April 19
Those attending Easter dinner at the home of Pat Derr were:  Layne, Kerri, Kate & Angela Morgan; Allen, Bailey, Caden Morgan; Dave Derr, Ron Johnson, Grandma Grace, Kevin, Valerie, Lexi, Zoe, Rylin Anderson, Deb Derr,  Jenni, Scott, Michael, Jerridy Morgan.  Emily and Scott were there for supper.
Bob House motored to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma a week ago Thursday and was a guest of his sister, Melissa Bowersock where he spent Friday and Saturday.  On Sunday he left for Memphis, Tennessee where he spent Monday and Tuesday with Bruce and Sue Davis.  He made the comment that he saw Elvis and he really isn’t deceased.
Dennis Peters returned from visiting his daughter, Sherrina and her family; husband Mario and sons; Lorenzo 7 and Christian 5 – in Livorno, Italy.  They took a trip to the small Island of Elba off the west coast of Italy, where once was the residence (prison) for Napoleon.  They had beautiful weather and spent the 3 ? days visiting the various sites, beaches and many restaurants.  They returned to Livorno on Monday, Sherrina’s birthday.  Dennis saw his grandson practice & play soccer, which was a real treat.  Lorenzo is very good for 7 and his coach is very impressed with his abilities at such a young age (Dennis says, ME TOOO)!!!!!!  Christian was more interested in filling the guide cones up with sand!!!!  Dennis returned to Plano on Wednesday.  It was a great time, but he is always glad to be back on U.S. soil. 
Carol Weber spent Easter in Denver with her daughter and family.
Jerry, Jodi, Tanner, Jenna, Chuck, Zach, Lonnie, Tammy, Kyra Cameron, John, Kayla, Lindsey & Nicole spent Easter weekend at the home of Shirley Higgins.
Those attending the rodeo meeting Sunday evening were Mike, Jerilyn and Colby Stull, Roger & Brenda Legleiter, Bill Greenway and Stephanie, Brett and Holly Gilbert, Bet McCormick, Shirley Higgins, Tyrel Elias and Richard Harmon, LaCrosse.  He is the 4-H chairperson for the horse show.  Jerilyn showed many of the rodeo drawings that students in different schools submitted for the rodeo shirts.  The next meeting will be held April 29. 
Mary and Martin Higgins spent the past week end at their "country estate"
in McCracken.  They came "home" to help Aunt Doris Higgins-Schaffer
celebrate her 80th birthday at her home in Hays.  It was also Mary's
birthday on Sunday so she thanks the whole town of McCracken for throwing
her that wonderful fried chicken dinner at the city building.  It was a GREAT meal
and so much fun visiting with the wonderful folks in McCracken.  The
Higgins' will be back for Memorial Day week end.  Martin is going to join
the American Legion fellows at the cemetery activities.  He'll probably be
one of the flag bearers.  Martin has been a member of the Shawnee American
Legion since 1968 when they moved to the Kansas City area. 
Spring has arrived!!  The welcome flag is flying in front of the antique store.  That means the coffee shop is open. 
Gerald & Signe Barnes, Gary Barnes & Coleen Kerns attended First Communion services for Lexi Barnes at St. Nicholas Catholic Church in Kinsley on Sunday.  She is the daughter of Bruce and Carol Barnes.
Monday the 16th a large number of students were killed on the campus and classrooms of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA. Our own Terry Herdman is an instructor at the college.  Thank heavens he was not harmed.
Greg & Sheila Hinman were in McCracken Sunday and enjoyed the fried chicken dinner at the Community Center.
 Ann Barnes and her friend Betty Richardson of ElDorado and Jean Schutte met Neva McCormick Metz and her family, Mary, John and Barbara in Las Vegas where they helped Neva celebrate her 80th birthday.
Brian Legleiter was skating, fell and sprained his left arm.  It will be in a cast for several days.  Thankfully it was not broken.
Sheryl Peters and Maddie Petz were here for the Lenora Schuckman auction on Sunday.  They arrived Saturday afternoon and were guests of their sister, Phyllis Higgins.
Congratulations to Rob McGaughey on his 50th birthday.
We were treated to a late winter/spring storm on Friday the 13th.  The snow came down in big wet flakes, then the rain began and melted it all away.  It is great to see the sun and some warm temperatures.  The tips of the wheat are looking brown.  Time will tell as to whether there is permanent damage.  One friend suggested that if we were to have a good crop, people will just want to move here, then we would have to build more schools, have more taxes!  He suggested that we just not tell anyone about our “paradise”.
Francis and Julia Zeller were in Colorado Springs to attend the meeting of the International Square Dance Callers at the Shearton Convention Center. They saw lots of their friends.  Three boys from Japan and their wives were there along with delegates from Sweden, England and Germany.  Square dancing is still alive around the world.  Five callers attended that have been there every year since it was organized in 1974 including Francis.  Julia was the only partner that has been to every one.  They treat her like a queen.  
Gary and Elaine Turner, Fort Worth, Texas, were here on Thursday to bring items for the museum and library.  The items for the museum include, free tickets for the Tommie and Larry Holden Daredevils Revue; a thermometer key from Norlin’s; a lucky penny from Merle O’Loughlin Chevrolet, McCracken, Kansas; a teacher’s Souvenir booklet of Jolly Waring School in 1911; the Paramount Press Book and Merchandising Manual from the movie Paper Moon; the lobby card for Paper Moon with Tatum O’Neal standing in front of Andersons’ with a view of the west side of Main street in McCracken;  a poster of Historic Kansas in remembrance of the Coronado Cuarto Centennial year (1541 to 1941); a poster of the origin of County names and date of organization.
