May 4, 2016 News

Birthdays: May 4, Carolyn Davenport, Edgar Schadel, Susan Walker, Reese Higgins; May 5, Michelle Yohe, Brandi LaFond, Janice McCloy, Kate Rues; May 6, Rianne Showalter; May 7, Reed Blackwell, Bill Zeller, Maggie Showalter; May 8, Hung Pham, Peggy Smith, Erin Pfeifer, Johanna Pfeifer, Allan McCloy, Lane Sekavec; May 9, Katie Wills, Gladys Hinman, Shannon Keith, Abigail Moran; May 10, Jodie Higgins, Lynn Kochenower,

Anniversaries: May 8, Robert and Mary Beth Higgins; May 10, Kelly and Sandy Biesner.

Kizmin Wilson was received into full communion at Christ the King Church in WaKeeney on April 26.

Jan North and four of her quilting peeps motored to Arlington, Texas, last weekend to join Laura North Martin on a two day Shop Hop. Laura did a great job as the “Bus Mom” and kept everyone “in stitches”. There were eight bus-loads of women with each bus starting at a different shop. Meals were provided right in the shops as it was literally non-stop shopping. As our bus came back into our home shop we had more than 1,000 yards of fabric on board!!. Jan is pleased to report that less than 12 of those yards belonged to her.

Ralph John Pfaff, Hutchinson, 70, died April 19, 2016 . He was the son of John and Sylvania Pfaff, born in Ness County on December 28, 1945. He is survived by a son, Johnny, three daughters, Nichole, Tracy and Melissa, four brothers, Leon, Roy, Water and Bennie, five sisters, Betty, Laura, Eileen, Rebecca, Lucille, seven grandchildren. He was pre-deceased by his parents, sisters, Mary, Nancy and Hazel and a brother, Glenn. Cremation has taken place and a gathering for friends and family will be announced at a later date.

Recent deaths are Karen Casey Shumake and Kathy Osborne. Our sympathy to the families.

Carolyn Thompson and Roxie Thornburg were in Manhattan for the NSDAR State Conference from Thursday to Sunday. On Thursday evening they had supper at the Four-Seasons with Shannon Keith. Roxie and Carolyn enjoyed a trip around the campus and ice cream in Aggieville on Saturday afternoon. Shannon and Carolyn attended mass at Seven Dolors Catholic Church on Sunday. The President General elect, Ann Dillon, of NSDAR was present for the DAR Conference. She is from Colorado. The Continental Congress will be held in June where the installation of the new officers will take place.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, July 9, for the Annual Trail Ride. It will begin at 9:00 a.m. at 170 and Chetolah Gold Roads in Ellis County. For those of you who rode last year, you will park in the same area. We plan to extend the ride into the open range so it will be a little longer ride. Lunch with be provided with a barbecue. For information please call Lynn Kochenower at 620-786-9764.

Mason Weber of Ness City is among more than 100 first year students inducted into the Phi Eta Sigma honor society at Emporia State University in April. The Phi Eta Sigma is the national Scholastic honor society for students with an average of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale. It is the greatest scholastic distinction a first-year student can attain. Mason is the daughter of Mike and Kelly Weber, Ness City, and the granddaughter of Bob and Shirley Web, Colby; Judy Helget and Bob and Marlene Funk, Wakeeney.

Judith Werth called us and said her parents, Mildred and “Doc” Meier, Hanston, were in the movie “Paper Moon” as extras, they were in the Café scene where Tatum wanted her $200.00. “Doc” also brought his Model A or T with a rumble seat and their daughter Sonja sat in it with Tatum. You may see scenes from the movie go to

High School golfers were in McCracken and golfed at their golf course Thursday. The schools that participated were Chase, Bird City, LaCrosse, Natoma and Dighton with LaCrosse the winner. Congratulations.

The Boxberger Automotive Bowling team placed 1st in league bowling in Hoisington at the Cardinal Lanes. Members are Danton Reidel, Brady Demel, Zach Higgins, Nick Lomas and Joey Cotton.

Katelyn Engel celebrated her birthday Sunday with a dinner at her home in McCracken with her family.

Rose Rues and Shirley Higgins attended the Sunflower Visual Arts Festival in Lucas, Kansas on Saturday. It was a panel discussion concerning the 1973 movie Paper Moon which was filmed in and around McCracken, plus the opening exhibit of “Kansas in the Movies and Television”. The exhibit will be at the McCracken Public Library, June 1st – July 31st. Also in attendance was Albert and Doris Oller, Holyrood.

There were 9 ladies that attended the ME Church salad supper Sunday evening. Norma McNair, Shirley Higgins, Brenda Legleiter, Velma Legleiter, Addie Mills, Anita Butler, Arlene Gilbert, Allie Ault, Ruth Crawshaw.

Cranberry Salad 1 8oz pkg cream cheese, 2tbsp sugar, 1 lb can whole cranberry sauce, 1 9oz can pineapple, 1&Mac218;2 pint whip cream or cool whip, 1&Mac218;2 cup powdered sugar, 2 tbsp mayo, 1&Mac218;2 c chopped nuts, 1 tsp vanilla. Blend cream cheese, mayo and sugar. Add fruit & nuts. Fold in cool whip to which powdered sugar and vanilla have been added. Pour into loaf pan and freeze.

The cleaning at the swimming pool will be Saturday, May 7, beginning at 9:00 a.m.

Roy and Phyllis Conrad spent a few days this past week in Wichita at the home of Neal and Rhonda Allen. They all attended the Wichita Northwest High School musical program called Burlesque Fallen Stars 2016 which included Choir – Jazz Band and Drama. Their grandchildren Chandler and Ashleigh Allen were two of the 240 students who participated. It also included Concert Choir, Men and Women’s Choir. A very enjoyable week-end.

History Notes 1976

8th grade graduation held May 24; graduates are Laura Unrein, Dale Elias, Kellye Irvin, Loretta Augustine, Mitchell Jacobs, Tamera Higgins, Kathleen Moran, Lisa West, Sonja Bell, Craig Stull and Norma Elmore. The 5th grade class of Elizabeth Conner wrote letters to the editor as a classproject. Mike Stull discussed factories polluting the air and water; Kayla Higgins wrote about too many crime shows on TV; Doug Elias praised the Ness City Band who played at the McCracken Schools; Brenda Barnes asked for enforcement of the dog laws; Rhonda Conrad wrote about Patty Hearst; Sandy Taylor discussed the advantages and disadvantages of attending a small school; Joy Mills asked that dogs not be chained in the city and Kevin Casey wrote about Myron Schuckman. An early morning fire Thursday destroyed the Skillet Tavern and a barbershop and furniture store operated by Jim Schafer. One hundred volunteer fire fighters came from Brownell, Alexander, Bazine and LaCrosse to assist McCracken firemen. The alarm sounded at 4:30 a.m. and it was approximately 2 1&Mac218;2 hours before the intense fire was under control. Charles Jacobs, fire chief, said the fire started somewhere in the tavern. Chuck Higgins and Kathy Lovitt left on a 5 day tour of Washington, D.C. and New York City with other seniors across Kansas sponsored by Kansas Educational Tours. All four entries from MHS at the State Speech festival received a 1 rating. Participants were Lynette Legleiter, Sue Skillet, Kim McCormick, Paulette Healy, Janet Unrein, Robin Schuckman and Chuck Higgins.

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