RCNews May 27
Peggy Kay, Shirley Higgins, Carolyn Thompson and Tara Helm enjoyed visiting and drinking sodas at Boondocks Wednesday afternoon.
Dont forget the Memorial Day dinner held at the Community Center, Monday, May 31 beginning at 12:00 p.m. Serving fried chicken, ham, creamed corn, green beans, pasta salads and desserts. Tea and coffee will be served. Sponsored by the McCracken swimming pool.
Congratulations to Brian Legleiter who graduated from LaCrosse High School, Saturday, May 22. A reception was held later for his many friends and relatives
Visited with Reba Davenport Baker on Wednesday, she had quite a lot of hail the first of the week. Broke out storm windows, ruined her tomato plants and probably damage to her roof.
Dallas Haug, 72, died at his home in Ransom, May 17. Dallas worked for Bill Lovitt when Bill had Lovitts Propane. Our sympathy to his family.
Emma Rues and Addie Kershner were among the many girls that attended Wackey Skills Girl Scout camp at Kirwin this weekend.
Congratulations to Leah Baus, who graduated from LaCrosse High School, Saturday May 22. She is the daughter of Mark and Ann Baus.
Miles Buster finished his regular finals and his advanced placement exams last week. Graduation was the 22nd. They have all the Albuquerque high school graduations at the fair grounds. Miles will be attending New Mexico State University in Las Cruces in the fall. He was accepted at Texas A&M (his dads alma mater), Texas Tech, Colorado School of Mines, NM Tech, and Kansas State (Legacy Scholarship). The offer from NMSU was just too good to pass up. He was offered the Honors Excel Scholarship which covers tuition, fees and a cash stipend each semester. New Mexico state schools are trying to keep their best students at in state universities.
Miles Eagle Scout ceremony will be May 24. He did his eagle project at the Bear Canyon Senior Center where his grandmother, Joan Buster spent a lot of time. This is where she met many of her good friends in Albuquerque. He did landscaping in front of the center and built a waterfall for the patio. It meant a lot to the regulars at the center and especially the ones that knew Joan.
His sisters, Hailey and Mariah are also very active. Hailey was named drum major for the La Cueva High School marching band for next year. The band is the largest band in the state with about 200 band members. Mariah plays the trumpet and will be in Jazz band again next year. Both girls have auditioned for the symphony and we are still waiting for the results. Miles, Hailey and Mariah are the children of Duke and Sally Buster.
Congratulations to Elizabeth Pfeiffer who graduated from LaCrosse High School, Saturday, May 22. She is the daughter of Jay Pfeiffer and Cynthia Lohrey.
Roger and Brenda Legleiter, Bruce Kershner and boys hosted a surprise 50th birthday get to gather for Ellen Kershner Saturday evening. Family and friends were in attendance.
Graveside services were held for Lucille Lamer on Saturday morning, May 22, at 11:00 a.m. Family members and friends recited poems and shared their love for Lucille. The service ended with a tribute to Lucille a/k/a Bubbles by releasing bubbles in the wind.
Following the services family hosted a dinner at Boondocks.
Addie Mills visited with Jack Klee in Hays last Sunday.
Everyone is welcome at the mass at St. Marys Catholic Church in McCracken on Saturday, May 29 at 4:00 p.m. with Father Kraus of Ransom presiding.
Addie Mills attended graduation ceremonies for Hays High School at Gross Memorial Coliseum Sunday afternoon. Jayme Hansen, granddaughter of Lee and Donna Hansen graduated Summa Cum Laude.
Please come to sing at the Memorial Day services at St. Marys and McCracken City Cemetery. Arlene Gilbert will be directing.
Memorial Day Services will be held at St. Marys Cemetery beginning at 10:00 a.m. on May 31 with a rosary led by Father Rene Labrador. Military services will follow.
Services at the McCracken City Cemetery will be at 11:00 a.m. led by West-Burch Post 59.
