News April 17
Gladys & Wendell Hinman retuned home from a trip to Spring, Texas where they visited their grand-daughter Jeannie & Casey Grimme, Connor and their new arrival, Claire Elizabeth. Claire was born March 30, 2008. Grandma Sheila Hinman returned home with Wendell and Gladys after a weeks stay with the family..
En route to Texas, Gladys & Wendell Hinman visited Jennifer Wierman, at Stillwater, Okla. where Jennifer is a freshman at OSU.
A 1958 get to gather will be held Saturday, April 19, at the United Methodist Church in McCracken. Everyone is invited to stop by and visit after 7:00 p.m. Saturday evening.
Paul and Nancy Bollermann, Perry, Florida, spent a week visiting her parents, James and Billie Slemp at Locust Grove in LaCrosse. Other visitors were Ray and Marilyn Slemp, Lawton, Oklahoma.
The McCracken Library thanks Verlene Wilson for the many books she donated to the library.
The fried chicken dinner was well attended on Sunday. We thank all of those involved in making this dinner a success.
Cameron Horesky, Hoisington has been chosen to play against the KU Barnstorming Seniors at Barton County Community College on Sunday, April 27 in Great Bend.
Those attending the golf meeting Sunday afternoon: Bet and Jeanette McCormick, Wilfrid and Twila Higgins, Arkie and Diana McNair, Wendell and Gladys Hinman, Pat Derr, Bob Fear, Diz Washaliski and Tony Harp.
There will be a fried chicken dinner held at the Community Center, Sunday May 4, beginning at noon for the golf club.
Lorraine Ryan returned home this week after visiting her daughter, Cathie and Martin Shapiro, Lauren and Jessica in Sacramento. Congrats to Lauren, she qualified for State in gymnastics.
LOOKING BACK: December 29: 1905 The LaCrosse football team was declared the victor in the recent game in LaCrosse before the Justice of the Peace in that place last Saturday, but as yet they have not yet been able to pry stakeholder John Purcell lose from the money.
May 18, 1906 The decision in the football case in the District Court at LaCrosse last week, wherein the club of this City McCracken and that of LaCrosse had up $100 each and went into court to find out who was entitled to the money was decided by LaCrosse getting its money back and McCracken paying the costs. The decision dont look like a square deal and dont make any votes with the boys in this end of the woods.
Memorials have been given the Jail/Museum in memory of Evelyn Higgins. They are from Timothy and Debra Lewis, Allen and Paula Dinkel, Bill and Marcia Berchek, Robert C. Higgins, Clifford and Arlene Gilbert, Richard and Cindy Dame, Carolyn Thompson, E. J. and Mark DeWald, Shirley Higgins, Terri Gray.
Mike and Shannon Keith and Carolyn Thompson attended the funeral of Cliff Walters in Manhattan on Saturday. He is the father of Carolyns sister-in-law, Gail Dennis.
The family of Lorraine Norlin has donated a scrapbook and Athenian program books to the Jail/Museum.
A feature article about Whitney Taylor, Ellis High School, was in the Sunday Hays Daily News regarding her up-coming track events. Whitney is a talented athlete.
McCracken History Notes
April 1908
The Rush Center Breeze is so full of advertising it slops over in the shape of a supplement. Every paper in the county seems to be prospering.
Mr. Keuffer, the opera house manager, has signed a contract for five entertainments with an eastern Lecture Bureau to be given next winter.
April 1938
Miss Beulah North and Mr. Lester Irvin were married this week. A Charivari was held for the couple Monday night.
The McCracken post of the American Legion sent the largest delegation to Dodge City Monday and Tuesday. Those going were George Gerritzen, Henry Curtis, G. E. Ryan, George Schutte, William Foster, W. F. Ramsey, Albert Donecker, William Manyon, J. W. Clark, Dr. R. H. Cheney, Peter Metz, R. C. Mortimer, Jack Klee and Paul Warden.
April 1948
H. G. Curtis has sold his residence property in McCracken to Woodrow Harris of Independence who is the new Missouri Pacific track supervisor for the division. Mr. Harris has a wife and three small sons.
Dr. W. A. Spomer has purchased the John Wilkins residence property in northeast McCracken. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins have rented an apartment in LaCrosse and will make their home there for a time.
John Moran, Albert Norlin and Glen Gordon were in Cimarron Thursday. They attended the opening of the Cimarron Veterans Memorial. The three men are on the memorial committee for McCracken Veterans Memorial.
Miss Della Bullock and Mr. Jake Edwards were married April 17 at the Evangelical United Brethren Church in McCracken. The bride is employed at the City Café and Mr. Edwards with the Western Light and Telephone Co. A wedding dance was given Monday evening in St. Marys parish hall.
April 1958
Miss Lola Oller, Hutchinson, was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Higgins.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baldwin, Otis, on the birth of a son, James Ross, born April 18, 1958.
April 1968
Terry Peters has pledged Phi Sigma Epsilon fraternity at Ft. Hays
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dome, a girl, Greta Marie on April 1 at Ness City. (Happy 40th)
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Willard West, a son, Dale, April 5, at Larned. (Happy 40th)
Duane Engel has been named editor/manager of the Rush County News effective May 1. He has been with the paper for nine years.
April 1978
The students of the 5th and 6th grade at MGS wrote editorials as a class project. Lori Brown wrote about crime; Dixie Bott about the metric system; Jim Hopkins on unwanted pets; John Moran on the agriculture strike and Sean Miller on growing your own vegetables.
Karin Seltman was selected by Kansas State as a recipient of the Deans Award for outstanding achievement in mathematics and science.
April 1988
Douglas Lee Elias will graduate from Fort Hays State with a B. S. degree in Physical Education.
Jennifer Ann House will graduate from Fort Hays State with a B. S. degree in Nursing.
April 1998
Lucille Elias has a broken bone in her foot due to an accident at her home.
Jim Schafer attended Alvin Mendenhalls 87th birthday at Good Samaritan in Hays.
Mary Ann Moran and Lucy Vogle were in Hays on Tuesday for the Senior Companion meeting at Centennial Towers.