May 3
Chet and Audrey Irvin visited Grandpa Don and Grandma Dena's on Saturday. They enjoyed reading their autographed copies of the books, My Little Red Toolkit by Stephen Johnson and Not Afraid of Dogs by Suzanna Pitzer. Dena attended the annual Tri-Conference held in Topeka April 11-13. While there, she attended the Kansas Authors Dinner at the Kansas Expo Center. She also served as host at the table where Kansas authors Stephen Johnson and Jerry Engler were the honored guests. There were 28 Kansas authors in attendance at the dinner. Afterwards she was able to get autographed copies of the children's books for her grandchildren and several more for the school libraries. Dena suggests that if your young children haven't read any of Stephen Johnson's books, be sure to take a look at them. He was such a soft spoken and kind person and so interesting to talk to. Jerry Engler is a local author that lives south of Topeka that shared many humorous stories with those around him!
The Sandall family, La Crosse, is sponsoring a destitute Christian family of 11 under Romania. One large box is sent each month. Anyone who wants to donate non-perishable
food/toiletries/shipping funds can contact Stacie @785-279-0034 or
Dalton North celebrated his 1st birthday Thursday at the home of his parents, Ted & Shawna North. Guests were his brother Clay North, Dean and Eloise Thornton, Shannon Erb, Megan Erb, and Patrick Jennings. Sunday evening those attending another party for Dalton were Ted & Shawna North, Clay North, Arlyn & Jan North, Heath, Paula, Brandon, Logan & Carson North; Travis, Ava, Breonna & Abby North, Grandma Eunice North, Shannon Erb, Megan Erb, Erin Jennings, Augusta Gisick, Lester & Betty Seuser.
Dena Irvin visited her sister and husband, Donna and Galen Schmidt at Rossville following the Tri-Conference. They motored to Basehor to see Patrick, Amy, and Collin Schmidt on Saturday. They enjoyed spending the day together and shared an excellent dinner that evening.
Babe & Arlene Gilbert attended the wedding of Ashley McGaughey & Brandon Kitch in Garden City on Saturday. Ashley is the great grand daughter of John McGaughey, who was a brother of Ursula Tot Wilson. Francis & Roberta Wierman, Marilyn Sommers, Bob & Marlene Funk were also in attendance.
The MHS Alumni thanks Pris Jacobs for stamping all the return envelopes for our alumni letters. They will be mailed this week. Be sure and read them over carefully.
We received an e-mail from Betty Moellenberg of Colorado this week wanting Vol I and Hampton History books. Her mother was Arla Rose Durrett. They both came to McCracken about 7 years ago. Betty is a good friend of Kris Bletcher Minor who was the room mate of Kayla Higgins Tacha at Kansas State. Another small world story.
Those attending the rodeo meeting Sunday evening were Jerilyn & Colby Stull, Brook Herrman, Bet & Jeanette McCormick, Roger Legleiter, Bill Greenway & William, Tony Rues, Brett & Holly Gilbert, Gary Barnes, Verlene Wilson, Jim Yori. The drawing for the McCracken Rodeo T-shirt was chosen.
Zach Higgins made the sports news in the Sunday Great Bend Tribune. Trailing 5-4 in the bottom of the 7th inning in game one against Marion, freshman Higgins worked the count full with two outs and two men on base, then sent a little blooper in left field scoring two runs. He said he thought it was going to be caught by the left fielder but prayed it would drop. When he got to first base, Coach Joel Mason was jumping up & down so he knew they had won. Hoisington also won the second game. The Hoisington girls softball team won both their games 8-0 and 7-2. Their record is 13-1.
We have received word of the death or Robert Elmore. An obituary will follow.
Paula Zeller Corte is taking her weeks vacation in McCracken. She is visiting with Francis & Julia Zeller
We saw a nice looking young man in Charlies Service Station this week and didnt recognize him. It was Jason Showalter minus his long hair, beard and stocking cap.
We are updating the memorial plaque at the McCracken City Park. There are 164 names to be listed.
