RCNews June 2
The Hutchinson High baseball team finished their season as regional runners-up in a loss to Maize, the eventual 6A state champion, on Thursday, May 19th. Tanner Higgins finished the season as the team leader in runs scored and batting average. His batting average of .471 was the sixth best in school history and the highest ever for a sophomore at Hutch High.
Shirley Higgins attended the Hutchinson Middle School eighth grade promotion ceremony for Jenna Higgins on Thursday, May 26th. There were over 380 HMS 8 students promoted to Hutchinson HS. Jenna was one of only 33 HMS 8 students who finished the school year will all As.
Helen Marie Thompson Williams died in a Wichita, Kansas nursing home on May 23, 2011. She was the daughter of Robert & Arrena Thompson, formerly of McCracken. She was born on March 14, 1928 in Olmitz, Kansas. She is survived by daughters Joyce Perkins and Michelle Williams, sons Steven Hurd and John Hurd, sisters Emil Dugan, Gladys Broussard, Patricia Robinson and Dorothy Jones, brother Robert Thompson and a host of grandchildren. The body will be cremated.
St. Mary's Heritage Association was happy to see all the wonderful people in church, some were former parishioners from Wichita, Arkansas & Oklahoma. The mass was officiated by Father David Kraus and mass was said in memory of all deceased parishioners of St. Mary's.
Those helping to make the mass possible were Susan Keith, organist, Michele Moran choir leader, Deanna Bergquist lector and also for leading the rosary before mass, Marge Moran & Carolyn Thompson for communion, Wilfrid Higgins and Sylvester Conrad ushers, Jean Schutte and Phyllis Conrad gifts and Roy Conrad server. Thank you again to Twila Higgins for arranging the flowers on all the altars. Too all a job well done. Very much appreciated.
Rev. David Kraus was guest of Roy and Phyllis Conrad at Boondocks for a snack after the mass on Saturday.
Valerie Mills and Terry stopped by Friday afternoon for a short visit. She also saw Ruth Crawshaw at the library.
Connie Wittman Nelson, Mika, Rebekka, Anna and Lydia visited with Sandra Jacobs Saturday afternoon.
Grady William Showalter, infant son of Nathan and Sandra Showalter, died May 25, 2011 at Wesley Medical Center, Wichita. Survivors are sisters, Ella, Molly and Maggie Showalter. Burial was in the Alexander Cemetery.
18 golfers participated in the McCracken Golf Tournament held Sunday,
Amanda, Rianne, Kyson, Terren; Jason, Jessica,Havyn, Shaili and Taybree spent some family time at Cedar Bluff Lake Saturday and Sunday. Jeeeicas brother and sister-in-law, Charlie and Shelby and kids, Tristen and Kirsten joined them for the weekend.
Galen Watkins, nephew of Arky & Diana McNair, spent the weekend visiting. Galen is from Wichita.
Birthdays: June 2, Kenneth Foster, Jordan Janke; June 3, Tim Rues, Kathy Norlin, Anton Foust, Clayton Herdman; June 4, Zachary Simmerman, Natalee North; June 5, Marlene Pfannenstiel Bronish; June 6, Michelle Mays Gill, Carolyn Thompson, Spring Blackwell Bentham, Montana Skinner, Dan Rhea; June 7, Addie Kershner; June 8, Catherine Rues Casey, Kathy Whitis, Emily Washaliski; Olivia Washaliski.
Anniversaries: June 2, Jerry and Karen Casey; June 3, Greg and Beverly Buster; June 4, Mike and Jerilyn Stull; June 5, Norman and Malinda Anderson; June 7, Bill and Paula Greenway, Kenneth and Opal Mills, Julius and Lucy Unrein.
Landon Janke is a patient at Promise Regional Medical Center in Hutchinson. He has an infection of his heart valve. He will be there for another two weeks. He would enjoy your cards. Send to Promise Regional Medical Center, 1701 East 23rd, Hutchinson, KS 67502
Ursula Butler graduated from Kansas State University on May 14 in Marketing. Levi White graduated from Ness City High School on May 15. He will go to Hutchinson to study to be an EMT. Mason Weber was promoted from the eighth grade at Ness City on May 19. Mason Weber, Audra Bergquist and Courtney Gilbert all received top honors for their school work. Audra and Courtney were seventh graders.
At Shannon Keith's promotion she received the Citizenship Award and an Art Award. Her art featured a stylized bearcat which was printed on the front of the class tee shirt worn by the eighth grade students at Promotion Night.
Hanna McCormick, daughter of Mark McCormick and Cristian, graduated from Blue Valley High School at Kemper Arena in Kansas City on Sunday afternoon. Mary Margaret McCormick and Helena McGaughey attended. She will be attending Johnson County Community College in Fall.
Kansas History Note
With the building of the railroads the great Texas cattle trade became a feature in Kansas. The cowboy, with his jingling spurs, his wide hat, his six-shooter and his enormous leather saddle, soon became very common over the state, as he herded the long horned cattle on the plains or drove them to the most convenient shipping place.
McCracken History Notes
June 1911
There will be a chorus of fifty voices under the direction of Sam Twiselton at the County Sunday School convention next week. All who are interested are making every effort to make this one of the best conventions ever held in Rush county.
The ball park was dragged this week and put in fine condition. The boys are going to some trouble and expense and the games should be patronized.
June 1941
Mr. and Mrs. George Ree and Mabel, Mrs. Mae Schutte, August and Rachel, Mr. George Foster and Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Thompson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Foster and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Conner and family and Miss Lucille Elias were dinner guests of Eunice Foster on Memorial Day.
A six room house with basement and block of ground can be purchased for $600. $60 cash payments and balance in monthly payments of $4.13 including interest. J. P. Moran
June 1961
The wind storm that struck McCracken early Friday morning caused extensive damage to trees, antennae and farm buildings. The 60 year old locust tree in front of Norlin's store was completely broken off a few feet from the ground.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Gilbert moved into the A. V. Norlin residence Saturday. Albert has moved into one of the apartments over the Norlin store.
June 1981
A surprise party was held for Ann Foster on her 90th birthday with family and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and family attended the chuckwagon feed of the Texas Longhorn drive and the dedication of the El Capitan Longhorn Steer monument in downtown Dodge City.
Received some pictures and a note from Sister Martina saying she returned from her retreat in Maine. It was 90 in Oxford, Michigan.
We welcome Mark McCormick to our fair city. The Rues family, Tony, Shelby, Cathy, John and Alex; Lance and Garrett McCormick helped him move.