A Memorial Day dinner will be held at the McCracken City Building at noon following the services at the cemetery. Fried chicken and ham with all the trimmings will be served. The proceeds are for the McCracken Swimming Pool.
Evelyn Cosby and Addie Mills enjoyed supper at 4 Corners Café on Friday in honor of Evelyns birthday.
Carolyn Thompson attended the 2010 Excellence in Public Service Awards on Thursday evening at Cowtown in Wichita. Three individuals were honored, one from the school district, one from the City of Wichita and one from Sedgwick County. David Dennis, Jr., nephew of Carolyn, received the award for U.S.D. 259 for his dedication to community service. Each individual received a plaque and a cash award of $2,500.00. David leads the North High School business departments Professional Learning Community. David is active in Boy Scouts, his church, Cowtown (treasurer) and softball programs for youth.
Donna Goetz, 62, Victoria died May 18, 2010. She and her husband Charles co-owned Printcraft, Inc. Printcraft published our first two history books. Charlie died in 2006.
We learn a lot by reading the Hays Daily News. They feature a page on car racing. We found out that Clayton Wilson has re-joined the racing circuit. In the Wednesday, May 18, issue it mentioned that on the front of his race car is printed the name of his late father, Jack Wilson and his mothers name, Verlene. On the back is painted the names of his in-laws, Kevin and Lyndell Rorabaugh. The most interesting item in the article was that we can expect a new Wilson in September as Kizmin is expecting. Wonder what Gunner says about that?
David Dennis, Sr. is now a member of the Executive Board of the Kansas State High School Activities Association.
McCracken History Notes
May 1910
Decoration Day Program: Meet at hall at 10 oclock and march to cemetery in the following order: McCracken cornet band, color bearer and color guards; Rush Post and visiting comrades; flower girls; boys with flags; citizens in carriages. After decorating graves return to the hall and disband for dinner. Meet at hall at 1:30 and march to the UB Church; Song - Star Spangled Banner; Invocation by Rev. Sweeney; ritualistic service; song; Address by Rev. Wade, Song - America; Benediction.
Petition has been passed around this week calling for an election to be held about June 10 for the purpose of voting $8,000 in bonds to run twenty years for the erection of a new four room school building.
May 1940
The McCracken baseball club will open the 1940 season Sunday when Bazine comes here. Our lads are just getting organized and need the support of the community.
Miss Mary Herrman, Liebenthal, spent the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barnes.
Ben Yawger, Ben Steinshouer, Charles Lovitt and Clarence Peer attended the opening of Quinter Lake at Quinter and went fishing.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Meyer of Hoisington spent Friday with their daughter, Mrs. Faye Jennings and family.
May 1960
Rosa Kinnamon spent a few days last week at Alexander where she visited her nieces, Mrs. Glenn Grumbein and Mrs. Clara Bott.
McCracken High School ranked first in class C at the State Scholarship contest. Those placing were Tena Vogle, Carolyn Higgins, Elaine Eisenhour, Terry Herdman, Daniel Rein, Norman Anderson, Jane Gaschler, Victoria Zeller, LaVona Peters, Marsha Allen.
Sue Ann Barnes, 16 month old daughter of Ann and Jesse L. Barnes is a patient in a Denver hospital for an infection caused by a peanut school lodged in her lung.
May 1980
McCracken High School and eighth grade will have a combined graduation exercise on May 19 with Harold Smith as Speaker. Eight grade graduates are Gary Barnes, Jay Brack, Lori Brown, Stacey Foreman, Chad Herdman, Sarena Higgins, Kenny Hughes, Tonya Mangold, Shawn McKinney, Jeff Scheuerman and Richard Wittman. High School Seniors are Dale Elias, Norma Elmore, Kellye Irvin, Mitchell Jacobs, Philip Swindler, Kathleen Moran, Laura Unrein, Tamera Higgins and Craig Stull.