RCNews June 28
Memorials have been given to the alumni in memory of Lee & Gladys Elias Fear from Bob Fear; Donna Davis Schuckman from Lucy Higgins Vogle & Mary Vogle McCormick; Kenny Mills from Daryl North; to McCracken Rodeo in memory of Celestin Stremel from Dave & Carolyn Stremel Davenport;
Stephanie Greenway is a member of the Western Plains Rec girl’s softball team.  Other team members are Emma, Tori, Haily, Jody, Sondra, Ciera, Shelby, Nicole, Marta, Lauren, Ruth, and Coaches, Dana and Katie.
The Rolling Hills Wildlife, Salina, presented a program at the McCracken Library on Friday afternoon.  Anita Funk Butler & Jerod were the presenters with Kaitlin & Josh volunteers. 
Those present were Will, Kate & Emma Rues; Shelby Bowers; Valerie Rogers, Lexie, Zoe & Rylin; Mary Beth Peach, Brenden & Zach; Holly Gilbert, Erica & Courtney; Stephanie Greenway; Brad Pfannenstiel; Sandy Showalter, Ella & Molly; Janice Showalter, Jacob, Michael & Elizabeth; Austin McGaughey; Angela Morgan; Lorraine Ryan; Shirley Higgins; Arlene Gilbert; Marlene Funk; Sierra Jones, Michelle, Anthony, Benjamin, Amanda, Ashley & Matthew Priddy; Kelli Sloan; Debra Choat & grandchildren Nicky Freemyer, & Willy Choat; Anton & Kaden Foust; Jamie DeWitt, Mason & Hunter; Dave Libberton; Suzanne Azzarella & Librarian, Ruth Crawshaw.
Eleven Kearny County Senior Citizens rode the bus to McCracken with their director, Ruth Eastin to tour St. Mary’s Church.  They had lunch at 4-Corners Restaurant in LaCrosse and visited the Rush County Courthouse & the Barbed Wire Museum on Friday.
We all ready miss the Kellye Irvin family, especially the sound of Scott bouncing the basketball in their drive-way all hours of the day & night.  We want them to remember “What happens in McCracken stays in McCracken”!! We wish them well in their new home in LaCrosse. 
Good news, we noticed 8 men working at the swimming pool on Thursday pouring cement.
John Evans arrived Thursday from Denver to spend 3 weeks with Arky & Diana McNair.  Her
brother Phil Ochs, Salina, had been here visiting until last Wednesday.  Arky spends most of his ‘free’ time mowing the golf course.  
Congratulations to Ashley McGaughey on her acceptance into the nursing program at Brown Mackie school in Salina.
Kellie Sloan visited from Sunday – Friday at the home of Carl & Velma Legleiter.  Courtney Gilbert was a Wednesday – Friday guest.
Chad & Chris Irvin ‘skipped’ work this past week to help their dad, Don Irvin with harvest.  Friday night Amber, Chet, Audrey & Jana came to join their husbands and dad.  Kellye & Scott Irvin also helped.
Dues renewal letters went out this past week for the Jail/Museum.  Dues for 2007-2008 and/or Memorials will be appreciated.  If you didn't receive a copy of the letter, let Carolyn know.  July 1 is the date to renew each year.
A special display of license plates will be on display for Rodeo/weekend.  Drop by on Saturday, July 14, beginning at 10:00 a.m.
There will be 'little' kids games at the McCracken City Park beginning at 10:30 on Saturday, July 14. 
Some more names on the Memorial plaque in the City Park.  Please stop by and remember those who are listed and look at the flowers that have been planted.  They are beautiful.
