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April 27, 2006
Lester Cates Doerr died January 4, 2006.  He was born November 7, 1915, to Henry and Polly Doerr.    Lester grew up in Kansas, attended McCracken High School and graduated in 1935.  He also graduated from Kansas University and later served three years in the Air Force.  He worked 30 years for the Federal Government in Benicia and overseas.  He loved sports and playing bridge.  He is survived by his wife Constance, sons, Gary and Lester "Butch" H. Doerr, a sister Zella May (Clarence) Grumbein; brothers, George and Adrian; granddaughter Jo (Ronald) Gonsalves; and five great-grandchildren.  He was preceded in death by his great grandon Eli Gonsalves.  Burial was in Bennett, Nebraska.
We enjoyed the art work of the students participating in the High School Art Exhibition at Fort Hays on Wednesday.  Those who have ties to McCracken included Daniel Williams and Kelsee Rogers, Western Plains; Spencer White, Ness City High School and Marshall Musil, LaCrosse High School.
High school area baseball leaders listed in the Hutchinson News include Brett Higgins of Lyons High School.  He is grandson of Wilfrid & Twila Higgins.  Games played 10, Runs 14, Win-loss 2-0, ERA 1.17 IP 12.  In softball, Kyra Horesky of Hoisington, granddaughter of Vic & Shirley Higgins, in 8 games has 13 runs.
Welcome to our new residents - El and Kadisha who have moved into the former Lyle Davenport home.
The Ness County Historical Society and the Ness County Bank Building are co-sponsoring a program presented by Gary and Margaret Kraisinger, authors of 'The Western, the Greatest Texas Cattle Trail', on Sunday, April 30, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. at the Ness County Bank Building.  Everyone is welcome, refreshments will be served.  The book will be for sale.
If you have information about the following families, John U. Lappin and wife Margaret, William W Lappin and wife Margaret and Matilda Baldwin, please contact Norma Jane Daniels at the Kansas Genealogical Society, Inc., P. O. Box 103, Dodge City, KS 67801-0103.  A lady from Indiana is seeking information of the Lappin family who lived at Alexander.
Gerald Crotinger has donated a knife in its case to the Jail/Museum from the Farmers Union Coop M. & E. Co. LaCrosse -  Hargrave - McCracken.
Grace Thompson enjoyed the article about the lumber yard that was moved from Hartman, Colorado to Alexander in the 1936 news as she and her husband John Walker lived and operated a grocery store in Hartman, although later. The town was large and prosperous prior to losing their schools.  It had the first alfalfa pellet mill in the area.
A Mother/Daughter/Friend Luncheon was held on Saturday at the First United Methodist Church in Hays.  Viola Yost, formerly of Alexander, had as her guest Joy Yost of Bison.
Carolyn Thompson was a guest of Ruth Yawger. Ruth's daughter, Judy Hugh, had as her guest, Jane Newton.  Ruth was the oldest in attendance in the group of 100, so she received a door prize, a bunny.  The theme of the luncheon was "Hop Into Spring" and over 200 bunnies graced the tables.   Mary Bennett, a granddaughter of Ab Dugan, helped with the luncheon.  We enjoyed visiting with Virginia Kraus, she says she and her husband take the Rush County News and enjoys reading the local news.
 Notes from alumni:  Sam and Dorothy Crotinger Graham will be attending the Senior Open Golf Tournament in Hutchinson Rodeo weekend.
Louise Rourke Seltman:  Thanks to everyone for the hours of hard work you put into this job!
Virginia McCaskey Barnes, class of 1936, would love to attend the Rodeo and Alumni reunion but after a trip to Alaska in June!!!!  It will depend as she was 90 in October.
Memorials to the McCracken Alumni have been received in memory of Bill McKinney from Shannon McKinney; Jesse L. Barnes from Ann Barnes; Donald Greenway from Bill & Paula Greenway; Jim Swartz from Shirley & Vic Higgins; Ben McCaskey from Virginia McCaskey Barnes; Jack Wilson from Verlene Wilson; Jack Wilson from Clayton, Kizmin and Gunner Wilson; Gene Petz from Madeline Rein Petz; Norma Schuckman Kirby from LeeRoy Schuckman; Cleo Akers, Katharen Akers Rodeman, Edwin Akers & Glenn Yawger from Ruth Akers Yawger;  Charlie Jacobs from Reba Davenport Baker; Liz Conner and Jack Wilson from Lynnette Harp Doornbos.
A donation has been given to the McCracken Jail/Museum from Edith Moses Blair.
A picture of Loreen McCaskey and her daughter Sharon Eisler was in the Hutchinson News on Tuesday.  They were walking around the activity room Friday during an Easter hat parade at the Elmsdale Community Center.  More than 10 people participated by wearing hats they had made or purchased.
Raymond Georg, Jay, Maureen and Justin Georg and Frances Janke attended church and dined in Garden City with Jason and Amber Georg Schwanke.
