May 17
Last week Kate Rues received a card and birthday money from relatives in Topeka. Upon opening it she said, "Mama, I want to give this to the people in Greensburg." Her mom took her and her little brother to the elementary school on Friday, and she donated her money.
Congratulations to Brad and Kristen Schmidt, Hays, on the birth of a daughter, Kathryn Faye, born May 11, 2007. Grandparents are Howard and Brenda Boese, Brownell.
Memorials have been given to McCracken Alumni in memory of Kenny Mills from Tom Moran and Kathleen Rourke Kazmaier; for Glenn Eisenhour from Larry & Joyce Eisenhour; for Mac & Helen Showalter from Larry & Joyce Eisenhour; for Norma Schuckman Kirby from LeeRoy Schuckman; for Gene Petz from Kathleen Rourke Kazmaier; for Robert Elmore from Joann Micheli.
A memorial has been given to the McCracken Jail/Museum in memory of Robert Elmore from Reba Davenport Baker.
Memorials have been given to the McCracken Rodeo from Kathleen Stremel and Shirley Stremel Bundy.
A lunch will be served at the McCracken Community Building on Memorial Day after services at the cemeteries. Desserts are needed so please sign at the post office if you will bring one to the dinner.
Arky & Diana McNair and Charlotte Ochs motored to Denver last week to visit their families. . . . .Curt, Kelly, Melanie & Kristin McNair, Travis & Alice McNair, Jesse & Tyler McNair. They celebrated the 11th birthday of Travis.
Jerry, Jodi, Tanner & Jenna Higgins, Chuck & Zach Higgins, Kayla, Lindsey & Nicole Tacha and Shirley Higgins attended graduation exercises in Hoisington Sunday afternoon. Kyra Horesky was a member of the high school graduation class. Kyras parents, Tammy & Lonnie Irvin and Cameron hosted an after graduation get-to-gather.
Sarah Urban, John & Melanie Zeller attended the after graduations party for Cassandra Ney at the home of her parents, Bob and Hope Ney in Hoisington. Melanie had to work late and didnt make it in time for the ceremonies.
Some of our graduates: Dustin Unrein, son of James and Diana Unrein is a graduate of Ellis High School; Kate Moran, daughter of Tom & Patty Moran & Ryan Webs, son of James & Leeann Webs from LaCrosse High School, Kain Kaltenbaugh, son of Tony & Roxene Fletcher Kaltenbaugh from Welsh, Oklahoma; Spring Blackwell, daughter of Eddie & Gloria Baus Blackwell from Hays.
Sonny and Betty Dykes and their grandson Rashad, spent the weekend at their summer home in McCracken.
Sharon Lovitt had knee replacement surgery in Kansas City last Wednesday. She is doing well. All her family Bill, Brad, Lora Faiman, Kathy Hurd & Teresa Lovitt were with her. The doctors are watching her closely because of her cancer.
Two must read books. A young adult book entitled The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne and The Worst Hard Times by Timothy Egan.
The following are some of the names listed on the plaque at the McCracken City Park. It is being up-dated and hopefully will be installed by Memorial Day: Esther Akers, Edwin Akers,
Mildred Irvin Anderson, Jesse L. Barnes, Thomas & Mary Barnes, James Birdsong, Duane Brackney, Patty Klee Brock, Malcolm Brown, Donald L. Buster, Richard Dick Buxton, Margaret Buxton, Patrick Casey, Jack Cheney, Rollo & Edna Cheney, Karen Walker Clark, Dan Conner, Elizabeth Conner, Lloyd & Hattie Ree Conner, Muriel Murphy Conrad, Wilda Anderson Conrad & Keith Crawford. The rest of the names will follow.
Millie Mick, oldest sister of Marilyn Mills, died Thursday in Salina. Funeral services were held Monday morning at Cawker City. Danny, Marilyn, Brandon, Ryan and Addie Mills were among the many relatives and friends in attendance.
Thursday visitors to McCracken were Bill and Mary Ann Ree of Wichita. They came to see if the Rees here were relatives. Bill is a geologist who remembers Elmore Ryan when he came here in the 70s regarding oil leasing. He is working a well at Kinsley.
They were given Ree information that Sonja Conner had prepared for the museum and directed them to Albert Ree, Jr. in the Dutch Hallow area.
Francis and Julia Zeller went to Claflin on Saturday to observe the tornado damage. They then drove south of Claflin and saw the devastation to trees and farm homes. They attended the Petz wedding anniversary in Ellinwood, attended mass and visited with Father Mazouch.