C.H. & Della Marvin, E. Leon Marvin, Kenny Mills, Cecil, Leonard, Mary & Raymond Mills, Raymond G. & Lydia Mills, Mary Ann Moran, Mike Moran, Teresa Moran, Jack Moses, Garrett & Pearl Moses, Bert, Willis, Ralph “Pete”, Willard & Bev Moses, Hugh “Moon” Mullins, William & Juanita Moses, George Myers, Avery Norlin, Erman Oelkers, Tom O’Loughlin, Oliver & Edith Pearson, Ben Peer, Robert & Munica Peters, Brenda Peters, Russell Peters, Gene Petz, Cecil Phillips, Harry & Eva Phillips.
McCracken History Notes
June 1887
It is strange what a man will use for stimulants in this prohibition state.  The latest is a man getting tight on J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial.  He drank eight bottles from Monday until Wednesday.
Mrs. H. Townsend of Hampton is an active lady in temperance circles.  She asks all who believe likewise to wear a blue ribbon on the fourth of July.
A Freewill Baptist church was organized last Sabbath Morning by Rev. F. P. Auger.
June 1907
Barnett Ball has a show for a pretty fair wheat crop.  He has 200 acres that will go ten bushels or better per acre.
Robert Nichols will commence next week to make some extensive improvements on his residence.  Two rooms and porches will be added, a cellar put in and the roof rearranged.
June 1937
Mrs. Robert Lovitt entertained with a supper and card party last Thursday evening honoring her husband’s birthday.  Those present were Paul and Esther Walker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Van Winkle, John and Phoebe Elias, Albert and Willa Start, Margaret Lovitt, Myrtle Sieling, Marie Wierman, Sam, Fritz and Woodrow Lovitt.
Beer wasn’t the only thing that was ruled out of Ransom in the recent election.  It was also found that baseball and horseshoes could not be played legally on Sunday.  Just imagine how dull life will be for those who can’t pitch a ‘ringer’ of Sunday!
June 1947
 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. English took their little son, Gerry, to Wichita last week to consult a specialist.
Maurice and Stephens Higgins of Great Bend came last week to visit their grandmother, Mrs. Ida Casey.
Still another heavy hail storm struck an area around McCracken and Brownell causing losses up to 100 per cent in a streak about seven miles long.  Heavy losses were reported by LaVern Fletcher, Ralph Hinman, Leonard Dugan and others.
Miss Margaret Shiney is employed as bookkeeper for the Farmer’s Co-op Business Assn.
Clarence Deutcher has been hired as principal of the McCracken Grade School for the coming year replacing A. A. Maddy.
June 1957
Rev. Shaw has resigned as pastor of the Assembly of God Church.
Movies at the HilTop drive in are “The King and Four Queens”, starring Clark Gable and Eleanor Parker, “Attack” starring Jack Palance and Eddie Albert.
June 1967
New officers for MHS Alumni are Twila Higgins, Floyd Thompson, Bob House, LeeRoy Schuckman and Shirley Higgins.
Bill Zeller arrived home having received his discharge from the Navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Eisenhour moved from Hays to the Holdgate house in town.
June 1977
In Cookie League action Jerry Casey and Kellye Irvin combined to pitch a 15-3 win over Bison.  Irvin had two home runs.  In the game with Otis on Sunday, Jeff McCormick, Jim Cole and Neal Jacobs pitched for McCrackena st they won 28-2.
Jerry Higgins was selected as the Most Inspirational player at Hutchinson Junior College by the baseball team.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Don Irvin, a son, Chad Lee, June 18 in Hays.
June 1987
Keith Higgins received his M. S. in Education Administration and Sally Irvin, an M. A. in Mathematics from Fort Hays State University.
Marlen Bronish and daughter, Betty, of Colorado were Monday visitors of Mrs. Beryl McFarren.
Peter McKittrick, 84, died June 19, 1987 at St. John’s Nursing Home in Hays.  Burial was in St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery.
June 1997
The Mark Brackney family is moving into the Neal Jacobs house.
Paulette Zeller is the grain weigher at Collingwood this harvest season.
Lance McCormick had surgery to have the screw removed from his shoulder.

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