RCNews July 3
Kathy Bracken and her daughter, Hayden, Aurora, Colorado came Tuesday for a visit with her mother, Dennis and Jeannie Elias.
Shirley was visiting with some baseball fans in Hutch this past weekend who had attended the College World Series games in Omaha, one bottle of water was $4 and hot dogs were $6. The ticket takers searched your purses and/or bags as you entered the stadium. 
Memorials have been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Donna Davis Schuckman from Bruce and Sue Davis; Oliver and Willetta Gordon Herdman from Terry and Carol Herdman; Jack Wilson, Liz Conner, Lorraine Norlin from Lynnette Harp Doornbos; Charles and Wanda Walker from Diana Hart; William R. (Bob) Fear from his dad, Bob Fear; Lyle Davenport from Bev Irvin; John & Carol Rein Rixon from Robert Rein; Vic Higgins from Chuck Higgins.
An article in the Hutchinson News written by Clara Kilbourn featured farm woman Janice Haney who has compiled and published “Greensburg Twisted Tales,” the real-life stories of 61 people who survived the May 2007 tornado.  It is a soft- cover book published by Mennonite Press. Janice, the daughter of Marie and the late Wilbur Brack will be at the McCracken Public Library Saturday, July 12 from 10:00 – 12:00 and then at the McCracken Park from noon until ?.  Please stop by and ‘buy a book’!
The combine of Bill Lovitt caught on fire Friday evening while harvesting in a field west of McCracken.  It was entirely destroyed but no one was hurt. Thanks to the McCracken Fire Department for their prompt response.  Bruce Mathews finished cutting the field on Monday.
We welcome Bruce and Sue Davis back ‘home’!  They have purchased the home of Ruth and Ralph Tanck.
Jean, Joann and Arkie enjoyed lunch at Effie’s Monday noon.  We understand this is the day for pie.
Lorraine Ryan and Nicole Ryan attended graduation ceremonies in Sacramento for her granddaughter, Lauren Shapiro.  After graduation Martin and Cathie Shapiro, Lauren and Jessica; Lorraine and Nicole went on a cruise to Alaska for a week.  They made stops in Juno, Skagway, Ketchikan and Victoria, Canada.  Soon after they returned home to Sacramento, Lauren left on a class trip to Europe.
The Rush County ‘Lightning’ team motored to Ellinwood this weekend where they placed 1st in their pool where they received medals and took 4th overall.  They won 3 and lost 2.  One of the games lost was by 1 point in a double overtime.  The basket was made as the buzzer sounded and was ‘questionable’.  Haily Gilbert is a member of the team.
MHS Alumni is also holding a raffle for a lovely afghan made by Sally Irvin.  You will also win a beach towel, a golf towel and KC Chief’s t-shirt with your ticket.  They are $1 each or 6 for $5.  You may buy your tickets the day of the dinner or before if an ‘alum’ catches you.  
Congratulations to the Rush County Relay for Life event that was held Friday, June 27 at the LaCrosse High School track.  If you have not attended, it is your loss.
Jenna Higgins played basketball in a tournament this weekend in Ellinwood, their team placed 2nd in the tournament.  They won 3 games and lost 2.  They won their semi-final game by 1 point, 16-15 with two seconds left in the game.
July 3, 2008 News
Birthdays:  July 3, Sharon Irvin, Sheryl Rogers, Kristina Simmerman, Richard Baldwin, Dave Davenport, Arline Rues, Gary Barnes; July 4, Brenda Prosser; July 5, Lucy Vogle, Chase Gomez; July 6, Bobbie Irvin; July 7, Sherry Petz, Cheryl Wiesner, Francis Zeller; July 8, Eric Davis, Melody Higgins.
Anniversaries:  August 3, Danny and Marilyn Mills; July 5, David and Janice Norlin.
Correction:  Our new history book covers the past twenty years, not two years.  Not only are there items from our column, there are many more from other items in the Rush County News and other papers.  On Friday, July 11, we will be at the museum and will sign a book if you would like yours signed.  You will have the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets for the $150.00 gift card to Vanderbilts at that time.  We also have the mustang pins for $1.25 each.  In the evening on Friday and Saturday you can buy the new History Book at the rodeo grounds.
There will be a mass during rodeo time at St. Mary’s Catholic Church on Saturday, July 12 at 4:00 p.m.  Father David Kraus will be saying the mass.
 We received this e-mail – perhaps you can provide him with some information.  Hi, my name is Les Brandt.  I am an actor/designer in Los Angeles.  I am currently looking for family tree information about my father, James Lester Brandt. He grew up in McCracken.  Was born in 1923 to a Barnabus B. Brandt (father) and Bertha (mother).  He was the oldest and had 1 brother and 3 sisters.  Any help or information would be very appreciated.  I am available for questions as well. My father passed on August 3, 2001.  He is missed.   E-mail at brandtskinz@yahoo.com.
Our thanks to Roy and Phyllis Conrad for helping clean the Jail/Museum on Wednesday and for spot painting the floor on Friday.  They also donated shelving for the museum.
Ron and Don Johnson’s sister, Robin and her husband, were here for a visit.
