April 12
Don’t forget the Walnut Creek Extension District meeting to be held April 19, 7:00 at the McCracken Community Building.  Please call and pre-register by April 18.  The number is 1-800-460-9079.
Those attending the April 1 rodeo meeting at the rodeo grounds were Roger and Brenda Legleiter, Bill Greenway, William Greenway, Jerilyn, Mike and Colby Stull, Verlene Wilson and Jim Yuri.  The next meeting will be April 15 at 7 PM at the rodeo grounds.
John and Melanie Zeller spent this past week end with Lance Legleiter and Rachel Urban in Kansas City.  They met with Lane Pivonka and all attended the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition at Union Station.  While ‘strolling’ John thought he saw someone he recognized, it was Karen Norlin Simmerman. They also attended a B.B. King concert.
Those attending the GBTA meeting in Ellis Monday evening were Lorraine Ryan, Shirley Higgins, Dolores Petz, Phyllis Higgins, Wendell and Gladys Hinman.  Wendell was a winner in the drawings winning ‘phone minutes’.
Chet and Audrey Irvin were weekend visitors of Grandma Dena and Grandpa Don April 7th and 8th.  Easter eggs were dyed, rabbits were chased, and a practice Easter egg hunt was held.  Grandma and grandchildren discovered that in the battle between Easter egg dye and food coloring, Easter egg dye is definitely the winner--2-year old Chet and 4-year old Audrey had to wash all the dishes that weekend to get the food coloring off of their hands!
Mitchell Jacobs, Terri Lasater and Priscilla Jacobs enjoyed Easter with Neal and Amy Jacobs, Jaden and Tessa in Wichita.
Marge Elias spent Easter Sunday afternoon in Ness City with her sister, Lavon Helms.
Sean Peters and Sandra Jacobs spent Easter in LaCrosse with his parents, Terry and Charlotte Peters.
Katelynn Stull’s basketball team, “The Suns” , finished third in the Southern Platte County Athletic Association 7th grade basketball league and took second in the league tournament.  Their overall record was 9-3.  Matthew Stull finished second in the 1600 meters for Oak Park High School on Thursday with a time of 4:48:32 at the William Jewell Invitational Track Meet.  Oak Park finished first in the meet.
Ellen, Addie and Clayton Kershner and Cheryl Werth visited Aunt Joan Klee on Friday at the
Good Samaritan Home in Hays.
Roy Conrad needs a new campaign manager if he expects more than one write-in vote for city commissioner.
Eva Stremel, 76, Hays, died April 4, 2007 in Hays.  She was the mother of Carol Ryan, Brownell.
On Easter Sunday, Lyle Davenport spent the day with Midge Davenport at Mennonite Manor. In the evening he had Easter dinner with Dave and Carolyn Davenport, and Lenora Stremel. Shirley Bundy and Art Behrman were also dinner guests.
Bruce & Ellen Kershner and family were Easter guests of Frank and Dorothy Kershner at 4-Corner Restaurant in LaCrosse. 
Mike, Jerilyn, Taylor and Colby Stull had as their Easter guests John and Janice Stull and Ruby Myers.
Brett & Holly Gilbert and girls hosted Easter dinner for her parents, ‘Shorty’ and Shirley Kroeger.
Guests of Ruthetta Irvin in LaCrosse were Kellye, Sandy, Kayla, Scott and Anna Irvin, Brandon Legleiter, Dennis and Arlene Irvin, Galen and J.J. Irvin, Don and Dena Irvin, Chad, Amber, Audrey and Chet Irvin, Chris and Jana Irvin.
Bruce and Ellen Kershner and family and Bob House, Thess & Richard Frick and Matthew were supper guests of Kurt & Laura Pechanec and kids.
Clayton & Kizmin Wilson hosted a birthday/Easter party on Saturday for Gunner Wilson & Skyler Rorabaugh.  Those attending were Clayton, Kizmin, & Gunner; Bryan, Treva, Anna & Audra Bergquist, Kevin & Lyndell Rorabaugh, Skyler, Kristen, & Jaysa Rorabaugh.
Easter was spent at the home of Dolores Petz on Saturday, April 7. Visitors included Danny and Pat Petz, Sherry Petz and Hal Witthun, Chris, Cindy, Chansler and Chelsea Petz and friend Kurt Wells.
Babe and Arlene Gilbert enjoyed Easter Sunday in Wakeeney at the home of Bob and Marlene Funk and family.

Danny and Patricia Petz helped celebrate Nicholas Petz's 12th birthday at the Rec Center at Hays on Friday, April 6.  Others attending were: Kelly, Melanie, Nathan, Kallynn, and Kameron Petz, Wes and Sandy Oakley, Bud and Betty Fischer, Tim and Kristen
Nunnery and family and many of Nicholas's classmates.