A ‘grocery store’ scrap book “Norlins Store, Fred’s and McCracken Grocery” has been donated to the McCracken Library.
Congratulations to Tanner Higgins who placed in the math contest that was held for all area 5th graders in and around Hutchinson on Saturday morning.   He was 1st in problem solving, 2nd in geometry and 3rd in numbers sense.   
Madeline Petz hosted Easter Sunday dinner at her home in Hutchinson.  Guests were Ron and Sabrina Hurt and Sam; Sarena Higgins; Sandy and Daryl Musgrove and Andrew; Karrie, Blake and Emily Peters; Billy Bird; Jim and Terry Everhart and family; Jim and Donna Rein; Phyllis Higgins; Sheryl and Benny McCaskey; Dennis and Earlene Everhart and grandma Everhart.
Justin Casey, son of Jerry and Karen Casey, Plainville, was one of the high school seniors that played in the KU Barn Storming Tour at the Hays High School gym April 15.
The McCracken High School class of 1966 will be holding their 40 year class reunion on July 8th during the time of the McCracken Rodeo.  This class is trying to locate a classmate and wonders if anyone has any ideas of contact information that might be used to invite her to our reunion.  We are looking for Joyce Fluharty.  If you can help, please call Ruth Ann Sloan Sissel at 580-762-1268.  Thanks.
McCracken History Notes
April 1906
Elmer Ramsey is setting out 3,000 honey locust and other shade trees on his farm west of town.
April 1936
Ivy Irvin and Harry Phillips will be in charge of the McCracken baseball club this season.  Part of their schedule is as follows:  Hays, Hoisington, Hays All-Stars, LaCrosse, Bison, Rozel.
April 1946
New members of the McCracken school board are S. H. Scheideman, director; Glen Gordon, clerk; Lloyd Conner, treasurer.  The budget was set at $32,000.  The McCracken district voted funds to provide hot lunches at the school and added two teachers to the high school faculty.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Orval Rogers on the birth of a nine-pound son at a Hays hospital on Easter morning.  The boy has been named James Edward.  Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Littler, McCracken, on the birth of a girl on April 22, 1946.
Mrs. B. H. Yawger entertained her grandsons Bennie and Floyd Thompson at dinner Tuesday honoring Bennie on his 18th birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Higgins moved the first of the week into the property they purchased recently in west McCracken.
April 1956
Kellye Hart and Larry Eisenhour were honored guests at a birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Eisenhour Sunday evening.  Other guests were Joyce and Allen (Sonny) Showalter, Arlene and Marlene Wilson, Pat Ryan, Furlen Irvin and Charlie Smith.
April 1966
Miss Marjorie Stejskal became the bride of William J. Moran on Saturday, April 23, 1966, at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Timken.
An open house was held at the McCracken Library Wednesday afternoon and was attended by 137 grade school pupils and their teachers, also 21 adults.  There were 301 books checked out during the afternoon.  Refreshments were served to the visitors.
Among those from McCracken who attended the Civil Defense Seminar at LaCrosse Thursday evening were Icis Eisenhour, Keith Gumm, LeeRoy Schuckman, Gloyd Vogle, Werner Wendler, Joe Casey and Emma Mae Anderson.
April 1976
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Doerr left for Yuma, Arizona April 4 where they attended the wedding of his niece, Brenda Doerr and Ronnie Stephens April 10, 1976.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Showalter left Wednesday for Elgin, Iowa, to visit their son, J. A. Showalter and family.
April 1986
Dennis W. Wilson has been named USD 395 Superintendent as of July 1.
Michele Moran has received a scholarship to St. Mary of the Plains, Dodge City, entitled the Bishop Franz Scholarship.
April 1996
The ladies held their golf meeting on Friday evening at the Clubhouse.  Those attending were Twila Higgins, Pat Derr, Frances Janke, Dena Irvin and Sandy Irvin.
Carolyn Davenport, Hutchinson, presented a Pampered Chef party at the home of Lorraine Ryan on April 20.
Mary Anne and Fred Taylor attended Grandparents Day at Big Thompson School in Loveland, Colorado. Their grandchildren Kris and Kasi Taylor attend the school.
McCracken Yearbook Notes:
1946 – 1947
1st and 2nd graders:
Students are: Gerald Crotinger, Furlen Irvin, Bobby Higgins, Perry J. Irvin, Larry Eisenhour, Geraldine McCaskey, Karen Walker, Patricia Thompson, Marjean Jones, Carla Rodeman, Reva Rodeman, Patricia Ryan, Carol Fay Bible, Mary Ann Graff, Verna Dixon, Norman Pfannenstiel, Edward Schuckman, Dorothy Thompson, Gary Walker, Leon Pfaff, Alberta Anderson, Larry Holden, Lloyd Megli, Floyd Megli, Patty Graff, Louise Gerritzen, David Dixon, Joyce Showalter, Marlene Wilson, Arlene Wilson and Billy Wierman.  Mrs. Edith Pearson is their teacher.
