April 20, 2006 News
Congratulations to Bill & Marge Moran on their 40th wedding anniversary. Cards may be sent to P. O. Box 86, McCracken, KS 67556
A little humor in regard to the drouth: A fellow saw a catfish swimming upsteam the other day and the catfish had dust on his back!
The Travel & Tourism has set up a website of places to see in Kansas. Tim Rues put McCracken on the site, so check it out. Go to www.TravelKS.com and in the search box put McCracken. Our thanks to Tim for his help. You can check out his site at LeCompton also.
Gunner Paul Wilson celebrated his first birthday on Sunday April 2, 2006. Those attending were his parents, Clayton & Kizmin Wilson, Kevin & Lyndell Rorabaugh, Skyler & Kristen Rorabaugh, Lydia Schoenberger, Bryan & Treva Bergquist, Anna and Audra and Verlene Wilson. We understand Gunner is learning a new dance.
Francis & Julia Zeller left on Thursday for a 2,600 mile trip to Charlotte, N.C. to attend the International Square Dance Callers Association. The event was held at the Renaissance Center. The group was organized in 1974. Francis is one of five callers who has attended every meeting. Julia is the only partner to attend every meeting. Enroute they stopped in Williamsburg, Ky. to visit Web Davenport. Web is 89. His dad was a brother of Green Davenport, Julia's grandfather. He has operated the Davenport Market and Storage for 35 years. Francis and Julia are now sporting t-shirts and caps from the market. On Friday they stopped by the radio station in Topeka to see Rose Rues Diehl before returning home.
Treva Bergquist and her mother, Verlene Wilson spent last weekend near Randolph attending a gun safety course. They learned to shoot all kinds of guns.
Work has begun to replace the bridge north of McCracken. As a result, a local landmark has been torn down. The old stone post round structure at the Ben Hicks Ranch was 'finished off" on Friday. When the Paul Wilsons lived there, they used it as a milk house where the separator was located.
Lorraine Ryan and Glenn Ryan were in Missouri this past week. Glenn stayed with Don Amos and Lorraine stayed with her aunt Sarah Amos in Adrian Mo. Glenn enjoyed the fishing and Lorraine just enjoyed visiting and being with Sarah. They came back through the Flint Hills and said it is just beautiful.
Francis and Julia said when they drove through Williamsburg, KY last week the yards were full of signs announcing their candidacy for sheriff, jailer and assessor etc. All the names were Lovitt and Moses. (Great choices)!!
Congratulations to Reba Davenport Baker. She is a great-grandmother for the 3rd time!! Her grandson Ricky and Dolly Self, Virginia, are parents of another little girl, Olivia, born April 13, 2006.
Joann Mausolf Cooper, 74, Liberal, died April 12, 2006. She was the mother of Craig Cooper, a former McCracken teacher and resident. Funeral services were held Monday in Liberal.
Kelly and Sandy Irvin and family were Friday overnight guests of Jeff McCormick and family in Hutchinson. On Saturday they attended a Foreman family reunion and the 50th wedding anniversary of Sandys parents, Sanford and Juanita Foreman in Haysville. Also attending were Steve and Nadine Foreman, Kyle and Jessie, Stacy and Terry Spenst, Nathan and Nicolas, Cheryl and Milton Larson, Tanner and Alyssa.
Joann Micheli, Jean Schutte, Priscella Jacobs, Wilfrid and Twila Higgins had dinner at the VFW in Ransom on Easter Sunday.
Dolores Petz had an Easter gathering at her home on Saturday. Those in attendance were Danny and Pat Petz, Kirby and Joy Petz, Chris, Cindy, Chansler and Chelsea Petz, Sherry Petz and Darrell Petz. Danny and Pat Petz joined her mother, Leland and Mary Steitz in LaCrosse Easter Sunday. Others present were Angie Huggard and friend, Trent, DeWayne and Vicky Foos, Jeremy, Lisa and Cody Food and Jendee and Gratton Dalton.
