RCNews April 22
We are all devastated in the loss of our dear friend and neighbor, Laura Casey Linsey. We loved her.
A birthday get-to-gather was held for Jeanette Rogers at Boondocks Friday evening with her family attending. Those present were her husband Walter Rogers, Terri Cox, William and Brenda Keener, Debbie Rogers, Jenni Rogers, Kevin and Valerie Anderson and family, Scott and Emily Rogers.
Norman Rashie Pfeifer, Hays, is interested in the house formerly owned by Merle OLoughlin. Does anyone have pictures to share of it being moved from Hays to McCracken? If so, please contact Carolyn or Shirley. Thanks.
In our History Book it stated that in December 1947 The opening of the new Chevrolet dealership was made today by Merle OLoughlin. April 1948, Merle OLoughlin is preparing to move his residence from Hays to the lots between the UB parsonage and Edith Chenoweths residence.
A birthday dinner was held for Donna & Billie North at Boondocks Thursday noon. Attending were Harley North, Jerry Buxton, Larry and Judy North, Tom and Marabeth Scott and the honored guests Donna and Billie.
Mark your calendars for the 7th annual Utica May Day, Saturday, May 1st. Parade begins at 3:30 and all entries welcome. There will be a bar-b-que in the park at 5:30; Craft show from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Dance and Supper at the Wertz Street Social Emporium 1 p.m. to 12 a.m. featuring The Trip Fire Band; Carnival rides; Car and Tractor Show 9-3; Music provided throughout the day by C&C Energy. You may check them out at www.uticamayday.com or email at: uticamayday@yahoo.com
Some of those attending memorial services Thursday at the LaCrosse Nursing home in memory of Arlene Tilford were her son Robert Tilford, Anya Foos-Graber, Albert Ree Jr., Jan North, Elaine Littler, Shirley Higgins, Lorraine Ryan, Arlene Gilbert and Suzanne Azzarella.
Stop by Charlies Service Station and see the new ceiling that Jim Osborne installed. NICE!
Stephanie Greenway participated in a track meet at Victoria on Thursday representing Ellis Junior High School. Her Aunt Donna Hill attended.
Those attending the Encore Series at Fort Hays State University on Wednesday, April 14, to see The Fab Four, which is a tribute to the Beatles, were John and Melanie Urban, Sarah Urban, Mike and Rita Felder, John and Sharon Irvin, Kelsee Rogers, John and Janice Stull, Arline Rues, Ruthetta Irvin, Deb Gaunt, Eric Scrivin, Carolyn Thompson, Lorraine Ryan, Shirley Higgins and Zelda Brack.
I (Carolyn) sat next to a lady from Overland Park on Friday evening. She is Joann Feehan. Her husbands family settled on South Fork creek in Ness County. A grandfather, Phillip Feehan married Mary Walsh. They are also looking for the cemetery where Phillip Feehan, Sr. and his wife Elizabeth are buried.
We receive the Kansas Explorer newsletter from the Kansas Sampler Foundation each month. Explorers like to go across the state and visit areas for particular reasons. One Explorer Bill (#KE1033) and his wife Susan, Dodge City, like to go across the state in pursuit of a steak in each county. He is urging every Explorer to come to McCracken for an outstanding meal and to support Boondocks, run by Eric and Melissa Davis.
Do you know about another Buffalo Bill He was Buffalo Bill Mathewson: One mile south of the Father Padilla cross, 4 miles west of Lyons you can visit the Mathewson hand-dug well. It is near a temporary military post that once stood on the east side of Cow Creek. He owned a trading post on the opposite side of the creek. He earned his nickname because of the number of buffalo he shot and sent to drought-stricken settlers in eastern Kansas.
McCracken History Notes
April 1910
Miss Mary Wierman and Mr. Henry McGaughey were married April 12, 1910 at St. Marys church. A reception was held in the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGaughey.
April 1920
The Music Festival at Ft. Hays Normal will feature the Messiah. Students from McCracken who will sing in the big chorus are Edith Littler, Jennie and Margaret Lovitt.
A tennis court is being laid out. The high school students will play in the spring and summer.
April 1940
The McCracken High School defeated Bazine in a dramatic finish in the seventh and last inning. There were two outs for McCracken when Cecil Mills made a one-base hit; Oliver Herdman, the next batter, received two balls and one strike while Mills managed to steal second and third bases. Oliver Herdman hit a ball past the first basemen bringing Mills home. Pitching and catching for McCracken were David Hunt and Fred Foster.
Fred Fosters orchestra practiced at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Doerr Tuesday evening.
April 1960
The McCracken Evangelical United Brethren and Methodist Churches are working on a merger that will unite the two congregations. The joint board is H. B. Anderson, Ross Baldwin, Don Buster, Orval Rogers, Jack Wilson and Harley Irvin. The merger will take effect the first of June.
Chet Irvin, Fay Jennings and Carl Bible attended Masonic Grand Lodge at Topeka last week.
April 1980
LaCrosse hosted an invitational track meet on Friday. In field events Kevin Rourke, javelin first place 1422. Craig Stull, first in 100, 200 and 400 dash; Janet Conner, second in high hurdles.