July 1, 2010 News
Birthdays:  July 1, Shirley Bundy, Lindsey Tacha, Clay Faiman, Maura Lynn Albers; July 2, Mitchell Conner, Emily Tomlinson; July 3, Sharon Irvin, Sheryl Rogers, Kristina Simmerman, Richard Baldwin, Dave Davenport, Arline Rues, Gary Barnes; July 4, Brenda Prosser; July 5, Lucy Vogle, Chase Gomez; July 6, Bobbie Irvin; July 7, Sherry Petz, Francis Zeller.
Anniversaries:  July 2, Dennis and Susan Walker; June 3, Danny and Marilyn Mills; July 5, David and Janice Norlin.
Rodeo begins on Wednesday, July 7.  We hope you can attend one of the many planned festivities from Wednesday through Saturday night.
Last week the harvest was starting and now it is winding down.  It looks to be a bumper harvest.
Memorials and gifts to the Jail/Museum have been received from Randy and Janell Ryan, Scott City for ancestor Thomas Ryan; Doris Schaffer, Hays for Kennie and Goldie Showalter; Lucille M. Pfaff Young for John and Silvina Pfaff, Mary Pfaff Mask, Eugene Young, Mary Young Pfaff, Edwin Miller and the John Pfaff Children; Roy and Phyllis Conrad for Msgr. Patrick J. Leahy; Wilma North for Keith North; Jean Schutte for Augie Schutte and Alvina Cole; Marlene Pfannenstiel Bronish, Commerce City, Colorado for Romey and Molly Pfannenstiel; Tim, Stacy, Maddie and Lily Rues, Topeka, a donation; George and Joyce Hunter, a donation; Arline Rues for Al Rues and Glenn Ryan; Fran Work, Gladstone, Illinois, “in honor of Carolyn Thompson and Shirley Higgins in recognition of their dedicated work in behalf of McCracken, Kansas”; Verlene Wilson for Jack Wilson; William D. Cole for Alvina (Foster) Cole, August Schutte and Robert Foster; Les and Sheryl Rogers for Chet Rogers;
Those renewing their membership in the museum are Charles and Shari Pollard, Doris Schaffer, Lucille Young, Roy and Phyllis Conrad, Randy and Janell Ryan, Dight and Leonore House, Wilma North, Gerald and Edna Walker, Shirley Higgins, Marlene Bronish, Eunice North, Arline Rues, Lawrence and Bernadette Oelkers, Jean Schutte, Bet and Jeanette McCormick, Walter and Jeanette Rogers, Carolyn Thompson, George and Joyce Hunter, Tim, Stacy, Maddie and Lily Rues; Leslie and Sheryl Rogers; Harold D. Juvenal, Verlene Wilson; William D. Cole; Fran Work.  Lifetime members are Ben and Nancy Anderson, Scott Palecki, Diz and Wilma Washaliski, Rush County United Fund and Gary and Elaine Turner.
If you have military items that you are willing to display for rodeo/alumni weekend, please stop by the museum and drop them off.
Sarah Martin, Arlington, Texas, was here visiting with her grandparents, Arlyn and Jan North.  She attended basketball camp in Salina.
Priscella Jacobs returned home last week after vacationing in Florida with Neal, Amy and Tessa Jacobs.
There is an error in the Rush County News rodeo ad:   Boondocks will be serving a buffet, Saturday July 10 beginning at 12:30; the McCracken Community Center will also be serving a meal beginning at 12:30.  Everyone is welcome at both places.
Addie Mills visited with Maurice and Cellie Klee at McCrite Plaza Health Care Center in Topeka last Friday.  She was a Friday overnight guest of Rev. and Mrs. Bob Brown of Holton, Kansas.  On Saturday Addie and Donna visited with Chris Zimmerman.
Evan Dale, son of Bob and Linda Sloan Dale, is in Gaborone, Botswana.  He is attending the World Cup soccer games in Johannesburg, South Africa.  His host is a longtime friend, Marc Axcell and his parents, Steve and Caryn Axcell.  Evan and Marc have been golfing and are planning a safari.
Velma Legleiter received her 50 year pin from Hays Chapter 228 Order of the Eastern Star on Thursday evening.  Janie Rogers was to receive a 50 year pin also, but was unable to attend due to the illness of her brother-in-law.  Family and friends in attendance for the presentation included Carl Legleiter; Roger, Brenda and Brian Legleiter; Mike and Sharolyn Legleiter, Donna Hansen; Addie Mills and Arlene Gilbert.
MaKenzie Rae Derr Cressler celebrated her 4th birthday Sunday at the McCracken swimming pool with birthday cake, balloons, and many of her little friends.  She received a new pink Barbie bicycle for being 4.  (She really wanted a pony).
A 100th anniversary celebration will be held Saturday, July 3 in Lewis for the Lewis, Centerview and Fellsburg High Schools.  Those invited are graduates and former students; school board members/faculty/ administrators/staff/service providers/ family and friends.  There will be a parade Saturday beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Main Street.  After the parade at the city park there will be food and beverage vendors; ice cream truck; booths and a meet and greet gab fest; for entertainment a stage show featuring music, ‘Elvis’, skits, kids games, golf tournament, softball tournament and a catered dinner beginning at 5:30 in the LHS gymnasium.  Attending the event will be Tom Rues; Cathy, Ron, Catherine, Alex and John Casey; Tomi, Tony, Shelby, Emma, Kate and Will Rues and Arline Rues.
The Rush County Relay for Life was held Friday evening at the LaCrosse High School Track.  Congratulations to all the committees and team members who raised over $70,000.  AWESOME!!
The rodeo will soon be here. We will have more about the events in our news next week.
Lorraine Ryan has returned home after being a patient at Hays Medical Center.  Joy Hunter is still a patient??
Shannon Keith portrayed Jafar in Aladdin, Jr. presented by Central Kansas Theatre Academy on Saturday.  It was made possible by a gift from the Vesta and Francis Wilson Estate and was directed by Academy Director Pat Harrell of Lincoln, Kansas.  There were fifty in the cast from grades three through eight.
McCracken History Notes
July 1910
The Ness City Echo says the census report recently completed in Ness County shows our population to be 5,727 a gain since last report of 1,366 souls.  Ness City has a population of 740, a gain since last report of 258.
Ben Yawger lost a stack of wheat struck by lightning Tuesday night. 
July 1940
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Healy moved Wednesday to the farm on which George Gerritzen lived.  Mr. and Mrs. Gerritzen having moved to the Elias farm Monday.
The first new wheat of the 1940 harvest was received at the Farmers Elevator Wednesday afternoon.  It was delivered by G. N. North.  According to A. L. Greenwood, manager of the elevator, it was of the Tenmarq variety.  Mr. North believes it will make well over 10 bushels to the acre.
July 1960
The bumper wheat crop is almost harvested in the McCracken area.  Leonard Doerr who farms northeast of McCracken had 400 acres that averaged 32.5 bushels to the acre.
Richard Showalter, who had been visiting relatives at Wichita, returned home Friday evening.  Jerry Dugan accompanied him to McCracken to work during harvest for his grandfather, Lyle E. Dugan.
July 1980
The Junior Girl Scout Troop 204 is attending the camp at Dane Hansen reservation at Kirwin.  Those attending are Michele Moran, Debbie Gaunt, Paula Crawshaw, Susan Thompson and leaders, Ruth Crawshaw and Carolyn Thompson.
Sue Coffman will teach home economics and will be librarian and Karen Madorin will teach English and speech, girls basketball coach and P. E. at MHS

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