The items for the library include the Master Index of the Time-Life Books, The Old West; the book - War Under the Pacific (this is an additional book given by the Turners to the library of World War 11); and The 1880 United States Census and National Index on CD’s.
David Moran, Wichita, was a weekend guest at the home of his parents Bill and Marge Moran.
Students who attended the Jolly Waring School District No 48, Waring Twp., Ness County, Kansas in 1911 were Edna, Clifford and Harold Temple; Awan, Wayne, Wendell and Freddie Ball; Ruth, May, Paul, Marion, Inez, Mayme, Harold and Ruby Walker; George, Raymond and Tommie Meehan, Mayme Bayles and Wilbur Bales.  The teacher was Viola Green and the School Board, Mrs. B. A. Ball, Director, Mr. M. L. Bales, Treas. and Mrs. Charley Walker, Clerk. 
Linda and Audra Dale, Littleton, Colo., were here Easter weekend to celebrate with their mother and grandmother, Joann Micheli, as she was received as a full member into the Catholic Church. The services were held during the Holy Saturday mass at St. Michael’s in LaCrosse conducted by Father Rene.  Joann has been attending weekly RCIA classes since October.  She is a member of St. Joseph Church, Liebenthal.
Linda Dale is now working at St. Joseph Hospital in Littleton.
Easter Dinner guests of Arlyn and Jan North were Icis Eisenhour, Dwight and Sherry Eisenhour, Heath and Paula North and boys, Ted and Shawna North & boys. 
Many from the area attended the 39th annual Barbershop Show at Beach-Schmidt at Fort Hays on Saturday, April 14.  It featured the High Plains Chapter along with special guests Chordial Celebration from Nebraska and MaxQ from Dallas.   Robert, 98, and Jessie, 91, Scott, who were celebrating their 73rd wedding anniversary and Alice Barber who was celebrating her 92nd birthday were in attendance.   Bill Scott is the Director of the chorus and Don Barber is a member.
Billie and Keith North have returned home from Drake, Colorado.
McCracken History Notes
April 1887
The first boy born in McCracken is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Clark, born on April 20, 1887.
G. M. N. Parker, the local teacher, had the pleasure of attending a temperance meeting at Hampton last Wednesday night.  Alcohol in all of its forms, tobacco, tea, coffee and even warm water turned up with cream and sugar received a death blow from one of more of the speakers.  Music was by the Hampton band.
April 1907
Mrs. E. L. Stephens died at her home north of McCracken and was buried in the McCracken City Cemetery.  She was born Alice Javens in Jefferson County, Kansas, March 15, 1859, and was married to E. L. Stephens at Elk City, Kansas, October 1880.  Her husband, sons and daughters, Maud, Ray, Ruby, Clark, Ralph and Clay survive her.
Playing at the Opera House on Saturday, Shannons “The Banker’s Child”.  It is a beautiful play founded on the elemental truth “For a Little Child Shall Lead Them”.  It played three months in Boston, sixteen weeks in New York.
Lena Wyman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wyman, married Lyle S. Huling on April 23, 1907.  The wedding march was played by Miss Mary Wyman.
April 1937
McCracken is assured of a fast baseball club…By a unanimous vote Harry Phillips was elected club manager and Hank Ree business manager.  The club is starting off on ‘easy street’ with nearly $100 in the bank.  Jack Harris will use his truck to pull the city grader to put the field in shape.  This will be done as soon as someone can interest Jack Edwards in an all afternoon game of dominos.  In connection with the City ball club, Bill Foster will manage a junior ball club.  The City club includes Wilbur Hawley, Frank McGaughey, Cele Weisner, Wm. Wasinger, Bob Lovitt, Dean Irvin, Claude and Delbert Wardlaw, Bob Weir and Ed Leiker.
Jack Edwards says it is funny he would have to be engaged all afternoon in a domino game so the ball diamond could be fixed – when all these years he has always looked after the ball field himself.
April 1947
The marriage of Miss Frances Healy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Healy and Robert Janke, son of Albert Janke, occurred at 8:00 o’clock Tuesday morning in St. Mary’s church in McCracken with Fr. J. P. O’Flynn officiating.  Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride’s parents.
Tired of muddy streets, the people of the town decided to do something about it; every street is being sanded through work donated by the town’s citizens.  On top of that, a new golf course, is being constructed by the same method. The golf course is being made possible by G. E. Ryan who has purchased fairway clipper and tractor for use on the course and has given the use of land owned by him for location of the course.  It will have nine holes and sand greens.
April 1957
Repair work on the Farmers Telephone lines will be completed by May 1.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGaughey on the birth of a son, Robert Wayne, born April 21, 1957 in Hays.
 April 1967
Mr. and Mrs. Audice Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yawger left for California on vacation.
J and J Carrier will participate in the 3-I Show at Liberal.  Alvin and Ivan Janke and Eugene Blattner will be in charge of the exhibit.
Ruby Ryan will attend the DAR Continental Congress April 15 to April 11 in Washington, D. C.
April 1977
Lorrie Morgan has completed her student teaching at Hutchinson Public Schools.
Wheat streak mosaic and soil born mosaic have been found in central Kansas this year.
April 1987
Brenda Dianne Littler, McCracken and Thomas Gregory Prosser, Great Bend, were united in marriage February 21 at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Great Bend.  (Picture in RCN April 16, 1987)
Dan Bethke, grandson of Jim and Isabel Moran, Hargrave, served as a page in the House of Representatives.
April  1997
Richard and John Showalter have moved into the Terry Showalter home.
Nicole Moran was initiated into the Phi Kappa Phi Honor society on April 7.

©2007, McCracken Alumni Association
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