3rd and 4th graders:
Students are: Gary English, Byron Gilbert, Diana Kay Walker, Gail Conner, Dorothy Crotinger, Jimmy Jones, Lucille Pfaff, Augustine Thompson, Bobby Ohlemeier, Linus Schlitter, Billy Lovitt, Ona Ruth Dixon, Wilma Pfannenstiel, Roy Conrad, Hazel Pfaff, Gail VanWinkle, Gary Moses, Walter Pfaff, Priscella Rixon, Twila Graff, Carol Fay Rein and Karen Scheideman.  Mrs. Harriet Shiney is their teacher.
5th & 6th graders:
Students are:  Shirley Brackney, Juanita Walker, Pete Rixon, Harley Dean Gilbert, Joe Jennings, Royce Fletcher, LeeRoy Schuckman, Dight House, Charlene Brackney, Clara May Grumbein, Yvonne McFarren, Betty Jane Davis, Roberta Anderson, Kay Fear, Darrell Megli and Phyllis Rein.  Miss Margaret Lovitt is the teacher.
7th & 8th graders:
Students are: LeRoy Gilbert, Walter Rogers, Dick Buxton, Jimmy Swartz, Rjonnie English, Floyd Thompson, John Rixon, Betty Wierman, Gladys Thompson, LuAnne Scheideman, Marlene Pfannenstiel, Stanley Wahl, Vic Higgins, Allan Thompson, Lynette Pearson, Shirley Lovitt, Richard Gordon, Dwaine Juvenal, Alberta Moses, Barbara Davis, Alverna Unrein, Bobby Cheney, Bobby Fear, Pat Keener, Charles Jacobs, Ray Ohlemeier, Jack Paul Wilson and Harold Dean Juvenal.  Alvin A. Maddy is the teacher.
7th graders:
Students are:  Carolyn Higgins, Marian Barnes, Shirley Stremel, Roy Pfaff, Phyllis Gerritzen, LeRoy Herdman, Lavona Peters, Shirley Pfannenstiel and Terry Wierman.
8th graders:
Students are: Elaine Eisenhour, Bobby Peters, Vicky Zeller, Harold Herdman, David Dixon, Leon Pfaff, Ellen Bible, Aletha Pfannenstiel, Jane Gaschler, Jolene North, Robert Rein and Carol Huxol.
Students are: Bobby Higgins, Carol Bible, Gerald Crotinger, Verna Dixon, Jodene Dawson, Eddie Schuckman, Faye Smith and Eugene Shaw.
Students are: Charlie Smith, Marjean Jones, Larry Eisenhour, Pat Ryan, Marian Graf, Reva Rodeman, Roy Conrad and Patricia Thompson.
1st graders:
Students are: Jeannie Augustine, Leslie Rogers, Paulette Healy, Bennie Pfaff, Peggy Rixon, Don Phillips, Norene Fletcher, Gerald Rourke, Terri Rogers, Mike Conner, Jane Moran, Donald Gaschler, Diana McFarren, Kathy Lovitt and Kimberly McCormick.
Citizens State Bank; Everett K. Reinhardt, Investment Securities; Carper Drug Store, Jim Carper; Farmers Co-op Business Ass’n.; Norlins A.G. Market; J & J Carrier; Dairy Bar, McCracken.
8th graders:
Students are: Loretta Augustine, Tammy Higgins, Kelly Irvin, Kathleen Moran, Laura Unrein, Lisa West, Dale Elias, Kellye Irvin, Mitchell Jacobs, Craig Stull and Lisa West.
Girls track team: Marsha Healy, Donna Greenway, Kim McCormick, Sue Skillet, Ellen Davis, Cheryl Foreman, Diane McFarren and Sandy Foreman.  Coach is Mark Baus.
Boys track team:  Bruce Davis, Mark Baus, J.D. Bell, Fred Taylor, Shannon McKinney, Larry Hinman and Marty Mills.  Coach is William McKinney.
Baseball team: Mike Conner, Scott Kershner, Mark McCormick, Steve Foreman, Leslie Rogers, Joe Conner, Dan Halbleib, Larry Buster, Danny Halbleib and Robin Schuckman.  Lynette Legleiter and Paulette Healy, bat girls, Rich Billinger, coach.
Farmers Coop – LaCrosse, Hargrave McCracken; McCracken Insurance Agency, Donald L. Buster & Elmore Ryan; Davis Café; Fred’s A.G.; McCracken Furniture Store and Barber Shop, Jim Schafer; Citizens State Bank; Meyer Hardware; Rush County Elevator Company Incorporated; Davenport Repair; McCracken Hotel; Phyllis’s Beauty Shop;

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