RCnews April 30
Birthdays: April 30, Jessica Hinman, Cindy Rogers; May 1, Steve Sloan; May 2, Bill Baus, Brenda Legleiter; May 3, Lauren Sewell; May 4, Carolyn Davenport, Edgar Schadel, Susan Walker; May 5, Michelle Yohe, Brandi LaFond, Janice McCloy, Kate Rues; May 6, Rianne Showalter. No anniversaries
Anita Butler wrote to give us an update on progress in rebuilding their home in rural McCracken. When they made plans to replace the burned ancestral home, they contacted Marvin Gross, the contractor from Bazine, they told him it had to be done by the Ness County Old Settlers event in June. He assured them it will be done. They are sticking pretty close to the original floor plan. They divided the bathroom and laundry room and added a bathroom upstairs. The kitchen cupboards are going in this week and the painters were there last week painting ceilings, closets and moulding. The bedrooms upstairs will be painted this week. Anita's husband Jeff and she are looking forward to moving out and being a part of the community.
In Friday Hays Daily News was an article about the Hays Area Children's Center, who works to evaluate developmental issues. 10 month old Tallynn Jones received the benefits of the help from the Center by being referred to an ophthalmologist where she was fitted for glasses. She was found to be far-sighted. The glasses made all the difference for her. She is the daughter of Sierra Jones and granddaughter of Rose Jones.
We continue with the Plat of Hampton land in 1901: Section 25, A. L. Nichol, R. E. Nichol, C. Rodeman; 26, C. Rodeman, S. Roller, H. R. Roller (Locust Grove Stock Farm), Frank York; 27, Thos Russell, F. R. Derrick, Robt. Daugherty, H. R. Roller, Bank of McCracken; 28, W. L. Kleversat, I. Brazelton, J. W. Coughenour, K. C. Plotner; 29, W. E. Holdgate, F. P. Starrett; 30, F. P. Starrett, W. L. Gray, M. L. Stevens; 31 E. L. Stevens, A. C. North, C. C. Koonz; 32, W. E. Holdgate, L. L. Darkes, W. F. Grumbein, N. H. Giffin (Roland Stock Farm) 33, J. S. Warden, Magher and Kerr, W. V. Kelley, Thos, Pursell; 34, Bank of McCracken. A. Schaffer, E. Peer; 35, A. C. Flickinger, M. Barber, W. W. Nichol, B. H. Yawger; 36, I. N. Flickinger, Albert McClary, Mary A. Brooke, J. E. Nichol; In 17 South, 1, T. R. Brooke (Hampton Stock Farm), D. S. Atkinson; 2, W. W. Nichol, S. M. Dougherty, J. Metz; 3, P. D. Sadler, J. W. Anderson, W. H. Metz; 4, Peter Metz, John Metz; 5, Issac Metz, L. L. Darkes, J. W. Coughenour, W. F. Grumbein; 6, L. L. Darkes, John Ryan; 7, B. H Hicks (Pioneer Stock Farm), E. C. Moderwell, City of McCracken; ; 8, B. H. Hicks (Pioneer Stock Farm, J. M. Hicks, City of McCracken, E. S. Chenoweth, E. C. Moderwell; 9, E. S. Chenoweth, Mary L. Pryor, Stauffer and Loucks, L. Ryan; 10, A. Derr, J. A. Yawger; 11, L. Shepherd, S. S. Shepherd, Jno Rixon, J. A. Yawger, A. Joseph; 12, J. M. Hastings, T. R. Brooke, J. R. Stauffer, B. W. Frisbie
Ben Thompson enjoyed three days of birthday parties. His friends, Mark Rubin and his wife Terri McPalmer of Arlington, Virginia, flew to Denver, rented a car and drove to Hays to surprise Ben. Both Ben and Terri had birthdays on Thursday, April 23. Al and Judy Hugh of Hays and Debra Luft of Wichita hosted a dinner at the Hugh home in Hays. Other guests were Carolyn Thompson, McCracken, Marcia Swanson, Hays, Bobye Montonye, Castleton. On Friday after a tour of McCracken and Ness County, they shared a Mexican Luncheon made by Eric Scriven at the home of Carolyn Thompson. Deb Gaunt joined them. On Saturday, they all went to Hays for breakfast at IHOP.
We were sorry to hear about the fire at the Janke farm last week. So glad lots of firefighters are willing to volunteer to help out.
A meal will be served for the public at the golf tournament, Saturday, May 16 beginning at noon. Please take advantage of not having to cook and attend. The meals are $7 per person with some of the funds going to the golf course.
The new spring banners on Highway 4 were made by Debi Schuckman and look wonderful....
Arline Rues was in Topeka this past week and attended her granddaughters musical Beauty and the Beast at Cair Parival Latin School. Maddie Rues had a singing part which delighted her grandmother.
The Rues family gathered at Les and Roses home on Sunday April 12th for dinner in honor of Roses birthday! Rose and Les were in McCracken this past weekend for the golf meeting on Sunday.
