RCNews June 18
Memorials have been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Bev Irvin from Patricia Ryan Miles, Katherine Ryan, Lucy Vogle, Dan & Bev Brungardt, Dan & Diane Hopkins, Lonnie & Tammy Irvin, Wendell & Gladys Hinman, Roy & Phyllis Conrad, Dave & Ginny Tinkler, Lorraine Ryan, Kellye & Sandy Irvin, Ruthetta Irvin, Dave, Carolyn & Midge Davenport; Mike Moran from Tom & Patty Moran; Everett & Lucille Reinhardt from Mark Reinhardt; Al, Moe & Smoe from Tim Rues; Francis Klee from Lucy Vogle, Ben McCaskey from Virginia McCaskey Barnes; Charles T., Willard R., and Augustine Thompson from Bob Thompson; Glenn Ryan from Nancy Higgins Wiebe; Lyle Davenport from Reba Davenport Baker, All who have gone before, Dean Birdsong; Hubert, Gertie and Duane Brackney from Shirley Brackney Gabel; Mac and Helen Barnes Showalter, Albert North from Jesse and Jolene North Showalter; Kenny Mills from Kenneth & Opal Mills; Gene Petz from Maddie Petz; Floyd Thompson from ‘Ot’ & Louise Otero; Mac & Helen Showalter & Glenn Eisenhour from Larry & Joyce Showalter Eisenhour.
A memorial has been given to the McCracken Rodeo in memory of Celestin Stremel from Lanette Stremel Mathews.
Summer reading program on Wednesday was attended by the following children:  Will and Kate Rues, Keera and Krew Lacock, Lexie and Zoe Anderson.
Erica Gilbert attended Girl Scout camp in Atwood this past weekend.
Kelsee Rogers, daughter of Les and Sheryl Rogers, was chosen to receive the 2008-09 award honoring the Outstanding Freshman Chemistry Student at Fort Hays State University.  She received the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics and a certificate announcing the award.  All members of the Chemistry Faculty personally signed a letter to Kelsee pertaining to this honor.  The Chemistry Faculty also named Kelsee as a recipient of the Dr. Edmund C. Shearer Memorial Scholarship.  Dr. Shearer was a Professor of Chemistry at FHSU for many years, and also served as Senior Pre-Medicine Advisor
 Emma Rues attended 4-H Camp at Rock Springs for 4 days this week.
Addie Mills visited Saturday evening with Dustin & Lisa Day and family in LaCrosse and met their new son, Kelby Robert.
A suspect was arrested in Kansas City after the shooting of Dr.  George Tiller in Wichita.  Lt. Mike Pfannenstiel of the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office said officers pulled the car over just south of the main Gardner exit and got out with guns drawn. The man then got out of his car with his hands up.  “We took him down without incident,” Pfannenstiel said, adding that the man appeared to be driving the speed limit and made no attempt to elude the deputies.  Pfannenstiel is the son of Abi and Glenda Herdman Pfannenstiel, Hutchinson.
Tina Mills was guest of honor with cake and ice cream on Wednesday evening for her birthday.  Marty, Addie and Rocky helped her celebrate.
The Fabulous Flippers performed in The Memorial Hall in Hutchinson Friday evening.  The group was originally called Terry and The Flippers and was formed in Hays in the early 70’s.  They eventually moved to Lawrence where they attended the University of Kansas and played across the area on weekends. Terry Wierman was a member of the group. 
The alumni had a note from Glenna Lake, step-daughter of Adrian Doerr.  She said Adrian would not been attending the alumni get-to-gather this year as his health had declined.  He is in Meadow Lark Hills care facility. We will miss him; he was a loyal, faithful alumnus.
The alumni received a note from Virginia McCaskey Barnes saying she loves to receive the alumni letter.  She is the only surviving member of the 1936 class.  She writes that she is almost 94, will be October 22.  Her maternal grandfather was Ben Hicks, who was very well known in the McCracken area.  She writes that the McCracken cemetery is full of her relatives, both maternal and paternal. 
A birthday get to gather was held Sunday evening in Ransom at the home of Bill and Sharon Lovitt for Sharon.  Those attending were Pat & Bob Mishler, Babe & Arlene Gilbert, Al & Kay Schwartzkopf, Diz & Wilma Washaliski, Shirley Higgins & Lorraine Ryan.
A great golf tournament was held in McCracken on Sunday. Thanks to Jason from Denver for helping get the course mowed and in ‘perfect’ shape after all the rain. There were 26 golfers that turned out to play. The Longest Drive-Jeremy Morgan; Longest Putt- Les Deihl; and Closest to the pin- Shelby Burk. 1st Place - Dale Snyder, Mel Basgall; Geo Reha 61; 2nd- Jeremy Morgan, Nathan Wiegel, Lee Legleiter 62, 3rd- Tony Harp, Ty Elias, Sean Peters 63.  Curtis McNair, (Arky & Diana McNair’s son) and his two friends Cliff & Jason joined the golfers for the fun. Thanks to everyone for coming and playing. Longest drive, longest putt & closest to the pin received a sleeve of Callaway or One Balls.
Emma and Kate Rues attended a Girl Scout Camp in Wakeeney on Monday.  It was an “Express Yourself through Art” class.
Tessa Jacobs and her friend Mandy Stoz are visiting Priscilla Jacobs this week.
