RCNews May 1
Don’t forget the fried chicken dinner, Sunday, May 4 beginning at noon at the McCracken Community Building.  The dinner is sponsored by the golf club.
Patrick Casey, younger brother of Machree Jones, died this week in Priests Lake, Idaho.
He is survived by two daughters and one son.  Cremation has taken place.
We watched Paper Moon Saturday evening. It makes us both glad and sad.
Lonnie, Tammy and Cameron motored to Garden City on Friday where Cameron enrolled in Garden City Community College.  He will be a room mate of Jacob Deutsch, a team mate in football in 2006. 
Jerry and Tanner Higgins were Saturday overnight guests of Chuck and Zach Higgins.  Tanner played baseball in Great Bend Saturday and Sunday.  Jody and Jenna joined them at the games on Sunday.
 Wendell & Gladys Hinman met Wade & Zaccary Hinman in Manhattan for lunch to celebrate Wade’s birthday on the 18th. After lunch they met Coty Hinman on the KSU Campus for an open house in the Engineering Department.  They also watched a small parade hosted by the Engineering Members.  Coty is in Civil Engineering.
Carol Wichert Grumbein, 62, died April 25, 2008, at Via Christi in Wichita.  She married Kenneth Grumbein on December 3, 1994 in Hutchinson.  He survives.  Cremation has taken place.
We have received word of the death of Robert Fear, Burleson, Texas, son of Bob and Margaret Fear.  An obituary will follow next week.
Bill and Sharon Lovitt attended funeral services for Lucille Cromwell in Wakeeney on Saturday.
The MHS class of 1958 met in Hays Friday evening, April 19 for dinner.  Sunday they met in McCracken at the United Methodist Church for a catered luncheon.  Those attending were Louise Gerritzen Zordel, Ransom; Patty Graf Dreher; Akron, Colorado; Peggy Harper Wyckoff, Shawnee, Kansas; James Hanson, Bucklin; Furlen Irvin, Gainesville, Texas; Norman (Abie) Pfannenstiel, Hutchinson; Joyce Showalter Eisenhour, Salina; Arlene Wilson Gilbert, McCracken; Marlene Wilson Funk, Wakeeney; Gary Walker, Raton, New Mexico; Gary Sam Oller, Holyrood, and Carla Rodeman, Denver, Colorado.  Also attending was former music teacher Betty Kessler and 5th & 6th grade teacher, Lorraine Ryan.  Patty received the award for ‘teacher’s pet’; Peggy for the most grandchildren (12) and having the most technology ‘smarts’; James for being in the ‘best shape’; Marlene for being married the longest (49 years) and Gary for traveling the furthest.  Furlen won a beautiful Mustang statue donated by Abie.  Those unable to attend were Alberta Anderson Kriesel, Donna Knight Hanson, Geraldine McCaskey Brown and Bill Wierman.  Karen Walker Clark and Perry J. Irvin are deceased.
A. J. Sramek received his First Holy Communion Sunday, April 27 at St. Bernard’s Catholic Church in Wamego.  He is the son of Amy and Raymond Sramek, grandson of Paul and Judy Moran.
Lee Goetz and Cameron Horesky were two of fifteen boys and girls that played against the Kansas Jayhawk seniors at Barton County Community College Sunday, April 27.  The Kansas team is on a barnstorming tour.  The team will be in Hutchinson on Sunday, May 4.  Kayla Tacha, Nicole and Lindsey and Kaylen Rossi, Norton was Saturday overnight guests of Tammy & Lonnie Irvin and attended the game.  Nicole got all the senior’s autographs, had her picture taken with Russell Robinson, shook hands with Sasha Kahn & Darnell Jackson.  Made her day!!  Others attending the game were Chuck Higgins and Zach, Kyra Horesky, Adam Demel, Nicole Moran, Justin Martin, Samatha Burns, Shirley Higgins, Kellye and Sandy Irvin and Scott, Albert and Doris Oller.  The Great Bend Tribune had this little clip in their Tuesday paper.  “The highlight of the second half came when Hoisington’s Cameron Horesky finished an extremely athletic up-and-under-lay-up that brought applause from Russell Robinson”.
Overland Despatch is the new quarterly publication of the Smoky Hill Trail Association.  The purpose of the Association is to preserve, protect, promote and interpret the Smoky Hill Trail for the benefit of present and future generations.  Memberships are available – dues for individuals are $25.00; $30.00 for families; $40, for nonprofit organizations, $50.00 for businesses and $100.00 for patrons.  Life memberships are $500.00.  Send your fee to Smoky Hill Trail Association, P. O. Box 322, WaKeeney, KS 67672.