Debi Schuckman was a guest of Rose and Les on Monday and Tuesday. Debi and Rose attended the Kansas Economic Development Program on Community Development Block Grant Programs all day Tuesday as representatives of McCracken Pride. Housing grants, Water and Sewer grants, Community facilities grants, Economic grants, Urgent need grants, KAN STEP grants and Commercial Rehab grants were covered. The girls still found time for plenty of shopping!!!!! They had a great time!
The golf members had their Annual MCC Meeting on Sunday, April 19th. Attached is the updated 2015 Tournament
Schedule. There are important things to note about the schedule.
The first tournament on May 16th is a SATURDAY tournament. We scheduled the tourney on Saturday to avoid
conflicts with graduations on the Sunday of that weekend.
...We also decided to serve meals again after all tourneys EXCEPT the Rodeo tourney. Thanks again to the MCC
ladies for this gracious (and delicious) offer! Meals will be $7 per person with a portion of the funds coming to the
golf course.
We may add a tournament date to the schedule. We would like to add a 2 day tournament with La Crosse with one
day there and one day at MCC. We will see if it works out. It would be fun for sure!
The work day will be Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 9:00 AM. We will serve lunch. Thanks again ladies! Come
out and help - everyone welcome.
We have ordered sand for the greens. We will sand and dress the greens. We will pick up trash and remove the stray
limbs. We might even do some painting and other various chores. We have 5 young men coming to help us so please
make an effort to come help! Bring rakes, shovels, chain saws etc.
Dues are the same as last year. Family is $100. Single is $50. Out of area is $25. Daily rate is still $5 for all day!
These are cheap dues and they are due now. You can send your dues to me at the address below or to Norma McNair, 307 W. Beech, McCracken, KS 67556. Les Diehl, 43 Randolph Square, Topeka, Kansas 66611.
Any additional $ you can give to aid in the upkeep of the course would be greatly appreciated!
The course looks really good and full of promise if we can get a little rain. Come out and enjoy the fun!
2015 McCracken Country Club
Golf Tournament Schedule
Saturday, May 17th, 8:30 AM (Saturday tournament to avoid graduations on Sunday)
4 Person Scramble, $100/Team
Sunday, June 14th, 8:30 AM, 3 Person Scramble, $75/Team
Saturday, July 11th, 8:00 AM, 4 Person Texas Rodeo Scramble, $100/Team
Sunday, August 2nd, 8:30 AM, 2 Person Scramble/Alternate Shot, $50 Team
Sunday, August 30th, 8:30 AM, 4 Person Scramble, $100 Team
Sunday, September 27th, 8:30 AM, 2 Person Scramble, $50 Team
PRIZES. Questions? Les Diehl 785-230-4433, Bruce Davis 785-394-1048
The McCracken Pride worked Saturday on Main Street sprucing up the grounds by the Library, and cleaning the inside of Frog Hollow. Those who helped were Garrett McCormick, Robert Wierman, Dustin Martin, Nancy & Richard Baker, Mark McCormick, Linda Dale, Debi & Myron Schuckman, Rose Diehl, Ron & Cathy Casey. The committee appreciates the use of the City trucks and Ron Crawshaw who hauled trash to the burn pit.
1922 History
1922 Freshman Class: Paul Wilson, Francis Plotner, Mable Lent, Rosane McKittrick, Fern VanWinkle, Leo Edgington, Claire Haas, Grace Moses, Mary Elias, Mamie Eno, Genevieve Snyder, Clarence VanWinkle. A few weeks after school began, Albert Start and Clyde Temple entered school as Freshmen, but dropped out in a few weeks. Gail Lawson quit school in December on account of his eyesight.
High School Calendar: 9/8 School Begins, half day session; 9/12 Seniors give hike to school, came home full of hot dogs; 9/19 Sophomores entertain faculty at Juvenals; 9/30 football game with LaCrosse, Mc wins 52-0. 10/7 Mc vs. Ness City, we lose, 101 to 0; 10/21 Ellis beats MHS 31-6; football party at Hunts; 10/31 School Halloween party at Farwells; 11/7 MHS beat Hoisington 12 7; 11/8 Very coldBison beats MHS 17-0bad playing on MHS part; Thanksgiving game with RansomMHS wins 39-0. 12/7 Junior party at Sielings; 12/10 Everybody getting vaccinated for smallpoxsore arms galore; 12/23 Sophomores give Xmas program and treeChristmas vacation.
Nina Hunt Mike Stephens mother - Fern VanWinkle Joann Micheli mother - Paul Wilson father of Jack, Marlene, Arlene - Robert Lovitt father of Shirley, Bill Lucille Robertson mother of Joy Hunter.
Arthur Names in collaboration with Joe Sims, has written a thrilling four-act western play called Death Valley. Mamie Eno & Leslie Hunt are playing the leads. Nancy Farwell, Roy Mortimer, Chub McGaughey, Leonard Ryan, Pop Brackney & Arthur Names will complete the cast.
A five inch rain fell Saturday night. Big Timber was bank full!!
The 1922 MHS year book entitled The Royal Purple is available for $1.75.
The two lower rooms in the McCracken School were closed due to scarlet fever.