June 22 News
Birthdays: June 22, John Moran, Bernadette Taylor, Scott Wittman, Arlene Mills Schmidt, Jennifer Wierman, Jerod Wierman; June 23, Mike Stull, Sarah Hinman, Carson North; June 25, Tanner Higgins, Joe Higgins; January 26, Brenda Rogers Keener, Tracee Borger, Jason Moran; June 276, Dan Bergquist Strikland; June 28, Danny McFarren, Nadine Miller, Russell Linsey, Rose Grumbein.
Anniversaries: June 22, Martin and Cathie Shapiro; June 27, Jeff and Kristian Gambala.
Congratulations to Ashley Taylor who was named to the spring semester Presidents Honor Roll at Washburn University in Topeka. To be named to the list, a student must be enrolled in at least 12 graded semester credit hours and attain a semester grade point average of 4.0. She is the daughter of Rodney and Bernadette Taylor.
Marty and Tina Mills enjoyed supper at the Golden Corral on Saturday evening in honor of Tina's birthday. They came home for birthday cake with Addie Mills.
The Rourke girls came to visit Francis and Julia Zeller on Monday. The Rourke relatives were Sister Margaret of Salina, Lucille Nemechek and Eileen Nemechek of Goodland and Lucille's daughter, Regina McFall of Overland Park. They went to Nekoma and visited with Louise Seltman and then to St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery.
Erik Gifford and Chris Zimmerman were Sunday supper guests of Addie Mills. They were enroute to Denver with a load of cabinets. Marty and Tina Mills came over for a short visit while Erik and Chris were here. Chris also saw a few of his friends while he was in town.
Sandi Emerson, West Pueblo, Colo. called on Wednesday. She is trying to locate the Juvenal cattle brand. Sandie is a Robertson. Her dad is Phil Robertson. She is a member of the DAR chapter in Pueblo and was recently elected as Registrar.
The due's letters have been sent to last year's members of the Jail/Museum. If you did not receive a letter, the dues are $5.00. Send to Jail/Museum, P. O. Box 342, McCracken, KS 67556. A form appears on the contribution section of the website. Those renewing so far are Ben Anderson, Nancy Anderson (lifetime); Scott Palecki (lifetime), Jim Schafer, Diz Washaliski, Wilma Washaliski, The Rush County United Fund (courtesy), Fran Work, Edith Moses Blair, Craig Stull, Julie Stull, Katelynn Stull, Jessica Stull, Matthew Stull, B. C. Irvin, Vida Irvin, Alicia Rues, Leigh Barrett, Bet McCormick, Jeanette McCormick, Chester Rogers, Dight House, Leonore House. Verlene Wilson, Francis Janke, Doris Schaffer, Shelly Oelkers, Carolyn Thompson, Sonja Conner, Lucille Pfaff Young, Don Bergquist, DeAnna Bergquist, Anna Bergquist, Audra Bergquist, Brycee Strickland, Roy Conrad, Phyllis Conrad, Jean Schutte, Fred Taylor, Mary Anne Taylor, Bill Moran, Marge Moran. Memorial have been given by Jean Schutte in memory of Augie Schutte and Alvina Cole; Lucille Young in memory of her husband, Eugene Young, Mr. and Mrs. John Pfaff, Edwin Miller, husband of Betty Pfaff Miller, Mary Pfaff Mask and Mary Beth Pfaff, wife of Glenn Pfaff; Sonja Conner in memory of Guy Conner, Liz Conner and Dan Conner; Shelly Oelkers in memory of Erman Oelkers; Francis Janke in memory of Robert Janke, Verlene Wilson in memory of Jack Wilson; Alicia Rues and Leigh Barrett in memory of Elmore Ryan; B C. and Vida Irvin in memory of Perry Irvin.
The July, August, September issue of the Kansas Traveler has arrived. Copies are available at the Post office and the Jail/Museum. On page 11 is a picture of the Leaning Tower of Beloit. The bottom half of the water tower is like the one torn down on the Hicks place north of McCracken for the road construction. There is a great poem in the Poetry of Kansas section on page 15 -- From the Wheat Trucker's Seat.
Addie Mills was a Monday afternoon visitor of Rashell Mills and Rob McCarty in Hays.
It is with sadness that we learn of the death of Jim Schafer's devoted and beloved cat. She was 19 years old.
Clay North was honored on his 3rd birthday with a party Sunday afternoon given by his parents Ted & Shawna. Lots of grandparents came to help celebrate. They included great, great grandma Augusta Gisick, great grandparents Lester & Betty Seuser, Dean & Eloise Thornton, Icis Eisenhour, grandparents Don & Shannon Erb and Arlyn & Jan North. Others present were Baby Dalton, Heath & Paula North, Logan & Carson, Patrick & Erin Jennings, and Megan Erb.
