RCNews April 26

Arline Rues attended funeral services for Mary Helen Gadderman Cross who died April 22, 2012. The funeral was held Wednesday at the United Methodist Church in Lewis. Arline and Mary Helen were classmates at Fellsburg.  There were 5-6 classmates in the 1st grade.
Tanner Higgins was selected as a member of the National Honor Society. The Society is based on academic achievement and you must be a member of grades 9 – 12 in High School. Tanner is a junior at Hutchinson High School.
A baby shower was held for Melissa Davis at Boondocks Café Sunday afternoon. Many lovely gifts were received from family and friends who attended.
Jenna Higgins was one of many high school students who attended the KU relays in Lawrence Thursday and Friday. 
Gladys Thompson Broussard died in Denver, Colorado on April 19, 2012. She had been confined to a hospital and nursing home for nine months after suffering from a stroke. She is the daughter of Robert and Arrena Thompson, who were long time residents of McCracken. She is survived by sisters Emil Dugan of Spiro, Oklahoma; Patricia Robinson of Denver Colorado; Dorothy Jones of Wichita, Kansas, and brother Bob Thompson of Pflugerville, Texas. Funeral services will be held in Denver, Colorado on April 26. She was 78 Years old.
Confirmation was held at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Norton, April 22 for 15 young men and women. Nicole Tacha, daughter of the late John Tacha and Kayla and Dominic Weskamp and Clinton Cole, son of Jim and Monica Cole were among those who were confirmed.
We were saddened to hear of the death of Rena Ryan. She was 90 years old, married to Howard ‘Babe’ Ryan and a former resident of Brownell for many years. A great lady.
McCracken Sports History
Armistice Day - Wednesday, November 11, ’36 McCracken vs. Bison on the McCracken Field.
Officials: Referee------Paul G. Schaefer, St. Benedict’s College           
              Umpire-------Ralph O. Johnston, McPherson College
-----        Headlinesman---K. C. Morain, Hays Teachers College
                          Notice where the officials are from!!
The McCracken football fans expect to see a real football game on the home field Thanksgiving Day. The game will start, promptly at 2:30 p.m. Otis comes here with an undefeated team, but the McCracken team has made up their minds to break that record. Otis predicts that a large crowd will support their team. Both teams have rested this week end for the final battle of the season. Don’t miss the game if you want to see a real battle. The starting line up for McCracken consists of Lester McGaughey, left end; Malcolm Showalter, left guard; Merrill Roughton, left guard; Lyle Swisher, center; Fred Foster, right guard; George Doerr, right guard; Marion Foster, right end; Wesley Irvin, quarterback; Raymond Mills, right halfback; David Hunt, left halfback and Claude Irvin, full back.
Birthdays:  April 26, Larry Higgins, Marge Moran; April 27, Paula Greenway, Allen Morgan, Brett Higgins, Kathleen Moran; April 28, Melissa Schuckman, Katelyn Engel, Erin Casey, Larry Eisenhour; April 29, Ryan Mills; April 30, Danny Petz, Jessica Hinman, Cindy Rogers; May 1,Steve Sloan; May 2, Bill Baus, Brenda Legleiter.
No anniversaries
Tuesday, May 1st.  The McCracken Mustangs Relay for Life Team will be hosting a potato bar with all sorts of goodies to put on top the baked potatoes. There will also be a good old fashioned Cake Walk. It will be held at the McCracken Community Center beginning at 6:30pm. 
Billie North has donated four plates to the Jail/Museum.  They include a "Kansas The Sunflower State" plate on which is shown sunflowers, the State Capitol, Eisenhower Museum, Old Abilene, Dalton Gang Hideout, Wagon and Burro, Buffalo, Fort Larned and a Sod House; The First Methodist Church, McCracken, Kansas, 1893-1967; the Evangelical United Brethern Church, McCracken, Kansas, founded in 1893, brick structure replaced frame building in 1917 and was used until 1963 when they merged with the Methodist Church; McCracken, Kansas Centennial Plate, 1987, which features, the Hotel, the new United Methodist Church, the Bank of McCracken, St. Mary's Catholic Church, 1909 view of McCracken Main Street, the new McCracken Elementary School, built in 1926, the new High School, 1958-1984, the old High School, 1910 and the Old Grade School, 1887.
Our sympathy to the family of Kenneth J. Mills, 85 years, who died Sunday, April 15, 2012.  He was the youngest son of Guy and Lydia Mills and was a 1945 graduate of McCracken High School.  He and his wife, Opal, lived at Auburn, California for many years.  He was preceded in death by his parents, four brothers, one son, one grandson and one great-grandchild.  Survivors include his wife of 65 years, one daughter, Sharon and her husband James Pogue, sons, Gary and Glenn and his wife Betty, one daughter-in-law, Valerie Mills; several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  He was buried in a military cemetery in Vacaville, California.
Kansas questions:
1.  Who was the first Christian martyr in the United States?
2.  Washburn University was named after the Massachusetts' company Ichabod Washburn, the producer of what early    
3.   What machine could cut and tie grain in one operation?
4.  What WW 11 planes were called the "Superfortress?
5.  When was the capitol building completed in Topeka?
1.  Father Juan de Padilla
2.  barbed wire
3.  the binder
4.  B 29s
5.  1903

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