Bryan, Treva, Anna and Audra Bergquist enjoyed Easter dinner on Sunday with Don and DeAnna Bergquist.  Verlene Wilson came later to visit.
Creeks are running close to full capacity, farmers cannot work in their fields, and rainfall amounts in Rush County were more than double the usual amount during March.  This is resulting in full ponds for the first time in several years and water running in formerly dry waterways. In Rush and Ness Counties the water level in water wells has risen anywhere from 2 to 5 feet. 
Easter Sunday was spent at the home of Leland and Mary Steitz in La Crosse. Guests were:  Danny and Patricia Petz of Mc Cracken, Angie Huggard and friend Trent
Timson of McPherson, De Wayne and Vicky Foos of LaCrosse, Bob, Jendee and Gratton Dalton of Bison, Jeremy, Lisa, Cody, and Morgan Foos of Wichita, and
Lee and Ruby Shank of La Crosse.
The Mike Peach Family went to La Crosse to Don and Helen Peach's house on Saturday evening.  Those attending were: Helen Petrik, Manhattan, Amanda Petrik, Lawrence, and Ron Peach, Kansas City, MO.  On Sunday, Mike, Mary Beth, Zach and Brendon traveled to Sterling to see Wayne, Carol, Janel and Keaton Prather.  They metal-detected, ate and completed homework projects.  Mallory Prather and one of her friends, Nicole, was also there to enjoy the celebration.
Congratulations to Rosie Rues Diehl on her 50th birthday.
McCracken History Notes
April 1887
Dr. Dutton and Dr. Hogsett have formed a co-partnership in the practice of medicine.  Charges:  First mile $1.00; 50 cents for each additional mile.
A.  Conner, who left here for Rice county three years ago, returned with his family the first of the week and have moved into Elisha Ryan’s house northwest of town.  He begins work for the McCracken Lumber Company tomorrow.
April 1907
Over 800 tons of coal has been put into the Missouri Pacific storage bins in the last week.
Mrs. Washaliski and Mrs. Lazelle and two children, Reg and May left for the state of Washington Wednesday night to visit a sister.
April 1937
Miss Betty Gaschler and Alex Rein were married Tuesday evening at St. Mary’s Parsonage.  After the ceremony a large wedding dance was given for them at Barnett’s pavilion in Brownell.
Herbert Doerr wrecked his car when a tire blew out and it turned over.  Passengers Jane Glaspy, Mable Ree and Zella Mae Doerr were with him.  They were all bruised, more or less.
April 1947
The marriage of Miss Norma Kathleen Ryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Ryan, of McCracken, to Mr. Robert David Bisagno, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bisagno, of Augusta, took place Thursday afternoon, April third, at six o’clock in the sanctuary of the Washington Boulevard Methodist Church, Kansas City, Kansas.  The bride’s only attendant was her sister, Miss Joan Ryan, who is a student at Stephen’s College, Columbia, Mo.  Mr. John Kongs, of Senaca, a student at Kansas University, served as best man. 
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grate a daughter on April 3 in the Ransom hospital.  She has been named Paulette Sue.
April 1957
Kay Fear is working at the Boeing plant in Wichita.
Carol Faye Bible rated 1st in dramatic reading in the District speech and drama festival.  She will go to Hays and compete in the State contest.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Al Rues on the birth of a daughter, April 12, 1957.  She has been named Rosemary.
April 1967
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grate celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary on April 16 at the McCracken Hotel.
The McCracken High School baseball team defeated Schoenchen 4-1 Thursday.  Mike Peters and Rich Higgins were pitchers.  The team had 10 hits with Richard and Doug Higgins, Doug Whitis and Cecil Tomlinson each with two.  Jim Brack and Kirby Wendler each had one.  On Friday they defeated the Hays B team 5-2.  Lance Morgan pitched with Mike Peters and Jim Brack scoring home runs.
April 1977
Troy and Trina Zinn served as Pages in the Kansas House of Representatives March 16.
Rev. and Mrs. Steve Newman, Lisa and Kimberly, have moved here from Topeka and he will be the new pastor of the Assembly of God Church.
April 1987
Jean Oelkers, Velma Morgan and Lorraine and Avery Norlin sang in the cantata, “Declare His Glory” at Rush Center Hope Lutheran Church on Sunday.
Those attending the High Plains Barbershop shows Saturday afternoon and evening at Hays were Mildred Rein, Frances Janke, Katharen Rodeman, Janeal Ryan, June Bible, Emma Anderson, Rev. Lucille Wehmeyer, Doris Jones and Hattie Conner.
April 1997
Our congratulations to Arlene Gilbert on being Rush County’s first entry into the Kansas Teacher’s Hall of Fame.
Chuck Higgins was the announcer for the Mid-Kansas All-Star Classic for boys and girls at the Hutchinson Sports Arena on Saturday evening.

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