RCNews May 8
Paula and Gino Corte spent last week end at the Higgins/Corte house on West Beech.  The house has a lovely new spring hat (new roof).
Kansas technology:  After having dug to a depth of 10 yards last year, New York scientists found traces of copper dating back 100 years and came to the conclusion that their NY ancestors all ready had telephone network.  Not to be outdone by the New Yorkers, in the weeks that followed California scientists dug to a dept of 20 yards and the LA times headlines read, archeologists found copper wiring that was over 200 years old and concluded that their ancestors already had advanced high tech communications 100 years before the New Yorkers. ‘A week later, the Ness County News, a local paper in Ness City, Kansas, reported digging a depth of 30 yards in a wheat field near Brownell, Kansas. Larry the cable guy, a self taught archeologist and dyed-in-the wool Jayhawk fan, reported he found absolutely nothing.  Larry has therefore concluded that 300 years ago Kansas had all ready gone wireless’.  (This was sent to me from Mary Wyman)
The fried chicken dinner Sunday at noon prepared by Arky McNair and his ‘staff’, Johnny Mac, Sandra and Laura was again a success.  Thanks to all who helped and attended.
Jerry, Jenna and Tanner Higgins attended the KU barnstorming game at the Hutchinson sports arena Saturday evening where Jerry was a referee.  Jenna got to wear Darnell Jackson’s jersey and played about 3 minutes.  She “‘received a pass” from Sasha Kahn and made a layup.  Jerry tossed the ball to Roderick Stewart who was sitting on the bench due to an injury and he ‘swished’ it through the net.  They all got autographs and pictures.
LOOKING BACK:  June 1921 The McCracken town team lost their first games this week, one to Ness City and one to Loretto.  The boys went to Ness City with a pick up team and although Metz pitched well, errors behind him lost the game.  Hopper allowed only three hits.  Sunday Loretto played a return game here and exhibited the best brand of ball we have seen this year.  Two errors and a single scored two runs in the first inning for the visitors which were enough to win.  Aggle pitched a good game for Loretto while Greenway did nearly as well for our team.  Robertson hit safely three times in four trips to the plate.  The score was McCracken 0, Loretto 2.  Batteries – Greenway and Gibson; Appel and Urban.  The following shows how the boys are batting:  Start 368; C. Stephens 342; R. Stephens 314; Greenway 312; Irvin 294; Robertson 285; Gibson 258; John Lovitt 205; Foster 200; Chas Lovitt 181; P.Metz 125; W.Metz 000 and Ralph Lovitt 000.
Jeff and Julia McCormick visited a minute with Jeff and Kathy Hurd in San Diego this weekend.
Bob Fear, 49, Burleson, Texas, a senior vice president of proposal development for CNI, died Tuesday, April 22, 2008, in Norman, Oklahoma.  William Robert “Bob” Fear was born September 27, 1958 in Fort Carson, Colorado to Oscar “Bob” and Margaret Martinez Fear.  He married Pamela Jean Owens on December 19, 1980 in Fort Worth.  He was a graduate of Texas Wesleyan University and worked for Lockheed Martin Corporation for 27 years.  He was a member of Burleson Church of Christ where he lovingly served as a deacon and tirelessly worked with the youth and singles programs with all his heart.  Bob was a loving and devoted husband, father, son and friend, and will be greatly missed by many.  He was a ‘Dad’ to many kids.  Survivors are his wife Pam Fear; sons Robert Fear and Shawn Fear of Burleson; parents Bob and Margaret Fear of Kansas; sister, Nicole Tarbell and husband, Bart of Kansas; numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and other family members.
Memorials may be given to the Burleson Church of Christ Youth Scholarship Fund in memory of Bob Fear.
We welcome Judy Moran as our new postmistress!  Maureen Georg has been transferred to Bison. 
We are so thankful that we have Sandra and Laura in our village.  If they aren’t working at the park fixing the merry-go-round or painting, they are helping with a fund raiser for the pool or park. I think the next project is to paint inside the pool.  You can also see Sandra in the east part of town fixing fence to keep her many animals from crossing #4 highway. 
Visited with R.B. Hayes in the post office Monday afternoon, he said he had a fun weekend.  Butch and Kaira golfed in a couple’s tournament so he babysat with grandson Mac.  They ate breakfast at I Hop, had lunch in Ellis and played soccer in the afternoon. 
Always enjoy seeing the others who attend the Diabetes Clinic in Ness  -  Alton and LaVerne Huddleston, Marie Brack, ( Holly and Aubrey Ann accompanied her) and Robin.
A copy of the McCracken Cemetery information has been given to the McCracken Public Library for use by the public.  The research has been done by Gary and Elaine Turner of Loveland, Colorado.  Gary is the son of the late Earl and Laytha Turner.
Former resident Lucille Crotinger is now 92 years young.  She would enjoy receiving cards and letters from her friends in the McCracken area.  Her address is c/o Wheatlands Manor, Room 301, Kingman, KS 67068 or c/o Dorothy Graham, 510A West Kansas, Kingman, KS 67068.
Lillian Patricia McGaughey was baptized by Father Rene Labrador at St. Michael’s Catholic Church in LaCrossse on Sunday, May 4.  She is the daughter of Aaron and Lesley McGaughey.