William Greenway, Jessica Casey, Matthew Casey and Staci Swartz were honored with a reception-dinner at the City Building in McCracken following their graduation Sunday afternoon from Western Plains High School.
Shannon Keith celebrated her 10th birthday with family at the Yawger Ranch with a cookout.
McCracken History Notes
May 1887
Five buildings were planned north of the bank this week. The builders are James Warden, B. H. Hicks, Ryan Bros. and A. A. Forbes.
The editor of the Enterprise visited north and east of town. The first man we met was E. Shepherd residing on section eight. His farm consists of 160 acres. He has an apple orchard of 160 trees. He is a native of Kentucky. A mile east we found W. H. Metz and Charles Elias trying to scour a plow. This place is 160 deeded acres and 160 timber claim, 45 acres broken and cultivated, 70 acres fenced pasture, 11 acres timber. Mr. Metz is a native of Pennsylvania, but has lived here nine years. He has a large stone house. Charles Elias lives over in Waring Township, Ness County, on section 26 where he owns a quarter and is farming extensively. Being in this country nine years he has been too busy to get married and is keeping Bach. Jared Metz and his two sons, Peter and Issac, own and farm a half section on the Hampton road, about three miles from McCracken. About 100 acres is in cultivation, 70 in wheat, 42 in corn, 5 in cane and 10 in timber. They have 40 head of cattle and 10 horses. They are Pennsylvanians and have been here 9 years.
May 1907
The farm residence of Amos Derr burned about 8 oclock yesterday morning. The fire originated by an accident in dropping a can of gasoline which became ignited from the fire in the stove. The building and its contents was a total loss, nothing being saved but a bed.
May 1937
MHS members of the graduating class are Ruth Durand, Jane Glaspy, Dorothy Grate, Helen Irvin, Leon Marvin, Chester McGaughey, Lester McGaughey, Muriel Murphy, Luceil Plotner, Willis Redding, Merrill Roughton, Malcolm Showalter, Betty Smith, James Smith, Marie Sweeney, Mary Ellen Williams, Gwendolyn Prowant and Lyle Swisher.
May 1947
Theodore R. Jennings of McCracken and Miss Mildred Coombs of Detroit, Mich., were married Thursday, May 1, in Detroit and arrived here Sunday morning. The couple will make their home on the Jennings farm. A group of friends drove out to the Jennings farm Monday evening to charivari Teddy and his bride. After the serenade they were invited into the house, given treats and an enjoyable evening was spent playing pinochle and visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Irvin are parents of a daughter born Sunday, May 4, in St. Anthonys hospital at Hays. She weighed 8 lbs and 12 oz and has been named Susan Patsy.
May 1957
Rush county has 413 less people than a year ago. This is the greatest percentage decline of any year of the countys history.
May 1967
Curtis Carpenter has been selected by the Otis VFW and the Lions Club to attend Boys State at KU.
First place winners, the Strikettes Bowling Team sponsored by Freds IGA, are Wilma Washaliski, Jean Schutte, Gladys Hinman, Mary Anne Taylor, Pat Derr and Joann Sloan.
McCracken winners at the McCracken Golf Tournament were Ray Grumbein, Carl Bible and Wilfrid Higgins.
May 1977
Lorraine Ryan has been appointed Grand Ruth of the Grand Chapter of Kansas of the Eastern Star.
8th grade graduates are Kelly McKinney, Marla Schlegel, Helena Showalter, Wade Hinman, Sandra Jacobs, Randy Conrad, Kevin Rourke, Kerri Seltman, Billy Augustine, Laura Casey, Troy Zinn, Jeff McCormick and Raven Schwindt.
May 1887
Drivers in Kansas will be able to travel 65 miles per hour on 680 miles of interstates throughout the state beginning Thursday, May 14. That excludes all two-lane highways in the state. That is a small percentage of the 10,000 mile state highway system which will remain at 55 mph.
The New Era club traveled to Hays for the Presidents Luncheon at the home of Lucille Lamer.
The McCracken Centennial Committee is sponsoring a Cattle Penning conducted by Kuntz Rodeo Company on May 23 and 24.
St. Marys Cemetery Society officers are Roy Conrad, President; Joe Casey, Vice-President and Loretta Moran, Treasurer.
May 1997
Mary Beth Peach was in Wichita this past weekend to attend the Riverfest.
Congratulations to Tambra and Todd Pfeifer, Scott City, on the birth of twin girls on May 8, 1997