Memorials have been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Donna Schuckman, Erman Oelkers and Bert Schuckman from Donald Schuckman; to Al Rues from Alicia Rues; to Al Rues, Mike Moran and Elmore Ryan from Rosemary Rues Diehl; to Dick Buxton, Elmore Ryan, Jack Wilson, Willetta Gordon Herdman and August Schutte from Harley & Donna North; Patrick Casey from Patricia Casey Harmon; Donald Greenway from Betty Greenway & Donna Greenway;
Weekend visitors of Danny and Pat Petz were Angie Huggard and friends Trent and Tyler, and Leland and Mary Steitz.
Congratulations to Ryan Wiebe and Maureen Muehlebach on their marriage, June 10, 2006 in the Queen of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Bucyrus, Kansas. Ryan is the son of Michael and Nancy Higgins Wiebe.
Danny Petz started harvest this past week and his brothers Darrell and Kirby are helping. Kelly Petz, his son is doing the wheat hauling to town. Nicholas, his
grandson, helped out on Monday.
Members attending the Faith Sharing cake and ice cream picnic in the LaCrosse City Park Wednesday evening were: Sister Martina Stegman, Florence Herrman, JoAnn Jacobs, Rosarie Jecka, Rita Oborny, Twila Herrman, Eleanora Moeder, Barbara Feldt, Lucy Dechant, Nancy Meitl, Twila Higgins, Jean Schutte, Sonja Conner, Carolyn Thompson and Shirley Higgins. The series is taught by Sister Martina.
Nicole Tacha played a 1 ? inning baseball game Thursday evening in Norton. It was
postponed due to a 3 inch rain and tornado sirens!!
Brad Lovitt and girl friend of Phoenix surprised his mother Sharon Lovitt by coming home for her birthday the 16th.
The Bruce Kershners hosted Fathers Day for Bob House, Frank and Dorothy Kershner. Cheryl Werth was also a guest and they celebrated her birthday - - the big 50.
Those enjoying Fathers Day at the home of John and Melanie Zeller were Les and Rose Diehl, Francis and Julia Zeller and Sarah Urban.
Congratulations to Ashley Bain, Bazine and Landon Harper, Hays on their marriage June 16, 2006 at the Methodist Church in Hays. Mark and Lora Bain are the parents of Ashley. Lora is our postmistress.
Wanted: Craft vendors for the craft show at the MHS Alumni sponsored picnic held at the McCracken City Park, Saturday, July 8. Please contact Pat at 785-394-2296 for more information.
Marjorie Sloan underwent surgery Monday, June 14. We are sure she would enjoy your cards. You may send them to Marjorie at 3504 C Street, Ponca City, Oklahoma 74604
McCracken History Notes;
June 1906
Mr. W. E. Holdgate has raised some of the finest strawberries this season. The crop will yield between two and three hundred quarts and they have found a ready sale.
June 1936
Ralph Plotner is employed at the Goffe and Carkener Elevator at Hargrave and Luceil Plotner is bookkeeper.
Dr. Singleton returned home last week from Chicago where he had been taking special work in medicine.
June 1946
Donald Hunt, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hunt of Alexander, has received his discharge from the navy and arrived home last week.
Mrs. Jack Moses, met with a very serious accident Sunday evening when she lost control of the car she was driving and it overturned near Mrs. J. W. Chenoweth's home. She sustained a fractured pelvic bone. The foot-feed of the '37 Ford became stuck and unable to slow down, she swerved to avoid hitting a parked car.
Mrs. Fred Oelkers was seriously injured Sunday morning when she was trampled by a cow. Her 14-year old shepherd dog kept her from being killed. She has multiple facial fractures, severe lacerations on the right leg and bruises from head to foot.
June 1956
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers, a daughter, Brenda Lee, June 26, 1956.
June 1966
Bill Harper at the Rush County Elevator said that he thought the harvest was from 85-90 percent completed in this area, with yields widely varied, running from 1-10 bushels per acre.
June 1976
Mrs. John Hanson hosted the Health and Hope EHU. Several members brought dishes of southern receipes for a lesson on Southern Cookery.
Mrs. Joyce Bromlow, Alexander and Mrs. Mary Zinn took the Junior Girl Scouts to Scott County Lake June 4 through the 7th. Scouts were Annette Davis, Trina Zinn, Connie Wittman, Keri Bromlow, Brenda Barnes, Kayla Higgins, Joy Mills and Janet Conner.
June 1986
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Barber celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at an open house in Ransom on Sunday.
Bank employees at the time of the closing of Citizens State Bank were John Elmore, Jean Schutte, Doris Jones, Shirley Higgins, Carolyn Elias, Paulette Zeller, Debbie Rogers and Dena Irvin.
June 1996
Those 5-7 year old T-Ball players are Skyler Jones, Katlyn Morgan, Kayla Irvin, Nicole Ryan and Clinton Kershner.
Doug and Stacy Elias have moved to Louisburg, Kansas, to teach and coach.
Evelyn Higgins has moved to Hoisington.
Mamie Rogers will graduate from LPN Nursing Program on Thursday at Fort Hays State University.