RCNews June 14
Moses, Edna Bell (Earl), 92. Her first sunrise was on February 7, 1917, at McCracken, Kansas. Her last sunset was May 14, 2009, at the Masonic Home in Wichita, Kansas. She was married to Willis Moses, who preceded her in death in 1990. She was a resident of Wichita, Kansas for 26 years. She was previously of Topeka, Kansas and retired after working 27 years at the Topeka Capitol Journal. Her early years were spent in McCracken, Kansas. Survivors include her daughter Alberta “Bertie” Moses-Gay; grandsons; John M. Gay (Sandra) and James M. Gay, and one great-daughter Jennifer Gay. Also, surviving are three sisters; Hazel Wade and Lois Brown, both of Tulsa, OK. , and Ruby McCord of Galt, Ca. Burial was in McCracken, Kansas.
.Memorials have been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Glenn Ryan from Carolyn Thompson, Mary McCormick, Jerry Higgins, Shirley Higgins and Lorraine Ryan; Elmore Ryan from Lorraine Ryan; Roberta Anderson Bullock from Roy and Phyllis Conrad; Bev Irvin from Shirley Higgins, Mary McCormick; Red Fear from Carolyn Thompson and Mary McCormick; Norma Schuckman Kirby from LeeRoy Schuckman; Keith North from Carolyn Thompson; Frances Janke from Maureen Georg;
On August 31, Kameron Petz, son of Kelly and Melanie Petz, Hays, was honored on his third birthday at the Hays McDonald’s playground. Those in attendance were grandparents, Danny and Pat Petz, McCracken and Wes and Sandy Oakley, Hays. Other family members attending the party were Tim and Kristen Nunnery and family, Hays, Seth and Brandi Oakley and family, Russell; Cameron’s brother, Nicholas and sister, Kallynn Petz, Hays. Everyone was treated to cake and ice-cream and enjoyed the evening.
Memorials have been given to the golf club in memory of Glenn Ryan from John Elmore and Les Diehl.
Fred and Mary Anne Taylor attended graduation exercises for their granddaughter, Whitney Taylor on May 16th in Ellis. She was co-valedictorian. She received the KU Alumni Association – Kansas Honor Scholars Award; Kansas High School Activities Association Award; Good Citizenship Award and Dale M. Dennis Excellence in Education Award. Whitney plans to attend Ft. Hays University in the fall.
Those in our area who attended the lovely Relay for Life survivors brunch in LaCrosse Sunday morning were Wendell and Gladys Hinman, Francis and Julia Zeller, Bill and Sharon Lovitt, Shirley Higgins, Ann Baus, John Stull, Judy Moran, Sandy Showalter and Maggie, Ruth Crawshaw, Jean Oelkers, Jerridy Morgan, Bailey Morgan and former resident Mary Beth Peach.
Rose and Les Diehl, Pat and Vickie Salsbury were touring around Lake Waubansee last weekend and Rose visited with Mark Miller. He and Sharon have both retired and he was working in his garden.
Congratulations to Bart and Nicole Tarbell on the birth of a son, Braylen Robert, born Thursday June 11. Bob and Margaret Fear are the new grandparents.
Congratulations to Mitchell and Nikki Conner on the birth of a daughter, Natalie Ann.
Jessie and Tyler McNair, grandsons of ‘Arky’ and Diana McNair, Denver are here visiting for a week.
Tony Harp, Don and Lynnette Doornbos, Katelyn, Taylor and John returned home last week from a trip to Kentucky. They were joined by Brian Harp, North Carolina.
Good news from John and Janice Stull. Craig and Julie Stull and family do not have to move to Melbourne, Florida. . . . . .they are staying in Kansas City.
Priscilla Jacobs and Tessa Jacobs motored to Wichita this week end, Tessa returned home after an extended stay with her grandmother. Joining them on the trip were Mitchell Jacobs, Anton and Kaden Foust.
Tony & Tomi Rues and family were in Norton Sunday and visited with Kayla Tacha and girls. They went to the prison where they visited the ‘Dog Rescue’ program.
Norma McNair took her mother Marge Sloan to her home in Ponca City, OK this past week, Norma stayed a few days and visited with her sister, Ruth Ann Sissel.
Those children attending Summer Reading this past Wednesday were Emma, Kate and Will Rues, Lexie and Zoe Anderson.
B. C. (Bev) Irvin, 88, died May 31, 2009 at his home in Hays. He was born March 1, 1921 to Ivy and Ada Lovitt Irvin. He married Vida Schraeder on September 5, 1943. She survives. Other survivors include a son, Reggie, Salina and daughter, Linda Bittel, LaCrosse; sister, Helen Goering, Aurora, Colo.; four grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Burial was at the McCracken City Cemetery. Bev served in the U. S. Navy Reserve. He was an avid follower of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team.
Jeff Crawshaw returned home from the hospital in Wichita on Saturday.
