April 23, 2015 News
Birthdays: April 23, Ben Thompson; April 25, James McCormick; April 26, Larry Higgins, Marge Moran; April 27, Paula Greenway, Allen Morgan, Brett Higgins, Kathleen Moran; April 28, Melissa Schuckman, Erin Casey, Larry Eisenhour, Katelyn Engel; April 29, Ryan Mills.
Anniversary: April 24, Marvin and Katie Wills.
There is a Plat Book of Rush County, Kansas published in 1901 by North West Publishing Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota: These are owners of land in Hampton Township. It is located in township 16 South, Range 20 West of the 6th Principal Meridian. Section 1, Annie Showalter, 2, Henry Ree, B. H. Hicks and J. T. McKenzie; 3, T. E. Gapen; 4, J. C. Whitehead, H. J. Hubbard and J. T. Ford; 5, U. P. Land Company, N. C. Fisher; 6, E. O. Dyas. H. G. Watson, W. F. Gaylord; 7, J. Jennings (Lone Willow Stock Farm) ; 8. J. C. Whitehead, J. Jennings; 9, J. R. Bell and D. W. Bushnell; 10, B. R. McCleary, J. W. Coughenour, J. T. McKenzie and J. S. Cameron; 11, L. C. Hunt, S. B. Holler; 12, Wm. Foster, A. Heine and Cornelius Ream; 13, John Beno and D. W. Bushnell; 14, E. J. Luther, Eli McGimsey, I. G. Taylor and B. R. McClary; 15, Harry Haas, Gleason and Hart, E. E. Hart, M. M. Flickinger and E. E. Hart; 16, I. N. Flickinger; 17, W. S. McCasskey, J. Jennings and V. A. Gaylord; 18 Maupin and Polkinghorn, W. S. McCaskey, J. Rasor and A. L. Pugh; 19, A. S. Service and W. F. Gaylord; 20, J. H. North, A & E. Holdgate and Ed Hall; 21, J. A Yawger, L. F. Derrick; 22, Benj. Whitehead, Frank Start, N. W. Ernst, A. Haas; 23 U. P. Land Co and A. Haas; 24, Alfred Hosier, F. K. Groves, Rachel F. States and Robert Nichel. Continued next week.
We enjoyed the prom pictures on the back of the Rush County News. Thanks for putting them in. Such a fun time of the year for attendees.
Roy and Phyllis Conrad spent Easter weekend in Wichita with Neal, Rhonda, Chandler and Ashleigh Allen.
The annual McCracken Golf Club meeting will be Sunday, April 19th at 1:30 pm at the Legion building at the golf course. The agenda for the meeting and the proposed schedule of tournaments will be available at the meeting. We will also have our new John Deere model 3235A lawnmower on display! If you havent paid your 2015 dues yet, bring your checkbook to the meeting! We will also be accepting donations toward the cost of the mower. See you at the meeting!
Everyone is busy with proms, graduations, weddings etc. Cant have news if no one gives you any!!
1975 History
Lynnette Legleiter was chosen as Red Rose Girl of the Month by McCracken M Club for her Mustang spirit.
MHS girls lost to Pawnee Heights by a score of 52-31. Scoring was Kim McCormick, Ellen Davis, Cheryl Foreman, Janet Unrein, Terri Rogers, Marsha Healy and Hope Johnston.
MHS Mustangs placed first in the Lincoln Branch League tournament at Russell by defeating Lucas 65-40.
Girl Scout troop 204 toured the Rush County News on Wednesday; Members are Annette Davis, Sandy Jacobs, Cathy Rues, Brenda Barnes, Kayla Higgins, Connie Wittman and Rhonda Conrad. Leaders are Priscilla Jacobs, Goldie Showalter and Barbara McKinney.
The 8th grade basketball team won the Qua-Valley tournament at Ransom. In the finals they squeaked by Sacred Heart 39-38.
Paulette Healy participated in the State 1-A girls free throw contest at Gross Memorial Coliseum in Hays.
Those participating in the county spelling contest at LaCrosse were Kerry Bromlow,, Sharon Wells, Connie Wittman, Kevin Rourke, Randy Conrad, Raven Schwindt, Craig Stull, Tammy Higgins, Laura Unrein, Andrea Dome, Jerry Casey and Larry Hinman.
Coach Rich Billinger in his first season as baseball coach got his Mustangs off to a good start as they opened the season with a sweep in a double header over Thomas More Prep B Team. The scores were 10-3 and 8-7.Baseball team members are Layne Morgan, Larry Buster, Tom Rues, Les Rogers, Dan Halbleib, Jerry Higgins, Glen Ryan, Chuck Higgins, Steve Foreman, Mike Conner, Gary Schuckman, Scott Kershner and Greg Hinman.
Don Casey placed third in the class 1-A shot put in the State boys indoor track at Ahearn Field House Friday in Manhattan. His throw was 47 1/2 feet.
Speech students qualified for 50 percent of all events at the regional speech tournament held in Garden City. This enables them to attend the State tournament in Hays. The one act play The Little Toy Dog has as cast members Nancy Higgins, Fritz Foster, Roberta Halbleib, Robin Schuckman, James Unrein, Marsha Healy, Dan Halbleib, Susan Skillett, Glenn Ryan, Rosemary Rues, Gary Schuckman, Psaulette Healy, Tim Rues, Lynette Legleiter and Kent Brown.