RCNews June 16th
Birthdays: June 16, Philena Baus, Sharon Lovitt, Robert McCarty; June 17, Clay North, Jessica Casey, Matt Casey; June 18, Chad Irvin, Mickey Hopper, Sarah Washaliski; June 19, Diz Washaliski, Cheryl Werth, Matthew Groff; June 21, Harold Herdman, Joyce Luft; June 22, John Moran, Bernadette Taylor, Scott Wittman, Arlene Schmidt, Jennifer Wierman, Jerod Wierman.
Anniversaries: June 16, Lance and Rachel Legleiter; June 19, Joey and Jill Herschback; Joshua and Kayla North; June 20, Mike and Mary Beth Peach; June 22, Martin and Cathie Shapiro.
Nikolas Slemp, 12 year old grandson son of Ray and Marilyn Slemp received the Presidential Academic Fitness Award last week. You must maintain a B grade average, all subjects in which students are graded are included; you must be active 60 minutes every day for at least 5 days a week for 6-8 weeks; bicycling, walking, basketball. It is a very prestigious award so Congratulations to Nik.
Pool hours for the McCracken Swimming pool are Monday Sunday 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Night Swim 7-9 p.m. ADULT ONLY Monday & Wednesday; EVERYONE Tuesday, Friday & Saturday. Age 0-4 free 5-17 $l.50 Adults $2.00 Season Pass $40 Family Pass $80.
The children attending summer reading on Monday afternoon were Lexie, Zoe, and Rylin Anderson; Will, Emma and Kate Rues. The theme this year is One World, Many Storied.
Stephanie Greenway and Courtney Gilbert were the co-coordinators.
Check out our McCracken Alumni web site. It is now up to date and the alumni and rodeo letters have been posted along with a picture of the quilt.
Class reunions will have a table reserved at the Community Center for their get-together on Saturday, July 9th. Please let Kerri Morgan or Sandra Jacobs know so they may reserve a table for you.
Many thanks to Sean Peters, Tyrel Elias, Brett Gilbert and Sandra Jacobs for finishing the 2nd phase of the crosses in the McCracken Cemetery. The old markers that the funeral home places during a burial were dug up along with 20 plus pounds of cement, the holes were then filled with cement and the crosses with names, birth and death date were set. As of this date there are a total of 19 crosses.
The Relay for Life survivor dinner was held June 12. The Relay will be held at the LaCrosse high school track Friday, June 244th. It will officially start at 7:00 p.m. but there will be activity around the track starting at 5 p.m. if you wish to come early. We thank all the volunteers who work very hard for this event.
There are a total of 7 cookbooks left.
Shane and Jennifer Anderson, Robert, Kevin and Donny, Great Falls, Montana are here visiting his parents, Steve and Sharon Anderson. On Saturday, June 11, Olivia Anderson held a BBQ at her rural Claflin home for family and friends to welcome Shane and his family home. Shane returned to Great Falls in April after serving another tour of duty in Afganistan. He has been promoted to Tech Sergeant in the Air Force.
Landon Janke has returned home from the Hutchinson hospital.
Fred and Mary Ann Taylor brought some items for the museum. Included was a pamphlet entitled "Norlin's April News". It was dated April 1, 1924. A letter for Violet E. Norlin was on the second page. She had just returned from Market. She writes, "I have paid especial attention to a filling in and rounding out of broken lines of dress goods, silks, swiss, ratines, voiles, printed crepes, ginghams, percales, hoisery, underwear, lace and ribbon trimmings, dress findings, notions" The pamphlet was printed by McCracken Enterprise Print and is eight pages with pictures. They also gave a collection of McCracken scenes on postcards. They include the frame M. E. Church; the red brick McCracken Methodist Church; two copies of the frame U. B. Church; The McCracken school buildings and St. Mary's Church and Parsonage in the country.
Kansas History Note
A favorite method of disposing of railroad lands was sellling large tracts to "colonies". In 1871 the Kansas Pacific sold 22,000 acres to a Swedish colony in Saline County; 47,000 acres to a Scotch colony in Dickinson County; 32,000 acres in Clay county to an English colony; 19,000 acres to a Welsh colony in Riley county. In 1873 George Grant, of England, purchased 50,000 acres in the eastern portion of Ellis County, with the design of colonizing English people of means.
McCracken History Notes
June 1891
J. S. Stock, our furniture dealer and undertaker, has purchased and fitted up a fine hearse.
The M. E. folks have decided McCracken can be without a church building no longer. The board of trustees will begin at once raising money for a new church.
June 1911
McCracken has a most luxuriant and beautiful crop of weeds along the streets, vacant lots and alleys which are allowed to grow profusely. It is certainly a good advertisement and will no doubt be the means of bringing others to settle here. What ever you do don't cut the weeds or remove the cans for it will be the means of destroying the scenery of McCracken.
June 1941
The Health and Home Unit of the Farm Bureau met at the home of Mrs. C. N. Peer Thursday afternoon. The business meeting was conducted by Mrs. Lee Fear. The hostess served ice cream, cake and iced team to the following members: Mrs. Ross Baldwin, Miss Carrie Darkes, Mrs. Zetti Derr, Mrs. Lee Fear, Mrs. M. J. Ryan, Mrs. Alta Ryan, Mrs. M. M. Stephens, Mrs. Albert Start and Mrs. W. F. Ramsey. Visitors were Mrs. Paul Wilson and the twins.
June 1961
Those attending the golf tournament at Ness City Sunday were Bill Harper, Glenn Eisenhour, Calvin Parson, George Meyers, Everett Reinhardt, LeeRoy Schuckman, Ray Grumbein, Carl Bible, Larry Eisenhour, Gerald and Harlon Anderson.
June 1981
The Cookie League team won their first game over Otis 12-2 and lost to Bison 8-7 in their second game.