McCracken History Notes
April 1906
The following are those who passed the recent county examination for common school diplomas: Ethel Chaddock, Lloyd Reynolds, Rush Center; J. H. Schlegel, B. F. Brack, Lydia Brack, Otis; Lillian Curtis, Hampton; Clifford Rothweiler, Benj. Schwartzkopf, Bison; Grace Jones, LaCrosse; Winnie Landon, H. Cliff Anderson, Ruby Reed, Ruth Wagner, Blanche Ryan, Evelyn Hicks and Charlotte Herzel, McCracken.
April 1936
Albert Janke & son are moving a lumber yard from Hartman, Colorado, to Alexander, Kansas. This lumber stock is owned by Charles Auston.
The streets were lined with cars all day Monday as the farmers were here to get and cash their allotment checks. $25,000 was paid.
April 1946
Sheridan Edwards, 74, a member of Company A, 21st Kansas in the Spanish-American war almost 50 years ago, died unexpectedly of a heart attack late Saturday afternoon at LaCrosse. He was a member of the Theo Hammer Camp of Spanish-American war veterans.
Sgt. James K. Wierman arrived here Saturday, having received his discharge from the army at Ft. Leavenworth last Friday. He had served fourteen months in the European area.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Higgins brought their baby daughter, Marilyn, home from the Baker hospital at LaCrosse, Friday afternoon, where she had been a patient for the past two weeks, ill with pneumonia.
April 1956
Richard Gordon will leave from Seattle for Army duty in the Far East.
April 1966
An open house was held at the McCracken Library Wednesday afternoon and was attended by 137 grade school pupils and their teachers.
April 1976
Intense Blaze Destroys Three McCracken Firms Early Thursday Morning: The Skillett Tavern and a barber shop and furniture store operated by Jim Schafer were destroyed. Fire departments from Brownell, Bazine, Alexander, LaCrosse and LaCrosse Rural helped McCracken fight the fire. The alarm sounded at 4:30 a.m. and it was approximately 2 ? hours before the intense fire was under control. Charles Jacobs, fire chief, said the fire started somewhere in the tavern.
Chuck Higgins and Kathy Lovitt were among the seniors that left via plane last Saturday on a 5 day tour of Washington, D. C. and New York.
April 1986
Born to Marshal (Healy) and Dr. Alvaro Trujillo, a son, Paul Anibal, April 9 in Wichita.
An antique fire truck is owned by Diz Washaliski and Dan Keener.
April 1996
Congratulations to Dight and Leonore House on their new twin granddaughters born April 10 to Jennifer and Randy Johnson.
Chet and Joyce Rogers had Easter dinner at Doolin's Café in McCracken.
McCracken Yearbook Notes
Advertisers for the 1946 1947 year book:
Basil Ryan Oil Company; Bay Gas - Service Station W.E. Conrad - Tank Wagon Basil Ryan
George Meyer Hardware; Paint, Tools, Appliances Phone 16
K.T. Service; Gas, Oil Pop Candy; Ben Jacobs Prop. Phone 89
Norlins McCrackens Big Store; HGF Stores, Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies and Mens Wear, Phone 713
The Bryant Pharmacy; Your Home Town Drug Store, Expert Fountain Service, Prescriptions on file for 24 hour service. Phone 37
For Insurance with Old Line Stock Companies; Ryan and VanWinkle
Doneckers Garage; Machine and General Repair Work. Phone 4904
Pin Up Beauty Shop; Ruby MacArthur and Corrine Janke Phone 100
Humburgs of McCracken; Hardware, Plumbing, Lumber, Appliances, Grain. Johnnie McCormick, Manager, Phone 85
The McCracken Hotel; A Hearty Welcome is Yours. McCracken Hotel and Dining Room. Mr. and Mrs. I.S. Gettleman Phone 41
Ryans Motor Company; Sales (Chevrolet) Service. J.I. Case Dealers Phone 3
Garden Theater; We Show the Finest Motion Pictures. Fresh popcorn every night. M.D. Buxton Prop.