The traveling book van was in McCracken on Tuesday. Every two months Central Kansas Library System brings new books for the rotating library. Three books that were new to the collection were Graphic Novels. They are essentially comic books that are more like a book theme. The Graphic Novel appeals to middle school age through college age. The books are designed to be read from the back cover to the front with instructions in the front of the book that is the case. They seem to be wildly popular. Check one out.
Robert Wierman had cataract surgery at Garden City. Marilyn Sommers was here for the weekend. She returned home on Tuesday.
Alex Casey has given the Jail/Museum an arrowhead.
Adam Orendac, Oklahoma City, has given the museum a copy of The Reveille for 1916 at Fort Hays Normal. Students from McCracken were Mariam Darkes, James R. Start, Mabel Twiselton, Genevieve Roberts, Claire Hastings, Hattie Lank and Lester Wilson.
Classes to be honored at the Alumni/Rodeo week will be those ending in nine.
The class of 1939 - Helen Barnes, Dean Birdsong, LaVone Casey, Adam Conrad, Basil Davenport, Adrian Doerr, Fay Elmore, LaVern Fletcher, Marion Foster, Paul Grate, Ralph Haufle, Patrick Higgins, Vincent Higgins, Beverly Irvin, Claude Irvin, Wesley Irvin, Florentine Leiker, Bernetta Marak, Willard Mills, Faye North, Lenore Ramsey, Drewie Robertson, Leonard Sweeney, Charlotte Temple, Virginia Wahl and Zella Doerr.
The class of 1949 - Reed Bullock, Bob Derr, Robert Davis and Elaine Pfannenstiel.
The Class of 1959 - Gerald Barnes, Judy Whitis, Melissa House, Janice Myers and Allen Showalter.
The class of 1969 - Gloria Baus, Jim Brack, Tim Brown, Patricia Casey, David Davenport, Valandia Derr, David Halbleib, Richard Higgins, Kathy Huddleston, Wayne Johnston, Patricia Foos, Robert Mason, Lance Morgan, Debra Schuckman, Tommi Tomlinson, Lana Scheuerman, Kirby Wendler, Duane Williams, Doug Whitis, Bill Wetzel, Tim Petz and Donnie Schuckman.
The class of 1979 - Jerry Casey, Joe Conner, Kerri Derr, Sandy Foreman, Larry Hinman, Shannon McKinney, Marty Mills, Susan Moran, Craig Rixon, Lisa Schuckman, Rashell Schwindt, Tim Seltmann, Lanette Stremel, Patty Swartz and Fred Taylor.
R. B. Hayes had a letter from John W. Hanson of Columbia, South Carolina. John is the son of John and Tacy Hanson and lived south of town where Diz and Wilma now live. John attended school with R. B. at Kansas Wesleyan. They played football together. Three other friends were Steve Blair, who was a Doctor of Physiology with NASA, Tank Taylor with the FBI and Dr. West Jackson who operates the Land Institute in Salina. He is a wheat researcher. He wants to develop a crop of wheat that doesn’t have to be re-seeded each year and can be harvested twice a year. Steve and Tank live in Columbia. They get together to swap memories. John was surprised that R. B. lived in McCracken.
McCracken History Notes
June 1899
Earl McCaskey fell from a bicycle last Sunday, fracturing the bones of his wrist.
Frank Start and August Schutte returned from Colorado this week.
June 1909
Mr. Norlin, the gentleman who purchased the Neal stock has taken charge and everything is in fine running order again since invoicing. He is a very pleasant gentleman and we are glad to welcome him here.
Mr. George Joseph and Mrs. Dixon were married recently. Congratulations are extended to George and his bride.
June 1919
Miss Elizabeth Marak and Mr. Hugh Sweeney were married at St. Mary’s June 5.
John Elias and Howard Ward have been trapping skunks. A picture of their skunk furs appear on page 110 of the McCracken History Book Volume 1.
June 1939
The Oscar Elias home was robbed of guns and foodstuffs Sunday afternoon while the family was in town attending the ballgame. When they returned home their clothes were on the floor and things were in confusion.
One of the worst storms that ever happened came between 3:00 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. at McCracken with rain, high winds and hail. The fields are swept bare of wheat and other vegetation. The storm seemed to sweep the Brownell, McCracken and Alexander vicinities. The hail did not extend north of the Big Timber. For the first time in years Big Timber creek north of town was completely out of its banks. Damage west of town was greater than in town. Ralph Thompson says there were hail drifts on his place fifteen feet high.
June 1959
Sam Graham graduated from Kansas State University on Sunday. He received two degrees, Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. He also received a First Lieutenant commission into the Army and will report for duty in August. He is the husband of Dorothy Crotinger.
June 1979
Jan North and children of Dalhart, Texas, spent the Memorial Day weekend here.
Janet Herdman is on the honor roll at Ft. Hays State; Kelly John Walker is on the Dean’s honor roll at Frank Phillips College, Borger, Texas.