Shirley Higgins was a guest of Jodi Higgins last Saturday evening for the Hutchinson Fox Theatre Linda Ronstadt Diamond Jubilee Gala. Jodi is Treasurer for the Fox Theatre Board of Directors.
The 10 Little Rubber Ducks by Eric Carl has been donated to the McCracken Library from Lorraine Ryan.
Emma Moeder, LaCrosse and her daughter Pat, Great Bend, Audrey McGinness, WaKeeney, Carolyn Thompson, McCracken, Susan and Shannon Keith, Ellsworth attended the 50th anniversary "50 Years of Memories" of Sunflower Girl Scout Council on Sunday afternoon at the Fox Pavilion.
Judy Hugh and Jean Oelkers, members of the Hays Community Choir sang at the Masterworks Concert on Sunday at Beach-Schmidt Performing Arts Center at Fort Hays State University. The performed Symphony of Psalms by Igor Stravinsky and Chichester Psalms by Leonard Bernstein. The latter was in Hebrew.
Friday and Saturday Sr. Martina Stegman and Verlene Wilson were in Wichita. They visited Father Kenny on Friday afternoon at the Priests Retirement Center. Tuesday night Verlene went to Anna Bergquists choir and concert program at WaKeeney. DeAnna Bergquist also attended.
We received an encouraging call on Wednesday from Debbie Anderson, wife of Gary Anderson. Their six month old son, Aidan, is home now. He had a very rough start in life with several surgeries. He is a happy, smiling baby who enjoys seeing dad with the cattle and on the tractor. His upper body strength is great, but his legs are paralyzed. They would love hearing from their friends in the McCracken area. Please send them greetings. Aidan has a big brother, Jeffrey who is a 10th grader and a sister, Stephanie in grade school. Aidan is the grandson of Steve and Sharon Anderson of Brownell. Deb and Garys address is 4108 West Grand, Chickasha, OK 73018-6039 or phone 405-224-0262.
Zach Moran, son of Dr. and Mrs. David Moran, Wichita, received first communion at Blessed Sacrament Church on Sunday.
Lucy Vogle gave her daughter, Tina Barber, a jar of buttons. Tina found a treasure with the buttons. It is a metal token from McCracken, Kansas. It reads F. C. Burch, McCracken, Kan. On the front it says Good for 5 cents in Trade. Mr. Burch built the McCracken Hotel (Eagle Hotel). It opened on July 31, 1909. The token was given to the museum.
Ken and Lou Thompson, Bucklin, and Bryan and Cindy Thompson, Salina, were in LaCrosse on Saturday to visit with Grace Thompson for her birthday. They came to McCracken and picked up furniture to take to their son, Arthur, who is a student at Kansas State University. Ken and Lou brought items for the museum: A Ness County Atlas, a sharp shooter that belonged to E. J. Thompson, a McCracken sign from the old depot and a collection of license tags a McCracken mustang tag, Rush County tags for 66, 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 81 and Wyoming tags from 82 and 83 were donated. While here they visited with Allan and Joyce Thompson and Ben Thompson
Red Fear has surgery on Wednesday, April 25 and Betty Fear had cataract surgery in Hays on Monday, 23rd. Both are doing great. Betty will have the second eye done of May 7.
McCracken History Notes
May 1887
On Saturday evening we heard a gentle rap on the door and found the neatest basket of flowers on our door with a ribbon saying Mrs. W. B. Newton. Mrs. Klines little boy had dropped it by. (This May Day custom continues even until today).
G. H. Clark and Son have sold out their hardware stock to Starrett Bros. L. J. Huling will accept a position with the new firm.
May 1907
Joseph E. Twiselton was born July 10, 1877, in Benton County, Iowa and died at his home in Edgelery, North Dakota, April 10, 1907. He married Julia S. Dunsdon, June 26, 190l. He leaves behind his wife, parents, five brothers and one sister. He was the brother of Samuel Twiselton.
Howard R. Barnard will hold the 18th session of his Entre Nous Summer School at the college building. The tuition for the term of six weeks will be $2 for those 17 years old or over, $1 for those under 17.
May 1937
Edward James Fletcher, son of Squire and Sarah Ann Fletcher died at his farm home near McCracken on April 19, 1937. He was united in marriage to Miss Lucy Gilmore in Dawson, Pa. on September 15, 1907.