More Stagecoach Rules from the Overland Despatch: 
Don’t smoke a strong cigar or pipe on the stage, especially when women or children are present.  If chewing tobacco, spit in the leeward side.
Don’t swear, snore or lop over on neighbors when sleeping.  Let others share the buffalo robes provided in cold weather.
Don’t discuss politics or religion.  Don’t point out sites where robberies or Indian attacks have taken place.
Don’t shoot firearms for pleasure while en route as it scares the horses.
While at stations don’t lag at wash basins or privies.  Don’t grease hair with bear grease or buffalo tallow as travel is very dusty.
Don’t imagine you are going on a picnic, for stage travel is inconvenient.  Expect annoyances, discomforts, hardships.  Bear them with fortitude.  Be friendly and helpful to other passengers and your trip will be a more pleasant one.
McCracken History Notes:
May 1908
G. A. Laubengayer, the new settler on the Will Lovitt place, seems to be a rather busy man.  He put in over 300 acres of wheat last fall and has just finished planting eighty acres of corn besides having in other spring crops.
Miss Mable Twiselton has seventeen music scholars in Brownell and fifteen in McCracken which composes her music class.  She is an excellent teacher and is succeeding admirably.
May 1938
The Annual Junior-Senior banquet was held in the basement of the M. E. Church last Thursday night.  The theme ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ was successfully carried out.
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Neal celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Sunday.   The Neal’s were married in Kentucky and came to Kansas in 1886.
P. H. McKittrick, 76, died early Friday morning at his home near here.  He is survived by his wife and a sister, Jennie Cramer.  Burial was in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
May 1948
Ten seniors from McCracken high school will be graduated in commencement exercises, May 12 in the grade school auditorium.  Candidates for diplomas in the class of 1948 are Phyllis Cheney, Virginia Dugan, Twila Jacobs, Georgina Unrein, Kenneth Brackney, John Elmore, Ronald Hinman, Robert House, Willard Thompson and Gerald Walker.  The speaker will be Dr. Ralph V. Coder, head of the department of English at Fort Hays State College with the topic “What May I Do To Help?”  The processional and recessional will be played by Janeal Ryan.  Lynnette Pearson will play a piano solo and the diplomas will be presented by Sylvester Scheideman.
Graduates from the eighth grade are Barbara J. Davis, M. LeRoy Gilbert, Richard H. Gordon, Charles L. Jacobs, Patrick A. Keener, Patricia L. Klee, Shirley A. Lovitt, Walter E. Rogers, Bernard F. Rourke, LuAnne Scheideman, Jimmie L. Swartz, R. Allan Thompson and Gladys L. Thompson.
Bishop Carroll of Wichita administered the sacrament of confirmation to a class of fourteen children and eight adults Friday afternoon at St. Mary’s church.
May 1958
Steve Sloan, four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Sloan, was accidentally run over by his grandfather’s tractor.  He suffered two fractured ribs.
Donna Knight and Joyce Showalter were the ranking students of the class of 1958.  Class History:  Seventeen Freshman 1954-1955:  Alberta Anderson, Louise Gerritzen, Patty Graf, James Hanson, Peggy Harper, Furlen Irvin, Perry Irvin, Donna Knight, Gary Oller, Norman Pfannenstiel, Carla Rodeman, Joyce Showalter, Gary Walker, Karen Walker, Billy Wierman, Arlene and Marlene Wilson; 1955-56 Sophomores had neither additions nor subtractions.  1956-1957 Juniors lost two students, Carla Rodeman moved to Ness City, Billy Wierman to Hays; 1957-1958 Seniors:  We lost Gary Oller who moved to Hutchinson.
May 1968
Cadet Douglas R. Higgins has been promoted to the rank of Cadet Staff Sergeant at Kansas State College in Manhattan.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGaughey entertained at a cook-out Monday, April 22, honoring their son, Robbie on his 11th birthday.  Those present were Rosie, Tom and Tim Rues, Sherry Petz, Linda Sloan, Sally Buster, Nancy, Jerry and Chuck Higgins, Bill Greenway, Greg Hinman, Donald and Daryl Casey, Robin Schuckman, Kent Brown, Fritz Foster, Mike Moran, Glenn Ryan, James Unrein, Richard Conrad, Larry Buster, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Ramsey and Doris Jones.
May 1978
Jan North was appointed district aide of district 47 of the Order of Eastern Star.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with a dance on Saturday, May 13, at LaCrosse City Auditorium.
May 1988
Claude and Lillian Irvin will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with their son, Furlen and Bobbie Irvin and family in Dallas, Texas.
Debra Gaunt is now serving as a Crew Chief in the U. S. Air Force and is stationed in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Congratulations to Jeff and Jacque Showalter Sparrow on the birth of a baby girl, Madison Kay, born May 12, 1988.  (Happy 20th).
May 1998
Rev. Kathy Bannister held a Communion service at Hays Medical Center for Carol Rixon on Thursday.  Others attending were Liz Conner, Sylvia Mason, Phyllis Higgins, Betty Fear, Pat Derr, Lorraine Norlin, Sally Irvin and Rose Showalter.
Tammy and Lonnie Irvin and Cameron Horseky attended the KU Barnstorming Tour on Saturday evening at Barton County Community College.  (Ten years later Cameron played in it!)

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