirley Higgins, Carolyn Thompson, Galen Allen, Tammy Irvin, Kyra Horesky, Zach Higgins, Jerry, Jodi and Jenna Higgins attended the Great Bend Legion and Hutchinson Legion baseball in Great Bend Wednesday evening.  Hutchinson won both games.  Tanner Higgins is a member of the Hutchinson team.
Mike Karlin was a Wednesday through Friday visitor of grandmother Addie Mills. Addie also visited with Jack Klee, Lee and Donna Hansen, Jayme and Andy while in Hays this week.
Those at the Library Tuesday afternoon helping count rodeo tickets were Pat Derr, Jean Schutte, Twila Higgins, Gladys Hinman, Billie North and Jeanette McCormick.
We welcome a new volunteer at the McCracken Library, Diana Brown of Brownell.
A pot luck supper was held at the home of Wilfrid and Twila Higgins Sunday, July 4th.  Those attending were Lee & Joann Benteman, Topeka; Jim & Lisa Benteman, Bison; Dean & Jeannie Linsey, their daughter & her family, Silver Lake; Duane & DeeDee Richardson & Amber, Brownell; Russ Linsey, Jean Schutte, Bruce and Meredith Winter. After the potluck they all went to the back yard of Russ’ and enjoyed the wonderful fireworks that were brought by Jim.
An 83rd birthday celebration was held for Arline Rues at her home on Sunday afternoon.  Those attending were Leigh & Alicia Rues Barrett; Les & Rose Diehl; Ron & Cathy Casey & family; Tom Rues; Tony & Tomi Rues and family; Bruce & Sue Davis; Eric & Melissa Davis; Chad Weatherly & Eric’s friend, Chris.
John and Melanie Zeller hosted a 4th of July bar-b-que for Ruth Axman, Bob & Hope Nye & Cassandra; Francis and Julia Zeller, Bill Zeller & Cecilia Gilbert.  Cards & dominoes were enjoyed during the afternoon.
Roy & Phyllis Conrad spent July 4th with Mike and Mary Beth Peach, Brendon and Zach of LaCrosse.  Others attending the BBQ and fireworks were Don & Helen Peach and Ron Peach of Kansas City.
Congratulations to Brian & Lisa Davis on their new baby boy born Saturday, June 26 in Hutchinson.  He has been named Landon Blake and was welcomed home by big sister Madison and a brother Hunter.
I hope I haven’t missed listing all our alumni memorials and sending thank you notes, my computer has been on the blink for about 10 days.  Hopefully the bug has disappeared!

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