Wayne Ball, Pueblo, died in April 1937 and was about 38 years old.
Carbon monoxide fumes overcame E. L. Lish Ryan as he was working on a car in his garage. He was the 4th child of 13 children born to William and Sarah Stephens Ryan.
May 1947
Miss Margaret Shiney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Shiney of McCracken, has been awarded another scholarship by Bryn Mawr this year and has won three previous scholarships offered by the college.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kraisinger are the parents of a son born Tuesday, April 29, at the Baker hospital in LaCrosse.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moses of Topeka are the parents of a son born April 30. Mrs. Moses is the former Betty Ruth Skinner.
May 1957
Graduation was held April 23 at District 2 with Franklin Littler and Harlan Kuhn as graduates.
Army PFC John C. Walker is participating in Exercise Sledge Hammer with the lst Armored Division at a maneuver area near Fort Polk, La.
McCracken High School Grads are Carol Bible, Roy Conrad, Gerald Crotinger, Jodene Dawson, Verna Dixon, Larry Eisenhour, Robert Higgins, Marjean Jones, Patricia Ryan, Edward Schuckman, Eugene Shaw, Charles Smith and Patricia Thompson. McCracken Grade Grads are Marian Barnes, Phyllis Gerritzen, Leroy Herdman, Carolyn Higgins, Lennie Higgins, Lavona Peters, Roy Pfaff, Shirley Pfannenstiel and Shirley Stremel.
May 1967
Viola Mae Conrad, 23, died Tuesday at LaCrosse after a short illness. She leaves her husband Roy and children Randy and Rhonda.
Those attending the Grand Chapter of Eastern Star in Topeka were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Legleiter, Marjorie Irvin, Mr. and Mrs. Fay O. Jennings and Mr. and Mrs. Don Buster.
New teachers for McCracken in the fall will be Barbara Moritz, Mr. and Mrs. Mont Buxton and Gerald Barnes.
May 1977
The outstanding service award for St. Marys Altar Society was presented to Loretta Moran for her many years as parish organist.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean McFarren celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Sunday.
Wade Hinman was received into confirmed membership in the Hope Lutheran Church, Sunday, May 1.
May 1987
We hope many have enjoyed the good-old-fashioned-blue and white daisy crop blooming all over the McCracken Cemetery the last two weeks. Several have mentioned that they are reminded of pickin daisies with family or loved one in early spring years ago!
Icis Eisenhour is District Aide of District No. 47 of the Order of the Eastern Star.
Member of the McCracken Centennial Committee are: President, Harold Herdman; Vice-President, Alvin Janke; Secretaries, Helen Showalter and Verlene Wilson; Treasurer, Jean Schutte. Main Committee are Mac and Helen Showalter, Claude and Lillian Irvin, Francis and Julia Zeller; Rodeo, Jack Wilson, John Stull, Bob Derr, Harold Herdman; Barbecue, Babe Gilbert, Charles Jacobs, Bet McCormick, Wendell Hinman; Parade, Ivan Janke, John Irvin, Bill Greenway, Babe Gilbert; Centennial book, Carolyn Thompson, Shirley Higgins; Play, Janice Stull, Denise Carpenter and Jan North. Quilt project, Sylvia Mason, Machree Jones, Twila Higgins, Lucy Vogle; Afghan, Lillian Irvin, Gun: Bob House; lunches and craft stands, Pat Derr and Carrie House; souveniors, Mary McCormick, Mary Anne Taylor, Priscella Jacobs; Rodeo Lunch Stand, Janet and Willetta Herdman, Jan North, Priscella Jacobs and Mary McCormick.
May 1997
City Commission Notes: The Burn Pit is now open, Ron Crawshaw is the new caretaker.
Janice Norlin, wife of David Norlin, of Concordia passed her Bar and was sworn in at Topeka at Attorney-at-Law on Friday, April 25, 1997.
Rose and Les Diehl and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gaddis were weekend visitors in McCracken. Jerry has an art showing in Hays at the Hays Arts Council.