April 11, 2013 News

Birthdays: April 11, Galen Lee Oelkers; April 12, Rose Rues Diehl, Dave Albers, Dominic Weskamp; April 13, Rachel Wills, Mike Legleiter, Tyler Chestnut, Wanda Luft, Tyler Timson; April 14, Trent Timson; April 15, Donna North, Mary Higgins; April 16, Jeanette Rogers, Kelsi Tomlinson, Tom Prosser; April 17, Jan North, Callen Nederland, LeRoy Gilbert, Roberta Wierman, Diana Wheat.

Anniveraries: April 12, Randy and Sheri Mills; April 13, Jared and Stacy Scheetz

Larry and Joyce Eisenhour, Frank and Elaine Littler, Dwight and Sherri Eisenhour, and Arlyn and Jan North enjoyed dinner together at Thirsty's Tuesday evening. They were celebrating Jan's retirement and the fact that they have all now attained that status. Dwight and Sherri just returned from their winter spot in Texas.

Elaine Littler and Jan North took their favorite beaus on a Redneck Valentine trip through NE Kansas. Frank and Arlyn were instructed to pack a bag for 2 nights and 3 days and bring old shoes, a hammer, and nails. Imagine the boys surprise when they spent the first night in Russell, KS! The next morning they motored to Lucas to "enjoy" the public bathrooms and other interesting sights. Old fashioned stick bologna and cheese were purchased at the 90 year old meat market to be enjoyed for lunch in Cawker City after viewing the large ball of twine. Other special tour stops of the day were the pie factory in Washington, the monument to Boston Corbett (be sure to ask the guys about this one), the car museum in Wetmore, and the last stop was to nail their shoes on the Sissel Shoe Tree! Saturday was spent in Lincoln, KS at the Lincoln Look-a-Like Contest. After enjoying buffalo stew for lunch, the foursome went to Lincoln's Inagural Ball where Frank and Arlyn refused to participate in the Virginia Reel. Last stop of the day was at the Lincoln Drug Store Museum.

What a treasure The Lincoln Drug Store Museum is! It has a large collection of medicine bottles from many of the old drug stores in KS. However, McCracken is not represented. If any one in the community has a bottle they are willing to let go of please contact Elaine or Jan. The proprietor had a journal that included all druggists at McCracken except Haskell Bryant. He also had a tin of Baker's Salve. This museum and time with its owner is worth the trip.

In One, a publication of the Ellis County Ministerial Alliance for April 2013, Billie Crawshaw ,was pictured helping a third-grade student create a lava lamp at the Hays Christian Church's Family Fun Night. Billie portrayed one of the scientists who dazzled adults and kids alike with their projects.

Our sympathy to the family of Teresa M. Kowalsky Kaiser, 87, who died April 3, 2013. She was the daughter of Anton “Tony” and Barbara Auburger Kowalsky and was born on May 24, 1925. She married Pete Krier, June 18, 1946. He died August 13, 1955. She married Robert Kaiser November 20, 1957. He died June 28, 2003. Survivors include children, Thomas, Dennis and Pete Krier, Robert and David Kaiser and Sheryl Oberle; her sister, Delores Petz of McCracken.

Brycee Strickland was confirmed at Abilene last weekend. Her grandmother, DeAnna Bergquist, was her sponsor. Dana Mintner was the sponsor for one of Brycee's classmates.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, July 13 for the Trail Ride. The Trail Ride will begin and end at the home of Lynn Kochenower at 2840 County Road 190. From McCracken - two miles north, eight east and l/2 north. There will be a breakfast beginning at 8:00 a.m. The Trail Ride will begin at 9:00 a.m. You may contact Lynn or John Ficken for additional information.

Those attending the beautification meeting Monday night were Austin McGaughey,Debi Schuckman ,Rose Diehl, Twila Higgins, Jean Schutte and Ali Ault.

Martin and Mary Higgins spent the weekend in McCracken. Always glad to see lights in the house on the corner!

Fun Facts

Why do we say Knock on Wood?

North American Indians venerated oak trees. Knocking on wood (trees) was an attempt to waken up the spirits and enlist their aide. The Irish knocked on a tree to thank leprechans for their help. Christians said that Jesus was crucified on the wood of the cross.

What was the first stuff to be “Cut and Dried?”

Herbs. Dried herbs are both more concentrated and more uniform in strength.

The Mustang Relay For Life team will have a sloppy joe/ nacho night on Friday April 19th in the community building starting at 6 pm. Menu will be sloppy joes, nachos or taco salad and desserts. Bingo will follow about 7 p.m.

Congratulations to Chris Ault who won the position of City Commisioner in the election last Tuesday.

Bob and Marlene Funk hosted Easter dinner at their home in Wakeeney with the following guests: Babe and Arlene Gilbert, McCracken; Kevin and Lyndell Rorabaugh, Ellis; Spencer White, Whitney Boersma, Levi White, Cimaron; Renee Royer, Otis; Jeff, Anita and Ursula Butler, Solomon; Shari Funk, Verlene Wilson, Bryan, Treva and Audra Bergquist, Clayton, Kizmin Wilson and family, Adam and Alex Butler, all of Wakeeney; Kelly, Mike and Mason Weber, Ness City. Afternoon guest was Devor Ghumm.

While in Hutchinson this weekend I visited the bookstore, Blue Bird Books, it is located on South Main Street in Hutch, Melanie Green is the owner. Visit their website at www.bluebirdbookstore.com . Pretty cool.
Congratulations to my granddaughter, Kyra Horesky who has accepted a teaching position this fall in the high school at Sterling!!

Hutchinson High School won their double header Friday afternoon against Salina Central 9-5 and 10-5. Tanner Higgins and Trevor Turner were hurt all of last season so they made their presence known for the first two games. Turner had 3 triples, drew two walks and scored while making a couple of good plays in center field; Higgins had a hit, stole two bases and played solid defense at second base.

History notes April 1973

Four and one-half inches of snow accompanied by strong north wind caused considerable drifting leaving country roads virtually impossible.

Ina Elsie Brenner, 73, died Friday at St. Anthony's Hospital.

Adopted by Mr. and Mrs. James Moran, a son, Christopher James, April 7.

Semi-finalists in the Rush County Spelling Contest held April 7 from McCracken: Annette Stafford, Cheryl Foreman, Andrea Dome, Tammy Higgins, Laura Unrein, Patti Swartz.

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wetzel will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary on April 13.

Mr. and Mrs. Basil Temple will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on April 15.

A son, Eric Michael, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Petz March 28.

Roy C. Mortimer died March 25 at Sepulveda, California. Burial was in California.

©2013, McCracken Alumni Association
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