From the Overland Despatch:  Here are some of the rules for Stagecoach rides:
The best seat is the forward one, next to the driver.  If you have tendencies toward stage sickness when riding backwards, you’ll get over it quicker in this seat and receive less jolts and jostlings.
If the stage teams run away or are pursued by Indians, stay in the coach and take your chances.  Don’t jump out, for you will be either injured or scalped. 
In cold weather abstain from liquor, for you are subject to freezing quicker if under its influence than if you are cold sober, but if you are drinking from a bottle, pass it around.  It is the only polite thing to do.  (More rules next week)
 Jane Stephens, 61, died April 24, 2008 at her home.  She is survived by her husband Mike Stephens.  They were married March 22, 1969.  Survivors also include a son, Jeff and brother Mike Bieber.  Burial was in the LaCrosse City Cemetery.
Addie Mills had a dental appointment at Russell.  Enroute home she stopped in Gorham to visit her daughter-in-law, Marilyn Mills.
Mike and Susan Keith, Shannon Keith, Danny and Gail Dennis, David and Janet Dennis, Judy Vaverk, Betty Seth and Carolyn Thompson attended the Brown Mackie College commencement at Salina on Saturday.  Cameron Dennis, son of Danny Dennis and Betty Seth, graduated.  A reception was held at the Marriott Courtyard for Cameron and for his step-daughter, Mackenzie Haas, who received First Communion at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Salina on Sunday.
McCracken History Notes
May 1908
Work will be commenced shortly on an addition to the UB (United Brethern) parsonage 12 x 24 with about 44 feet of porch to be constructed on the east and south.  James Mathews has the contract.
The 27th session of the Rush County Normal Institute will convene in the High School building in LaCrosse on May 18 and continue to June 25.  The demand for good teachers is greater now than it ever was before.  Last fall a number of Rush county schools did not commence until December as there were no available teachers.
May 1938
Opal Bennett, Geneseo, has been elected to teach third and fourth grades at McCracken.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl King and family of Bushton are moving to McCracken this week.  Carl is going to be employed at the Donecker Garage.
Fred Bullock was pleasantly surprised Sunday when a host of his friends and relatives called in honor of his birthday at the Everett Bullock home.  Those present were Mrs. Priscilla Reed and Miss Evalyn Reed, LaCrosse; Mrs. Agnes Phillips and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pugh, Brownell; Mrs. Julia Bullock, John, Della and Essie Bullock, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Murphy and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Conrad.
May 1948
Mrs. Guy McLaughlin and small daughter, Sharon Ann, returned to her home in Hutchinson after spending the past few weeks here.  Her brother, Orville and her mother, Mrs. Edna Durand, accompanied them home.  Mrs. Durand stayed for a visit.
Property transfers – Hal H. Liggett to George R. Meyer, lots 9 and 10, block 11, McCracken; Alonzo L. Irvin to Bessie Davis E/2 of lot 5 and 6, block 33, McCracken; Chas. M. Krause to Henry O. Curtis S 25 ft. lot 13, block 41, McCracken.
May 1958
Mrs. Dorothy Crotinger Graham was honored at a bridal shower at the UB Church.  About 50 guests were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Sloan and family are moving from Fountain, Colorado to Stafford, Kansas.
May 1968
Steve Padilla, 74, died Tuesday, April 30 at Hadley Hospital.  He was a retired employee of the Missouri Pacific.
Joyce Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Fay Jennings attended the OES Grand Chapter meeting in Topeka.
May 1978
Carla Taylor graduated from the Wesley School of Nursing and is presently employed at Wesley.
Silvinia Pfaff, 63, died Wednesday in Ransom.  She is survived by her husband, John, six sons and seven daughters.
May 1988
Tricia Seltman has been named a US National Collegiate award winner in band (trumpet).  Tricia attended Barton County Community College in Great Bend.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Petz on the birth of a baby girl, Chelsea Dawn born April 6, 1988 in Hays.
May 1998
Kelly Skillett has completed a three month deployment in the South Pacific and Southeast Asia aboard the Flagship USS Blue Ridge.
A prize winning painting by Robert Foster is at the Art Show at the Hays Arts Council.

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