April 26
The flags you see flying at the Park have been given by an anonymous alumni.  I’m sure you have an idea who sent them!!!!
Brad Lovitt was here last weekend and attended the fried chicken dinner in McCracken.  He flew back to his home in Phoenix on Tuesday.
Eunice North, Paul & Joshua North, Travis, Ava, Abby & Breonna North, Chris, Cindy & Julia, Dandia attended the wedding of Jennifer Robben & Justin Gottwald at St. Fidelis Catholic Church in Victoria on Saturday.  After the wedding they all attended the reception and dance at the Fanchon Ball Room in Hays. Joshua was the best man for the wedding.
We welcome Charlotte Ochs, Denver, Colo. to McCracken.  Travis and Alice McNair, Pat & Michelle Sanchez, Curtis McNair and Phil Ochs all of Denver got in on the painting, carpet laying, & the moving of the heavy ‘stuff’  Charlotte is the mother of Diana McNair.
Martin & Mary Ann Higgins have donated to the McCracken Public Library a framed picture of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and a pencil etching of William Harp’s name.  It is beautiful, please stop by the library.
Jeanette Rogers had knee surgery this past Tuesday in Hays and is doing well.  Her daughter, Terri Cox is here to help her mother.
Grace Thompson celebrated her 98th birthday a week early at the home of her daughter, Pat Derr.  Guests attending were Dave, Derek & Carly Derr, Deb Rogers, Jenni & Emily,
Nita Caviness, Gerald & Edna Walker, Larry Clark, Layne & Kerri Morgan, Katelyn & Angela, Michael & Jeridy Morgan. Ronald Johnson & Andy Johnson, Bob House & Lorraine Ryan stopped by for a visit.
If anyone in the alumni has a change of address, please let us know at Box 74, McCracken, Kansas.  There are a number of incorrect e-mail addresses on the alumni web site, please e-mail your correct e-mail to the webmaster.
Lyle Davenport broke his hip on Friday.  He had surgery Saturday in Hutchinson and is doing well.
Addie Mills had a dental appointment in Russell on Thursday.  Enroute home she visited with Marilyn Mills at Gorham, Janie Rogers at Hays Medical Center and Joan Klee at Hays Good Samaritan New Dimensions.
Sheila Brown had knee surgery on Wednesday at Great Bend.  She will be taking therapy for two weeks.
Chris Zimmerman and Jessica Morris were married at Auburn, Nebraska, last Wednesday.
Those attending the Emerson String Quartet on Thursday evening were Lorraine Ryan, Sharon and Kayla Irvin, Carol Weber, Carolyn Thompson, Shirley Higgins, Sr. Martina Stegman, Francis and Julia Zeller.
Susan and Shannon Keith were here for the weekend to celebrate their Uncle Ben Thompson’s birthday.  On Saturday they played pool at the Longhorn Bar and Grill in Ransom, then took a tour of the Hille Ranch on the Smoky River.
McCracken History Notes
April 1887
Wednesday evening a special train arrived over the Missouri Pacific and remained two or three hours.  The train was composed of four coaches, including Gould’s private car.  J. Gould is president of the Missouri Pacific.  The object of the visit was to inspect the road and to see the country through which the road runs.
The subject of incorporating will be up for discussion and action at the meeting of businessmen next Monday.
How about enforcing the stock law in McCracken?  Cows, horses and hogs are allowed perfect liberty.  People planting gardens have to fence rather than enforcing the law.
April 1907
The McCracken public school will close Friday with a picnic in Hick’s grove.
Levi Darkes received $24.01 for his cream check on Saturday.  He is milking 15 cows and says it takes 5 hours each day to care for them.  At this rate, his income ought to be close onto $100.
The Lige Evans and Ben Yawger sale held Tuesday was attended by a very large crowd and everything sold well.
April 1937
Pete Brackney and Elbert Twiselton motored to Wichita yesterday to see the Chicago Cubs and St. Louis browns ball game.  The expected to see Elon Hoggsett pitch, but he was not used in Wichita.
John Kutina, 54 year old Brownell farmer, was murdered Saturday night 10 miles northeast of Brownell by Tony Bieker of Hays, motive being robbery.  Three hours before Kutina’s body was found, Tony Bieker shot himself at the home of his brother-in-law, Mike Younger.
April 1947
A Girl Scout and a Brownie Troop have been organized in McCracken under the sponsorship of the Athenian Club.  The troop committee members for Brownies are Mrs. Paul Wilson, Mrs. Carl Bible, Mrs. Lloyd Conner, Mrs. Mac Showalter, Mrs. Charles Rodeman and Mrs. Richard Ryan, Brownie Mother.   Brownies are Betty Davis, Karen Scheideman, Pat Ryan, Carol Faye Bible, Gail Conner, Twila Mae Graf, Marjean Jones, Yvonne McFarren, Carol Fay Rein, Reva Rodeman, Joyce Showalter, Gayle Van Winkle, Arlene Wilson, Marlene Wilson, Dorothy Crotinger and Diana Walker.  Leaders for the Girls Scouts are Mrs. S. H. Scheideman and Mrs. Robert Lovitt.  Girls include Charlene Brackney, Shirley Brackney, Shirley Lovitt, Alberta Moses, Lynnette Pearson, Priscillia Rixon, Lu Anne Scheideman and Barbara Davis.  Committee members are Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Pearson, Mrs. Roy Van Winkle, Mrs. Dell Klema and Mrs. Claude Stevens.
April 1957
M r. and Mrs. Fancies Zeller took their two year old son, John, to Kansas City Monday night to have a peanut removed from his lungs.
A number of important projects have been scheduled to improve the recreational facilities at Cedar Bluff.  Two miles of road will be sanded along the south shore; six cabins are available and three more are being built; the new state highway from Brownell to a junction with Highway 40 west of Ogallah.  It will link K-4 with 40 using county roads and will run across the dam.
April 1967
Those participating in the grade school invitational track meet at LaCrosse on Friday were Mark Derr, DeWayne Foos, John Brack, James Conrad, Keith Higgins, Charles Halbleib and Frank Foster.
Kathleen Stremel participated in the Community Friendship Tutoring Program in Manhattan.
April 1977
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grate celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary Thursday, April 14, in the Assembly of God Church.
Sally Irvin was initiated into S.P.U.R.S., an honorary sophomore women’s service organization.
April 1987
The rains came and nearly everywhere in the area had over 3 or 4 inches of rain.
Metal signs of “Mr. Rush” with the slogan “It’s All Up From Here Rush County are being placed around the county.  They were designed by Linda Green of LaCrosse.  Mike and Jason Pivonka of Flame Engineering did the cutting and priming.
Members of Health and Home who attended the EHU Spring Tea at LaCrosse on Monday evening were Lucille Crotinger, Inez Manos and Frances Janke.
April 1997
Gardening season has begun – the McCracken City Commission reminds the residents that the leash law goes into effort now.  No dogs are allowed to run loose during the growing season.
Students at McCracken Middle School made May baskets.  Each contained a handmade flower and flower seeds.  Those who received one were grateful.

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