Thanks to Nicole Ryan, Katlyn Morgan, Sheila Brown, Dylan Derr, Sandra Jacobs and Laura Linsey the American Legion building looks brand new.  It was all repainted.
A rodeo meeting was held Sunday evening with the following present:  Bill Greenway, William and Stephanie, Holly Gilbert, Mark and Leann Brackney, Jerilyn and Mike Stull, Roger and Brenda Legleiter, Gary Barnes, Colleen Kerns, Barbara Rupp, Ty Elias and Bet McCormick.  The next meeting will be held Sunday, June 21 at 8:00.
A painting party was held this weekend at the home of Arline Rues.  Tony, Tomi, Cathy, Ron, Rose, Alex, Catherine and John all had paint brushes in their hands.
Alex Casey has given the Jail/Museum an arrowhead.
Adam Orendac, Oklahoma City, has given the museum a copy of The Reveille for 1916 at Fort Hays Normal.  Students from McCracken were Mariam Darkes, James R. Start, Mabel Twiselton, Genevieve Roberts, Claire Hastings, Hattie Lank and Lester Wilson.
Classes to be honored at the Alumni/Rodeo week will be those ending in nine.
 The class of 1939 - Helen Barnes, Dean Birdsong, LaVone Casey, Adam Conrad, Basil Davenport, Adrian Doerr, Fay Elmore, LaVern Fletcher, Marion Foster, Paul Grate, Ralph Haufle, Patrick Higgins, Vincent Higgins, Beverly Irvin, Claude Irvin, Wesley Irvin, Florentine Leiker, Bernetta Marak, Willard Mills, Faye North, Lenore Ramsey, Drewie Robertson, Leonard Sweeney, Charlotte Temple, Virginia Wahl and Zella Doerr.
The class of 1949 - Reed Bullock, Bob Derr, Robert Davis and Elaine Pfannenstiel.
The Class of 1959 - Gerald Barnes, Judy Whitis, Melissa House, Janice Myers and Allen Showalter.
The class of 1969 - Gloria Baus, Jim Brack, Tim Brown, Patricia Casey, David Davenport, Valandia Derr, David Halbleib, Richard Higgins, Kathy Huddleston, Wayne Johnston, Patricia Foos, Robert Mason, Lance Morgan, Debra Schuckman, Tommi Tomlinson, Lana Scheuerman, Kirby Wendler, Duane Williams, Doug Whitis, Bill Wetzel, Tim Petz and Donnie Schuckman.
The class of 1979 - Jerry Casey, Joe Conner, Kerri Derr, Sandy Foreman, Larry Hinman, Shannon McKinney, Marty Mills, Susan Moran, Craig Rixon, Lisa Schuckman, Rashell Schwindt, Tim Seltmann, Lanette Stremel, Patty Swartz and Fred Taylor.
R. B. Hayes had a letter from John W. Hanson of Columbia, South Carolina.  John is the son of John and Tacy Hanson and lived south of town where Diz and Wilma now live.  John attended school with R. B. at Kansas Wesleyan.  They played football together.  Three other friends were Steve Blair, who was a Doctor of Physiology with NASA, Tank Taylor with the FBI and Dr. West Jackson who operates the Land Institute in Salina.  He is a wheat researcher.  He wants to develop a crop of wheat that doesn’t have to be re-seeded each year and can be harvested twice a year.  Steve and Tank live in Columbia.  They get together to swap memories.  John was surprised that R. B. lived in McCracken. 
McCracken History Notes
June 1899
Earl McCaskey fell from a bicycle last Sunday, fracturing the bones of his wrist.
Frank Start and August Schutte returned from Colorado this week.
June 1909
Mr. Norlin, the gentleman who purchased the Neal stock has taken charge and everything is in fine running order again since invoicing.  He is a very pleasant gentleman and we are glad to welcome him here.
Mr. George Joseph and Mrs. Dixon were married recently.  Congratulations are extended to George and his bride.
June 1919
Miss Elizabeth Marak and Mr. Hugh Sweeney were married at St. Mary’s June 5.
John Elias and Howard Ward have been trapping skunks.  A picture of their skunk furs appear on page 110 of the McCracken History Book Volume 1. 
June 1939
The Oscar Elias home was robbed of guns and foodstuffs Sunday afternoon while the family was in town attending the ballgame.  When they returned home their clothes were on the floor and things were in confusion.
One of the worst storms that ever happened came between 3:00 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. at McCracken with rain, high winds and hail.  The fields are swept bare of wheat and other vegetation.  The storm seemed to sweep the Brownell, McCracken and Alexander vicinities.  The hail did not extend north of the Big Timber.  For the first time in years Big Timber creek north of town was completely out of its banks.  Damage west of town was greater than in town.  Ralph Thompson says there were hail drifts on his place fifteen feet high.
June 1959
Sam Graham graduated from Kansas State University on Sunday.  He received two degrees, Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.  He also received a First lieutenant commission into the Army and will report for duty in August.  He is the husband of Dorothy Crotinger.
June 1979
Jan North and children of Dalhart, Texas, spent the Memorial Day weekend here.
Janet Herdman is on the honor roll at Ft. Hays State; Kelly John Walker is on the Dean’s honor roll at Frank Phillips College, Borger, Texas.

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