Dell Klema Locker. Curing Our Specialty - Frozen Foods, Grade A Beef, Phone 4013
Vics Place; Fountain Service, Sterling Ice Cream, Sundries. Vic Whitis, Phone 19
The May Anne Shop; Complete Line of Millinery, Polly Doerr, Prop.
Caleb Nowles Barber Shop; Shaves & Haircuts, Phone 60
Rustic Tavern; Beer, Nick Higgins Prop
Standard Oil Company; M.D. Buxton, Agent, Phone 33
Youre Always Welcome at Ma Smiths Café; Good Home Cooked Meals.
Dr. R.M. Cheney, Dentist; Phone McCracken, 55 Ness City, 182.
Anderson Brothers Machine Shop; Dealers - M&M Machines & Standard Oil Products, Phone 43
The Citizens State Bank; Capital & Surplus $100,000, Phone 32
Klema Grocery; Groceries, Fresh Meats, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables, Dell J. Klema, Manager, Phone 40
John Elias Repair Shop; Plymouth DeSota Agency Phone 98
Lubri Gel Products Co.
J.P. Moran; Buy, Trade, Sell Real Estate; Loans & Insurance, Phone 2
Everett Moses Produce; Poultry, Eggs & Cream, Phone 2504
Call 89, August English Tank Wagon Service; K-T Oil Corporation
Farmers Telephone Company
Steinshouers Cleaning Shop; Phone 1
Farmers Cooperative Business Association; Grain, Coal, Commercial Feed, Petroleum Products, Grain Office Phone 4604 Oil Station Phone 4613
McCracken Immplement Company; John Deere Sales & Service, Goodyear Tires, Philco Radios, R.V. Scheideman and S.H. Scheideman Proprietors. Phone 84
Harleys Place for Refreshment Harry Tanck Manager Phone 39
Gerties Café; Meals, Short Orders, Fountain Service, Private Dining Room, Phone 70
Dr. W.A. Spomer Dentist; Phone 80
Western Light & Telephone, Electric & Gas Division, Phone 51
4th & 5th Grade school students.
Mark Reinhardt, Jimmy Rogers, William Zeller, Mary Zeller, Karen DePoy, Claudia Barnes, Betty Pfaff, Ernest Gaschler, Wanda Harp, Terry Herdman, Romelda Pfannenstiel, Reggie Irvin, Peggy Janke, Sheila Wierman, Danny Rein, Jimmie Dixon, Laverda Serpan, Jane Graf, Mary Gaschler, Marilyn Conrad.
The 1956 Year book didnt have any advertising.
7th Graders:
Buddy Barker, Jennifer Gaschler, Vic Parsons, Kirby Petz, Howard Higgins, Johnny Brack, Cheryl Casey, Lynne Hinman, Rodney Taylor, James Conrad, Stephen McFarren, Louise Rourke, Bill North, Kim Elmore, Kenneth Foster, Joy North, Louise Rourke and Karla Wendler.
8th Graders: Beverly Barker, Kent Bible, Darrell Petz, James Rein, Bob Foster, Russell Peters, Pat Moran, Floyd Norlin, Ann North, Donna Rogers, Jerry Schutte, Carolyn Stremel and Kim Wendler.
First Graders:
Debra Gaunt, Kaira Miller, Scott Wittman, Trenton Herdman, Penny Schuckman, Michael Yost, Lance McCormick, Melissa Seltmann, Tracy Zinn, Tricia Seltman and Frances Million.
2nd Graders:
Kris Bromlow, Michele Moran, Kelly Skillett, Chris Casey, Laura North, Susan Thompson, Greta Dome, Dale West, Kevin Rixon, Edward Mangold and Karen Skillett.