RCNews  July 2
The MHS class of 1974 is having an impromptu class reunion meeting Saturday, July 10.
Those in the class are:  Cheryl Davis Werth, Roxene Fletcher Kaltenbaugh, John Elmore, David Derr, Ivan Janke, Roger Legleiter, Joy Rixon Petz, Brenda Rogers Keener, Jeff Seltman, Pam Showalter Seltman, Steve Swartz, Carla Taylor Strobach, Randy Taylor, Kirk Wells and Ray Wierman.  I would say if you want to know where to meet etc. etc. contact a classmate.  Details were unavailable at press time.
A wool afghan made by Sally Irvin has been donated to the McCracken Alumni.  It is a beautiful multi-colored round ripple and will be raffled at the dinner on Saturday.  Tickets are available at the McCracken Library.
Jerry Waldschmidt and Marilyn Dalton were guests this past week with Lorraine Ryan.  They kept busy spraying and digging that purple plant called musk thistle.
Jim and Trenna Klee, Wichita, and Addie Mills were Wednesday and Thursday guests of Maurice and Cellie Klee at Council Grove City Lake.
Lorraine Ryan spent Friday evening with Shirley Bundy and Lenora Stremel, Hutchinson.
On Saturday Art Behrman, Carolyn and Dave Davenport joined them and spent the week-end with Kathleen and Paul Thomas and Lanette Matthews in Kansas City. Dave, Carolyn, and Lanette ventured to a nearby coffee bar where Kirby Wendler was performing.  Music has always been in his heart and recently he decided to add it to his life (and other career) by performing in different places in Kansas City to see where it will take him. Dave and Kirby graduated together in 1969 and hadn't been in touch. We enjoyed catching up on the last forty years but it was hard to do in an hour. He didn't think he would be able to make the reunion since he is booked every week-end.
Lorraine Ryan was the proud recipient of a 61 year Certificate of Membership in the Order of Eastern Star present to her on Thursday evening at Hays Chapter 228 O.E.S.  The District Aide was also there for her official visit.  Arlene Gilbert, Velma Legleiter and Addie Mills accompanied Lorraine to the meeting. 
Memorials have been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Glenn Ryan from Lisa Schuckman Baus, Lynne Hinman Reckling; George Myers from Craig Stull; 1952 classmates Catherine Cain, Patty Klee Brock, Charlie Jacobs and Bernard Rourke from Shirley Higgins; Keith North from Elaine Wetzel Albright;
Roger and Norma McNair were Friday evening visitors of Marty and Tina Mills.  Roger and Marty have been helping the Wierman brothers with their harvest.
The Relay for Life event was well attended in LaCrosse Friday evening even though harvest was underway. As always, it was a very joyous and emotional event.  The committee of Janel Weigel, Cheryl Moeder, Rick Weigel, Paula Sramek, Charity Farley, Mary Beth Peach, Jolene Morgan, Carla Jecha, Deanna Cotter and Sandy Showalter did an another outstanding job.
Wilma Jacobs, Mary Ann Quinoness-Cooper and Addie Mills enjoyed supper at Roosters in LaCrosse on Friday.
Renewing members of the Jail/Museum are Jean Oelkers, Gerald R. Walker, Walter and Jeanette Rogers, Vicki Ames, Ness County Historical Society, Eunice North, Philena Baus, Addie Mills, Dight and Leonore House, Chester and Joyce Rogers, William Cole, Sandie Emerson, Verlene Wilson, Arlyn and Jan North, Tony and Tomi Rues; Tammy Irvin, Jean Schutte, Lawrence and Bernadette Oelkers, Dwight Eisenhour, Joann Micheli, Bet and Jeanette McCormick, Jay and Maureen Georg; Don and DeAnna Bergquist, Anna Bergquist, Audra Bergquist, Brycee Strickland, Doris Schaffer, Les and Sheryl Rogers and Lucille Pfaff Young, Jim Schafer..  Life members are Ben and Nancy Anderson, Scott Palecki, Diz and Wilma Washaliski, Gary and Elaine Turner, Rush County United Fund.  Donations, Diz and Wilma Washalisi, Les and Sheryl Rogers; donations in memory of: Vic Higgins from Tammy Irvin, Augie Schutte from Jean Schutte, Perry, Helen, Ruby and Guy Van Winkle from Joann Micheli, Jack Wilson from Don and DeAnna Berquist, John and Silvina Pfaff, Mary Ann Mask, Mary Beth Pfaff and Edwin Miller from Lucille E. Pfaff Young, Grace Thompson from Jean Oelkers, David and Jacklin Rogers from Walter and Jeanette Rogers, Albert and Susan Ramsey Cook Family from Vicki Ames, Albert North from Eunice North; Grace Walker Thompson from Addie Mills, Alvina Foster Cole and August Schutte from William D. Cole, Drewie Robertson McGaughey from Sandie Emerson; Jack Wilson from Verlene Wilson.
Tony Harp, Shawn Peters and George Stover played in the Purple Power Catbacker’s Golf Tournament at Ellsworth on Saturday.  Tony won a raffle prize of a free green fee and cart rental at Ellsworth Golf Course.   It was reported there was some rain in the area!
A special Rodeo/Alumni mass will be said at St. Mary’s Catholic Church on Saturday, July11 at 4:00 p.m. with Father Rene Labrador presiding.  Everyone is welcome.  Bishop Gilmore gave permission for which we are grateful.
The front page of the Sunday, Hays Daily News featured Brownell – Midland Marketing.  Pictured on page one were Shelly Derr and Bob Wolfe.    On page 10 Lynnette Doornbos is pictured with Shelly Derr.  All are from McCracken.
McCracken History Notes
July 1899
Another heavy rain last night, Big Timber is out of its banks in many places.
Several harvest hands were in town this week looking for work and praying that they would not find it.
July 1909
Notice is given that bathing on Sunday in the Lovitt pool east of town is hereafter strictly prohibited and hereafter unless there is better order maintained it will be stopped altogether.  Notice to the wise is sufficient.
July 1919
Prohibition went in on July 1; 440 saloons were locked in Kansas City on Tuesday morning.
John Norlin moved his stock of goods into his new storeroom Saturday night and by Monday was in fair shape to transact business.
July 1939
Sunday night around 10:00 the large barn at the Frank Foster farm, eleven miles northeast of town, caught fire and was entirely destroyed.  All the feed in the barn was destroyed.
If you go away to another town to trade it is estimated that it will cost you five cents per running mile to operate an auto.
July 1959
Billy Joe Moran returned home Monday from the St. Joseph’s hospital in Larned where he received treatment for his eye which was severely injured when the rope with which he started a garden tractor flew out of his hand and hit him in his eye.
There was one inch of rain reported in McCracken with hail the size of golf balls at the John Hanson farm Friday afternoon.  Minor damage was done to the roof of their house and the garden and feed crops were badly damaged.
July 1979
The State Farm Insurance slo-pitch softball team were league winners.  Team members are Lonnie Irvin, Roger Dreiling, Les Rogers, Rodney Taylor, Mike Conner, Jim Rein, Ronnie Randa, Steve Foreman, Chuck Higgins, Jerry Higgins, Dave Davenport and Doug Higgins.
Brett Gilbert is a member of the Dodgers T-Ball team.  Babe Gilbert is the assistant coach.
Laura Unrein, Kelly McKinney, Sandra Jacobs and Annette Davis attended cheerleading camp at Ft. Hays.

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