Those renewing their members to the Jail/Museum are Lucille Young, Bet and Jeanette McCormick, Jean Oelkers, Donna Miner, Jay and Maureen George, Chet Rogers, Doris Schaffer, B. C. and Vida Irvin, Arlyn and Jan North, Al and Judy Hugh, Ron and Phyllis Conrad, Verlene Wilson, Ness County Historical Museum, Don and Deanna Bergquist, Anna Bergquist, Audra Bergquist, Brycee Strickland, Mike, Susan and Shannon Keith, Joann Micheli and Jean Schutte.
Memorial received by the museum:  The John Pfaff Family, John and Silvina Pfaff, Mary Mask, Eugene Young and Edwin Miller by Lucille Young; Erman Oelkers by Jean Oelkers; donation by Arlyn and Jan North; The Yawger and Akers Families, Al and Judy Hugh; Jack Wilson by Verlene Wilson; Vic Higgins and Floyd Thompson by Francis and Julia Zeller; Jack Wilson by Don and DeAnna Bergquist, Anna and Audra Bergquist and Brycee Strickland; Augie Schutte by Jean Schutte.
Susan and Shannon Keith and Carolyn Thompson attended the wedding of Don Lubbers and Donna Hohmann at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Hays on Saturday.  Don is a first cousin of Carolyn’s.  Eddie and Gloria Blackwell also attended.  Gloria is a fellow teacher.
Our congratulations to Basil Marhofer of Ness City on his retirement on June 30.  Many appreciate his expertise as an attorney.
Three USPS officers were in McCracken on Thursday evening to attend a public meeting about the air quality at the post office.  Depending on how the tests come out, which were conducted on Friday, it is hoped the post office can re-open in two weeks.  The owner attended the meeting by speaker phone.  Politicans attending were Dennis Elias, Robert Tilford, Virginia Beemer and Janice Lee, an aide to Jerry Moran and a reporter from the Hays Daily News. 
McCracken History Notes:
July 1908
Nomination papers were filed last week for Frank Kershner of Nekoma for Commissioner of this District.
There were ninety four applicants at the teacher’s examination held in LaCrosse.  First grade certificates were secured for the following:  McCracken, Eva Snodgrass; Second grade, Grace Floyd, McCracken; Lillian Curtis, Hampton, Gertrude McCall, Hargrave; Third grade Pearl Washaliski, Tena Rixon, Hester Neal and Rose Sweeney, McCracken.
July 1938
Tuesday evening strong winds lifted a section of the roof from the MOP coal shed and blew it through the south side of the house of Bill Moses.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Scheideman of Hutchinson who are parents of a daughter born July 12 (Karen).
July 1948
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Higgins of McCracken, who are the parents of a daughter, Lenora Pearl, born Tuesday, June 29, in the St. Anthony hospital in Hays.  Mrs. Higgins is the former June Sloan.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Marvin of Ransom, on the birth of a 7 pound son Sunday morning at the St. Anthony hospital at Hays.  He has been given the name Gary Dean.  Grandparents are Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Marvin, LaCrosse.
Check the rodeo posters for times and events during rodeo week.  The first event is on Wednesday evening, June 9, with the Women’s Barrel Racers.
July 1958
Mrs. Clay Washburn, Los Angeles, died Monday.  She was the mother of Beulah Gordon.
Richard Ryan was re-elected director of the school board.
Dennis Peters returned home Sunday from the Salina hospital where he had been a surgical patient for the past 10 days.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Yawger, San Antonio on the birth of a daughter, Joyce Annette, born June 20, 1958.
July 1968
Deer hunting permits will be issued July 1.  Season bag limit will be one deer with restrictions on sex by management units.  The Kanopolis unit included Liebenthal and McCracken.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wittman, a son, Scott Allan, June 26 at Ness City.
Paulette Grate is a member of the “Singing Quakers” of Friends University in Wichita.  They will leave July 4 on a tour of Europe.
July 1978
Rush County Elevator is full and they have been piling wheat on the ground since Sunday morning.
In the demolition derby held Sunday, July 9, at the Rush County Fair Grounds, Rob McGaughey won 2nd and Leslie Rogers was a heat winner.
July 1988
The Mustang Arena will be the scene of McCracken’s After Harvest Festival Rodeo scheduled for July 15-16, 1988.  The weekend activities begin with the KSRA Open Rodeo at 8:00 p.m. Friday.  There will be a Street Dance featuring live music following the rodeo at 9:30.
The McCracken High School alumni will get together for a noon luncheon at McCracken Middle School.  The luncheon will be followed by a rousing melodrama.
July 1998
Russell and Veta (Walker) Squires and Orville and Willa (Snodgrass) Hair celebrated their 50th wedding anniversaries on July 4 at the Ransom Senior Citizens Center.
Those attending the summer reading program were Jessica Casey, Matthew Casey, William Greenway, Michael Greenway, Staci Swartz, Emily Swartz, Kelsee Rogers, Katlyn Morgan, Lisa Legleiter, Brian Legleiter, Ashley Reichel, Whitney Taylor and Adam Niman.

©2008, McCracken Alumni Association
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